module mime pub struct MimeType { source string extensions []string compressible bool charset string } // returns a `MimeType` for the given MIME type pub fn get_complete_mime_type(mt string) MimeType { return db[mt] } // returns the MIME type for the given file extension pub fn get_mime_type(ext string) string { return ext_to_mt_str[ext] } // returns a `content-type` header ready to use for the given MIME type pub fn get_content_type(mt string) string { mt_struct := db[mt] charset := if mt_struct.charset.len > 0 { mt_struct.charset.to_lower() } else { 'utf-8' } return '$mt; charset=$charset' } // returns the default extension for the given MIME type pub fn get_default_ext(mt string) string { return if db[mt].extensions.len > 0 { db[mt].extensions[0] } else { '' } } // returns true if the given MIME type exists pub fn exists(mt string) bool { return mt in db }