module main // This program verifies that `v test` propagates errors // and that it exits with code 1, when at least 1 FAIL happen. import os import rand const ( vexe = get_vexe_path() vroot = os.dir(vexe) tdir = new_tdir() ) fn get_vexe_path() string { env_vexe := os.getenv('VEXE') if env_vexe != '' { return env_vexe } me := os.executable() eprintln('me: $me') mut vexe_ := os.join_path(os.dir(os.dir(os.dir(me))), 'v') if os.user_os() == 'windows' { vexe_ += '.exe' } return vexe_ } fn new_tdir() string { dir := os.join_path(os.temp_dir(), 'v', rand.ulid()) os.rmdir_all(dir) or {} os.mkdir_all(dir) or { panic(err) } C.atexit(cleanup_tdir) return dir } fn cleanup_tdir() { println('... removing tdir: $tdir') os.rmdir_all(tdir) or { eprintln(err) } } fn create_test(tname string, tcontent string) ?string { tpath := os.join_path(tdir, tname) os.write_file(tpath, tcontent)? eprintln('>>>>>>>> tpath: $tpath | tcontent: $tcontent') return tpath } fn main() { defer { os.chdir(os.wd_at_startup) or {} } println('> vroot: $vroot | vexe: $vexe | tdir: $tdir') ok_fpath := create_test('a_single_ok_test.v', 'fn test_ok(){ assert true }')? check_ok('"$vexe" "$ok_fpath"') check_ok('"$vexe" test "$ok_fpath"') check_ok('"$vexe" test "$tdir"') fail_fpath := create_test('a_single_failing_test.v', 'fn test_fail(){ assert 1 == 2 }')? check_fail('"$vexe" "$fail_fpath"') check_fail('"$vexe" test "$fail_fpath"') check_fail('"$vexe" test "$tdir"') rel_dir := os.join_path(tdir, rand.ulid()) os.mkdir(rel_dir)? os.chdir(rel_dir)? check_ok('"$vexe" test "..${os.path_separator + os.base(ok_fpath)}"') println('> all done') } fn check_ok(cmd string) string { println('> check_ok cmd: $cmd') res := os.execute(cmd) if res.exit_code != 0 { eprintln('> check_ok failed.\n$res.output') exit(1) } return res.output } fn check_fail(cmd string) string { println('> check_fail cmd: $cmd') res := os.execute(cmd) if res.exit_code == 0 { eprintln('> check_fail succeeded, but it should have failed.\n$res.output') exit(1) } return res.output }