// Copyright (c) 2021 Lars Pontoppidan. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module scanner import os import math.mathutil import toml.input import toml.token import toml.util pub const digit_extras = [`_`, `.`, `x`, `o`, `b`, `e`, `E`] // Scanner contains the necessary fields for the state of the scan process. // the task the scanner does is also refered to as "lexing" or "tokenizing". // The Scanner methods are based on much of the work in `vlib/strings/textscanner`. pub struct Scanner { pub: config Config text string // the input TOML text mut: col int // current column number (x coordinate) line_nr int = 1 // current line number (y coordinate) pos int // current flat/index position in the `text` field mode Mode // sub-mode of the scanner } // State is a read-only copy of the scanner's internal state. // See also `Scanner.state()`. pub struct State { pub: col int // current column number (x coordinate) line_nr int = 1 // current line number (y coordinate) pos int // current flat/index position in the `text` field mode Mode // sub-mode of the scanner } enum Mode { normal inside_string } // Config is used to configure a Scanner instance. // Only one of the fields `text` and `file_path` is allowed to be set at time of configuration. pub struct Config { pub: input input.Config tokenize_formating bool // if true, generate tokens for `\n`, ` `, `\t`, `\r` etc. } // new_scanner returns a new *heap* allocated `Scanner` instance. pub fn new_scanner(config Config) ?&Scanner { config.input.validate() ? mut text := config.input.text file_path := config.input.file_path if os.is_file(file_path) { text = os.read_file(file_path) or { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' Could not read "$file_path": "$err.msg"') } } mut s := &Scanner{ config: config text: text } return s } // returns a new *stack* allocated `Scanner` instance. pub fn new_simple(toml_input string) ?Scanner { config := Config{ input: input.auto_config(toml_input) ? } return Scanner{ config: config text: config.input.read_input() ? } } // scan returns the next token from the input. [direct_array_access] pub fn (mut s Scanner) scan() ?token.Token { for { c := s.next() byte_c := byte(c) if c == -1 { s.inc_line_number() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'reached EOF') return s.new_token(.eof, '', 1) } ascii := byte_c.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'current char "$ascii"') is_sign := byte_c in [`+`, `-`] is_signed_number := is_sign && byte(s.at()).is_digit() && !byte(s.peek(-1)).is_digit() // TODO (+/-)nan & (+/-)inf /* mut is_nan := s.peek(1) == `n` && s.peek(2) == `a` && s.peek(3) == `n` mut is_inf := s.peek(1) == `i` && s.peek(2) == `n` && s.peek(3) == `f` if is_nan || is_inf { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified a special number "$key" ($key.len)') return s.new_token(.number, key, key.len) } */ is_digit := byte_c.is_digit() if is_digit || is_signed_number { num := s.extract_number() ? util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified a number "$num" ($num.len)') return s.new_token(.number, num, num.len) } if util.is_key_char(byte_c) { key := s.extract_key() if key.to_lower() in ['true', 'false'] { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified a boolean "$key" ($key.len)') return s.new_token(.boolean, key, key.len) } util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified a bare key "$key" ($key.len)') return s.new_token(.bare, key, key.len) } match rune(c) { ` `, `\t`, `\n`, `\r` { if c == `\n` { s.inc_line_number() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'incremented line nr to $s.line_nr') } // Date-Time in RFC 3339 is allowed to have a space between the date and time in supplement to the 'T' // so we allow space characters to slip through to the parser if the space is between two digits... // util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, '"'+byte(s.peek(-1)).ascii_str()+'" < "$ascii" > "'+byte(s.at()).ascii_str()+'"') if c == ` ` && byte(s.peek(-1)).is_digit() && byte(s.at()).is_digit() { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified, what could be, a space between a RFC 3339 date and time ("$ascii") ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(token.Kind.whitespace, ascii, ascii.len) } if s.config.tokenize_formating { mut kind := token.Kind.whitespace if c == `\t` { kind = token.Kind.tab } else if c == `\n` { kind = token.Kind.nl } util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified one of " ", "\\t" or "\\n" ("$ascii") ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(kind, ascii, ascii.len) } else { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'skipping " ", "\\t" or "\\n" ("$ascii") ($ascii.len)') } continue } `-` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified minus "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.minus, ascii, ascii.len) } `_` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified underscore "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.underscore, ascii, ascii.len) } `+` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified plus "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.plus, ascii, ascii.len) } `=` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified assignment "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.assign, ascii, ascii.len) } `"`, `'` { // ... some string "/' ident_string := s.extract_string() ? util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified quoted string `$ident_string`') return s.new_token(.quoted, ident_string, ident_string.len) } `#` { start := s.pos //+ 1 s.ignore_line() hash := s.text[start..s.pos] util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified comment hash "$hash" ($hash.len)') return s.new_token(.hash, hash, hash.len + 1) } `{` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified left curly bracket "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.lcbr, ascii, ascii.len) } `}` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified right curly bracket "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.rcbr, ascii, ascii.len) } `[` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified left square bracket "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.lsbr, ascii, ascii.len) } `]` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified right square bracket "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.rsbr, ascii, ascii.len) } `:` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified colon "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.colon, ascii, ascii.len) } `,` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified comma "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.comma, ascii, ascii.len) } `.` { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified period "$ascii" ($ascii.len)') return s.new_token(.period, ascii, ascii.len) } else { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' could not scan character `$ascii` / $c at $s.pos ($s.line_nr,$s.col) near ...${s.excerpt(s.pos, 5)}...') } } } util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'unknown character code at $s.pos ($s.line_nr,$s.col) near ...${s.excerpt(s.pos, 5)}...') return s.new_token(.unknown, '', 0) } // free frees all allocated resources. [unsafe] pub fn (mut s Scanner) free() { unsafe { s.text.free() } } // remaining returns how many characters remain in the text input. [inline] pub fn (s &Scanner) remaining() int { return s.text.len - s.pos } // next returns the next character code from the input text. // next returns `-1` if it can't reach the next character. [direct_array_access; inline] pub fn (mut s Scanner) next() int { if s.pos < s.text.len { opos := s.pos s.pos++ s.col++ c := s.text[opos] return c } return -1 } // skip skips one character ahead. [inline] pub fn (mut s Scanner) skip() { if s.pos + 1 < s.text.len { s.pos++ s.col++ } } // skip_n skips ahead `n` characters. // If the skip goes out of bounds from the length of `Scanner.text`, // the scanner position will be sat to the last character possible. [inline] pub fn (mut s Scanner) skip_n(n int) { s.pos += n if s.pos > s.text.len { s.pos = s.text.len } s.col = s.pos } // at returns the *current* character code from the input text. // at returns `-1` if it can't get the current character. // unlike `next()`, `at()` does not change the state of the scanner. [direct_array_access; inline] pub fn (s &Scanner) at() byte { if s.pos < s.text.len { return s.text[s.pos] } return byte(-1) } // peek returns the character code from the input text at position + `n`. // peek returns `-1` if it can't peek `n` characters ahead. [direct_array_access; inline] pub fn (s &Scanner) peek(n int) int { if s.pos + n < s.text.len { // Allow peeking back - needed for spaces between date and time in RFC 3339 format :/ if n - 1 < 0 && s.pos + n - 1 >= 0 { // util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'LOOKING BAAAA-AACK - OOOVER MY SHOOOOULDEEEER "${s.text[s.pos + n-1]}"') return s.text[s.pos + n - 1] } return s.text[s.pos + n] } return -1 } // reset resets the internal state of the scanner. pub fn (mut s Scanner) reset() { s.pos = 0 s.col = 0 s.line_nr = 1 } // new_token returns a new `token.Token`. [inline] fn (mut s Scanner) new_token(kind token.Kind, lit string, len int) token.Token { // line_offset := 1 // println('new_token($lit)') return token.Token{ kind: kind lit: lit col: mathutil.max(1, s.col - len + 1) line_nr: s.line_nr + 1 //+ line_offset pos: s.pos - len + 1 len: len } } // ignore_line forwards the scanner to the end of the current line. [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) ignore_line() { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, ' ignoring until EOL') for c := s.at(); c != -1 && c != `\n`; c = s.at() { s.next() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'skipping "${byte(c).ascii_str()}"') continue } } // inc_line_number increases the internal line number. [inline] fn (mut s Scanner) inc_line_number() { s.col = 0 s.line_nr++ } // extract_key parses and returns a TOML key as a string. [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) extract_key() string { s.pos-- s.col-- start := s.pos for s.pos < s.text.len { c := s.at() if !(util.is_key_char(c) || c.is_digit() || c in [`_`, `-`]) { break } s.pos++ s.col++ } key := s.text[start..s.pos] return key } // extract_string collects and returns a string containing // any bytes recognized as a TOML string. // TOML strings are everything found between two double or single quotation marks (`"`/`'`). [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) extract_string() ?string { // extract_string is called when the scanner has already reached // a byte that is the start of a string so we rewind it to start at the correct s.pos-- s.col-- quote := s.at() start := s.pos mut lit := quote.ascii_str() is_multiline := s.text[s.pos + 1] == quote && s.text[s.pos + 2] == quote // Check for escaped multiline quote if is_multiline { mls := s.extract_multiline_string() ? return mls } for { s.pos++ s.col++ if s.pos >= s.text.len { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' unfinished single-line string literal `$quote.ascii_str()` started at $start ($s.line_nr,$s.col) "${byte(s.at()).ascii_str()}" near ...${s.excerpt(s.pos, 5)}...') } c := s.at() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'c: `$c.ascii_str()` / $c (quote type: $quote/$quote.ascii_str())') // Check for escaped chars if c == byte(92) { esc, skip := s.handle_escapes(quote, is_multiline) lit += esc if skip > 0 { s.pos += skip s.col += skip continue } } if c == quote { s.pos++ s.col++ return lit + quote.ascii_str() } lit += c.ascii_str() // Don't eat multiple lines in single-line mode if lit.contains('\n') { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' unfinished single-line string literal `$quote.ascii_str()` started at $start ($s.line_nr,$s.col) "${byte(s.at()).ascii_str()}" near ...${s.excerpt(s.pos, 5)}...') } } return lit } // extract_multiline_string collects and returns a string containing // any bytes recognized as a TOML string. // TOML strings are everything found between two double or single quotation marks (`"`/`'`). [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) extract_multiline_string() ?string { // extract_multiline_string is called from extract_string so we know the 3 first // characters is the quotes quote := s.at() start := s.pos mut lit := quote.ascii_str() + quote.ascii_str() + quote.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'multi-line `$quote.ascii_str()${s.text[s.pos + 1].ascii_str()}${s.text[s.pos + 2].ascii_str()}` string started at pos $start ($s.line_nr,$s.col) (quote type: $quote.ascii_str() / $quote)') s.pos += 2 s.col += 2 for { s.pos++ s.col++ if s.pos >= s.text.len { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' unfinished multi-line string literal ($quote.ascii_str()$quote.ascii_str()$quote.ascii_str()) started at $start ($s.line_nr,$s.col) "${byte(s.at()).ascii_str()}" near ...${s.excerpt(s.pos, 5)}...') } c := s.at() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'c: `$c.ascii_str()` / $c (quote type: $quote/$quote.ascii_str())') if c == `\n` { s.inc_line_number() lit += c.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'c: `\\n` / $c') continue } // Check for escaped chars if c == byte(92) { esc, skip := s.handle_escapes(quote, true) lit += esc if skip > 0 { s.pos += skip s.col += skip continue } } if c == quote { if s.peek(1) == quote && s.peek(2) == quote { if s.peek(3) == -1 { s.pos += 3 s.col += 3 lit += quote.ascii_str() + quote.ascii_str() + quote.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'returning at $c.ascii_str() `$lit`') return lit } else if s.peek(3) != quote { // lit += c.ascii_str() // lit += quote.ascii_str() s.pos += 3 s.col += 3 lit += quote.ascii_str() + quote.ascii_str() + quote.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'returning at $c.ascii_str() `$lit`') return lit } } } lit += c.ascii_str() } return lit } // handle_escapes returns any escape character sequence. // For escape sequence validation see `Checker.check_quoted_escapes`. fn (mut s Scanner) handle_escapes(quote byte, is_multiline bool) (string, int) { c := s.at() mut lit := c.ascii_str() is_literal_string := quote == `'` if !is_literal_string { if s.peek(1) == `u` && byte(s.peek(2)).is_hex_digit() && byte(s.peek(3)).is_hex_digit() && byte(s.peek(4)).is_hex_digit() && byte(s.peek(5)).is_hex_digit() { lit += s.text[s.pos + 1..s.pos + 6] //.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'gulp escaped unicode `$lit`') return lit, 4 } else if s.peek(1) == quote { if (!is_multiline && s.peek(2) == `\n`) || (is_multiline && s.peek(2) == quote && s.peek(3) == quote && s.peek(4) == `\n`) { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'ignore special case escaped `$lit` at end of string') return '', 0 } lit += quote.ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'gulp escaped `$lit`') return lit, 1 } } if is_literal_string { if s.peek(1) == quote { util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'ignore escape `$lit${byte(s.peek(1)).ascii_str()}` in literal string') return '', 0 } } lit += byte(s.peek(1)).ascii_str() util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'gulp escaped `$lit`') return lit, 1 } // extract_number collects and returns a string containing // any bytes recognized as a TOML number. // TOML numbers can include digits 0-9 and `_`. [direct_array_access; inline] fn (mut s Scanner) extract_number() ?string { // extract_number is called when the scanner has already reached // a byte that is a number or +/- - so we rewind it to start at the correct // position to get the complete number. Even if it's only one digit s.pos-- s.col-- start := s.pos mut c := s.at() is_digit := byte(c).is_digit() if !(is_digit || c in [`+`, `-`]) { return error(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' ${byte(c).ascii_str()} is not a number at ${s.excerpt(s.pos, 10)}') } s.pos++ s.col++ for s.pos < s.text.len { c = s.at() // Handle signed exponent notation. I.e.: 3e2, 3E2, 3e-2, 3E+2, 3e0, 3.1e2, 3.1E2, -1E-1 if c in [`e`, `E`] && s.peek(1) in [`+`, `-`] && byte(s.peek(2)).is_digit() { s.pos += 2 s.col += 2 } c = s.at() if !(byte(c).is_hex_digit() || c in scanner.digit_extras) { break } s.pos++ s.col++ } key := s.text[start..s.pos] util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, 'identified number "$key" in range [$start .. $s.pos]') return key } // excerpt returns a string excerpt of the input text centered // at `pos`. The `margin` argument defines how many chacters // on each side of `pos` is returned pub fn (s Scanner) excerpt(pos int, margin int) string { start := if pos > 0 && pos >= margin { pos - margin } else { 0 } end := if pos + margin < s.text.len { pos + margin } else { s.text.len } return s.text[start..end].replace('\n', r'\n') } // state returns a read-only view of the scanner's internal state. pub fn (s Scanner) state() State { return State{ col: s.col line_nr: s.line_nr pos: s.pos mode: s.mode } }