import os // Note: the following uses `test_vcreate` and NOT `vcreate_test` deliberately, // to both avoid confusions with the name of the current test itself, and to // avoid clashes with the postfix `_test.v`, that V uses for its own test files. const test_path = os.join_path(os.vtmp_dir(), 'v', 'test_vcreate') fn init_and_check() ! { os.chdir(test_path)! // if main file already exist we should not tamper it mut main_last_modified_time := i64(0) is_main_file_preexisting := os.exists('src/main.v') if is_main_file_preexisting == true { main_last_modified_time = os.file_last_mod_unix('src/main.v') } os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init') x := os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} run .') assert x.exit_code == 0 assert x.output.trim_space() == 'Hello World!' if is_main_file_preexisting == true { assert main_last_modified_time == os.file_last_mod_unix('src/main.v') } else { assert os.read_file('src/main.v')! == [ 'module main\n', 'fn main() {', " println('Hello World!')", '}', '', ].join_lines() } assert os.read_file('v.mod')! == [ 'Module {', " name: 'test_vcreate'", " description: ''", " version: ''", " license: ''", ' dependencies: []', '}', '', ].join_lines() assert os.read_file('.gitignore')! == [ '# Binaries for programs and plugins', 'main', 'test_vcreate', '*.exe', '*.exe~', '*.so', '*.dylib', '*.dll', '', '# Ignore binary output folders', 'bin/', '', '# Ignore common editor/system specific metadata', '.DS_Store', '.idea/', '.vscode/', '*.iml', '', '# ENV', '.env', '', '# vweb and database', '*.db', '*.js', '', ].join_lines() assert os.read_file('.gitattributes')! == [ '* text=auto eol=lf', '*.bat eol=crlf', '', '**/*.v linguist-language=V', '**/*.vv linguist-language=V', '**/*.vsh linguist-language=V', '**/v.mod linguist-language=V', '', ].join_lines() assert os.read_file('.editorconfig')! == [ '[*]', 'charset = utf-8', 'end_of_line = lf', 'insert_final_newline = true', 'trim_trailing_whitespace = true', '', '[*.v]', 'indent_style = tab', 'indent_size = 4', '', ].join_lines() } fn prepare_test_path() ! { os.rmdir_all(test_path) or {} os.mkdir_all(test_path) or {} os.chdir(test_path)! } fn test_v_init() { prepare_test_path()! init_and_check()! } fn test_v_init_in_git_dir() { prepare_test_path()! os.execute_or_exit('git init .') init_and_check()! } fn test_v_init_no_overwrite_gitignore() { prepare_test_path()! os.write_file('.gitignore', 'blah')! os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init') assert os.read_file('.gitignore')! == 'blah' } fn test_v_init_no_overwrite_gitattributes_and_editorconfig() { git_attributes_content := '*.v linguist-language=V text=auto eol=lf' editor_config_content := '[*] charset = utf-8 end_of_line = lf insert_final_newline = true trim_trailing_whitespace = true [*.v] indent_style = tab indent_size = 4 ' prepare_test_path()! os.write_file('.gitattributes', git_attributes_content)! os.write_file('.editorconfig', editor_config_content)! os.execute_or_exit('${os.quoted_path(@VEXE)} init') assert os.read_file('.gitattributes')! == git_attributes_content assert os.read_file('.editorconfig')! == editor_config_content } fn testsuite_end() { os.rmdir_all(test_path) or {} }