module testing import term pub const empty = term.header(' ', ' ') // NormalReporter implements the interface testing.Reporter. // It is used by default by `v test .` // It was extracted by the original non customiseable output implementation directly in cmd/tools/modules/testing/common.v pub struct NormalReporter { } pub fn (r NormalReporter) session_start(message string, mut ts TestSession) { header(message) } pub fn (r NormalReporter) session_stop(message string, mut ts TestSession) { println(ts.benchmark.total_message(message)) } // the most general form; it may be useful for other reporters // in the normal one, it currently does nothing pub fn (r NormalReporter) report(index int, message LogMessage) { // eprintln('> ${@METHOD} index: $index | message: $message') } pub fn (r NormalReporter) report_stop() { // eprintln('> ${@METHOD}') eprintln('') } //// TODO: reconsider if these should be public: pub fn (r NormalReporter) progress(index int, message string) { eprintln(message) } // in progress mode, the last line will be rewritten many times, and does not end with \n // the \n will be printed just once when some progress has been made. pub fn (r NormalReporter) update_last_line(index int, message string) { print('\r${testing.empty}\r${message}') flush_stdout() } pub fn (r NormalReporter) update_last_line_and_move_to_next(index int, message string) { // the last \n is needed, so SKIP/FAIL messages // will not get overwritten by the OK ones eprint('\r${testing.empty}\r${message}\n') } pub fn (r NormalReporter) message(index int, message string) { eprintln(message) } pub fn (r NormalReporter) divider() { eprintln(term.h_divider('-')) } // pub fn (r NormalReporter) worker_threads_start(files []string, mut ts TestSession) { // eprintln('> ${@METHOD}') } pub fn (r NormalReporter) worker_threads_finish(mut ts TestSession) { // eprintln('> ${@METHOD}') } pub fn (r NormalReporter) list_of_failed_commands(failed_cmds []string) { for i, cmd in failed_cmds { eprintln(term.failed('Failed command ${i + 1}:') + ' ${cmd}') } }