fn test_pointer() { mut arr := []&int{} a := 1 b := 2 c := 3 arr << &a arr << &b arr << &c assert *arr[0] == 1 arr[1] = &c assert *arr[1] == 3 mut d_arr := [arr] // [][]&int d_arr << arr assert *d_arr[0][1] == 3 println(*d_arr[0][1]) assert *d_arr[1][0] == 1 } fn test_assign() { mut arr := [2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128] arr[0] = 2 arr[1] &= 255 arr[2] |= 255 arr[3] <<= 4 arr[4] >>= 4 arr[5] %= 5 arr[6] ^= 3 assert arr[0] == 2 assert arr[1] == 4 & 255 assert arr[2] == 8 | 255 assert arr[3] == 16 << 4 assert arr[4] == 32 >> 4 assert arr[5] == 64 % 5 assert arr[6] == 128 ^ 3 } fn test_ints() { mut a := [1, 5, 2, 3] assert a.len == 4 assert a[0] == 1 assert a[2] == 2 assert a.last() == 3 a << 4 assert a.len == 5 assert a[4] == 4 assert a.last() == 4 s := a.str() assert s == '[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]' assert a[1] == 5 assert a.last() == 4 } fn test_deleting() { mut a := [1, 5, 2, 3, 4] assert a.len == 5 assert a.str() == '[1, 5, 2, 3, 4]' a.delete(0) assert a.str() == '[5, 2, 3, 4]' assert a.len == 4 a.delete(1) assert a.str() == '[5, 3, 4]' assert a.len == 3 a.delete(a.len - 1) assert a.str() == '[5, 3]' assert a.len == 2 } fn test_short() { a := [1, 2, 3] assert a.len == 3 assert a.cap == 3 assert a[0] == 1 assert a[1] == 2 assert a[2] == 3 } fn test_large() { mut a := [0].repeat(0) for i in 0..10000 { a << i } assert a.len == 10000 assert a[234] == 234 } struct Chunk { val string } struct Kkk { q []Chunk } fn test_empty() { mut chunks := []Chunk{} a := Chunk{} assert chunks.len == 0 chunks << a assert chunks.len == 1 chunks = [] assert chunks.len == 0 chunks << a assert chunks.len == 1 } fn test_push() { mut a := []int{} a << 1 a << 3 assert a[1] == 3 assert a.str() == '[1, 3]' } fn test_insert() { mut a := [1, 2] a.insert(0, 3) assert a[0] == 3 assert a[2] == 2 assert a.len == 3 a.insert(1, 4) assert a[1] == 4 assert a[2] == 1 assert a.len == 4 a.insert(4, 5) assert a[4] == 5 assert a[3] == 2 assert a.len == 5 mut b := []f64{} assert b.len == 0 b.insert(0, f64(1.1)) assert b.len == 1 assert b[0] == f64(1.1) } fn test_insert_many() { mut a := [3, 4] a.insert(0, [1, 2]) assert a == [1,2,3,4] b := [5,6] a.insert(1, b) assert a == [1,5,6,2,3,4] } fn test_prepend() { mut a := []int{} assert a.len == 0 a.prepend(1) assert a.len == 1 assert a[0] == 1 mut b := []f64{} assert b.len == 0 b.prepend(f64(1.1)) assert b.len == 1 assert b[0] == f64(1.1) } fn test_prepend_many() { mut a := [3,4] a.prepend([1,2]) assert a == [1,2,3,4] b := [5,6] a.prepend(b) assert a == [5,6,1,2,3,4] } fn test_strings() { a := ['a', 'b', 'c'] assert a.str() == "['a', 'b', 'c']" } /* fn test_compare_ints() { assert compare_ints(1, 2) == -1 assert compare_ints(2, 1) == 1 assert compare_ints(0, 0) == 0 a := 1 b := 2 assert compare_ints(a, b) == -1 assert compare_ints(b, a) == 1 assert compare_ints(a, a) == 0 } */ fn test_repeat() { { a := [0].repeat(5) assert a.len == 5 assert a[0] == 0 && a[1] == 0 && a[2] == 0 && a[3] == 0 && a[4] == 0 } { a := [1.1].repeat(10) assert a[0] == 1.1 assert a[5] == 1.1 assert a[9] == 1.1 } { a := [i64(-123)].repeat(10) assert a[0] == -123 assert a[5] == -123 assert a[9] == -123 } { a := [u64(123)].repeat(10) assert a[0] == 123 assert a[5] == 123 assert a[9] == 123 } { a := [1.1].repeat(10) assert a[0] == 1.1 assert a[5] == 1.1 assert a[9] == 1.1 } { a := [1, 2].repeat(2) assert a[0] == 1 assert a[1] == 2 assert a[2] == 1 assert a[3] == 2 } { a := ['1', 'abc'].repeat(2) assert a[0] == '1' assert a[1] == 'abc' assert a[2] == '1' assert a[3] == 'abc' } { mut a := ['1', 'abc'].repeat(0) assert a.len == 0 a << 'abc' assert a[0] == 'abc' } } fn test_right() { a := [1, 2, 3, 4] c := a[1..a.len] d := a[1..] assert c[0] == 2 assert c[1] == 3 assert d[0] == 2 assert d[1] == 3 } fn test_left() { a := [1, 2, 3] c := a[0..2] d := a[..2] assert c[0] == 1 assert c[1] == 2 assert d[0] == 1 assert d[1] == 2 } fn test_slice() { a := [1, 2, 3, 4] b := a.slice(2, 4) assert b.len == 2 assert a.slice(1, 2).len == 1 assert a.len == 4 } fn test_push_many() { mut a := [1, 2, 3] b := [4, 5, 6] a << b assert a.len == 6 assert a[0] == 1 assert a[3] == 4 assert a[5] == 6 } fn test_reverse() { a := [1, 2, 3, 4] b := ['test', 'array', 'reverse'] c := a.reverse() println(c) d := b.reverse() for i, _ in c { assert c[i] == a[a.len - i - 1] } for i, _ in d { assert d[i] == b[b.len - i - 1] } e := []int{} f := e.reverse() assert f.len == 0 } const ( c_n = 5 ) struct Foooj { a [5]int // c_n } fn test_fixed() { mut nums := [4]int //x := nums[1..3] //assert x.len == 2 assert nums[0] == 0 assert nums[1] == 0 assert nums[2] == 0 assert nums[3] == 0 nums[1] = 7 assert nums[1] == 7 nums2 := [5]int // c_n assert nums2[c_n - 1] == 0 } fn modify(mut numbers []int) { numbers[0] = 777 } fn test_mut_slice() { /* QTODO mut n := [1, 2, 3] //modify(mut n) modify(mut n[..2]) assert n[0] == 777 modify(mut n[2..]) assert n[2] == 777 println(n) */ } fn double_up(mut a []int) { for i := 0; i < a.len; i++ { a[i] = a[i]*2 } } fn double_up_v2(mut a []int) { for i, _ in a { a[i] = a[i]*2 // or val*2, doesn't matter } } fn test_mut_arg() { mut arr := [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] double_up(mut arr) assert arr.str() == '[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]' arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] double_up_v2(mut arr) assert arr.str() == '[2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20]' } fn test_clone() { nums := [1, 2, 3, 4, 100] nums2 := nums.clone() assert nums2.len == 5 assert nums.str() == '[1, 2, 3, 4, 100]' assert nums2.str() == '[1, 2, 3, 4, 100]' assert nums.slice(1, 3).str() == '[2, 3]' } fn test_mutli_array_clone() { // 2d array_int mut a2_1 := [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] mut a2_2 := a2_1.clone() a2_1[0][1] = 0 a2_2[1][0] = 0 assert a2_1 == [[1, 0, 3], [4, 5, 6]] assert a2_2 == [[1, 2, 3], [0, 5, 6]] // 2d array_string mut b2_1 := [['1', '2', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']] mut b2_2 := b2_1.clone() b2_1[0][1] = '0' b2_2[1][0] = '0' assert b2_1 == [['1', '0', '3'], ['4', '5', '6']] assert b2_2 == [['1', '2', '3'], ['0', '5', '6']] // 3d array_int mut a3_1 := [[[1,1], [2,2], [3,3]], [[4,4], [5,5], [6,6]]] mut a3_2 := a3_1.clone() a3_1[0][0][1] = 0 a3_2[0][1][0] = 0 assert a3_1 == [[[1, 0], [2, 2], [3, 3]], [[4, 4], [5, 5], [6, 6]]] assert a3_2 == [[[1, 1], [0, 2], [3, 3]], [[4, 4], [5, 5], [6, 6]]] // 3d array_string mut b3_1 := [[['1','1'], ['2','2'], ['3','3']], [['4','4'], ['5','5'], ['6','6']]] mut b3_2 := b3_1.clone() b3_1[0][0][1] = '0' b3_2[0][1][0] = '0' assert b3_1 == [[['1','0'], ['2','2'], ['3','3']], [['4','4'], ['5','5'], ['6','6']]] assert b3_2 == [[['1','1'], ['0','2'], ['3','3']], [['4','4'], ['5','5'], ['6','6']]] } fn test_doubling() { mut nums := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] for i in 0..nums.len { nums[i] *= 2 } println(nums.str()) assert nums.str() == '[2, 4, 6, 8, 10]' } struct Test2 { one int two int } struct Test { a string mut: b []Test2 } // TODO: default array/struct str methods fn (ta []Test2) str() string { mut s := '[' for i, t in ta { s += t.str() if i < ta.len-1 { s += ', ' } } s += ']' return s } fn (t Test2) str() string { return '{$t.one $t.two}' } fn (t Test) str() string { return '{$t.a $t.b}' } fn test_struct_print() { mut a := Test{ a: 'Test' b: [] } b := Test2{ one: 1 two: 2 } a.b << b a.b << b assert a.str() == '{Test [{1 2}, {1 2}]}' assert b.str() == '{1 2}' assert a.b.str() == '[{1 2}, {1 2}]' } fn test_single_element() { mut a := [1] a << 2 assert a.len == 2 assert a[0] == 1 assert a[1] == 2 println(a) } fn test_find_index() { // string a := ['v', 'is', 'great'] assert a.index('v') == 0 assert a.index('is') == 1 assert a.index('gre') == -1 // int b := [1, 2, 3, 4] assert b.index(1) == 0 assert b.index(4) == 3 assert b.index(5) == -1 // byte c := [0x22, 0x33, 0x55] assert c.index(0x22) == 0 assert c.index(0x55) == 2 assert c.index(0x99) == -1 // char d := [`a`, `b`, `c`] assert d.index(`b`) == 1 assert d.index(`c`) == 2 assert d.index(`u`) == -1 } fn test_multi() { a := [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]] assert a.len == 2 assert a[0].len == 3 assert a[0][0] == 1 assert a[0][2] == 3 assert a[1][2] == 6 // TODO // b := [ [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], [[1,2]] ] // assert b[0][0][0] == 1 } fn test_in() { a := [1, 2, 3] assert 1 in a assert 2 in a assert 3 in a assert !(4 in a) assert !(0 in a) assert 0 !in a assert 4 !in a b := [1, 4, 0] c := [3, 6, 2, 0] assert 0 in b assert 0 in c } fn sum(prev int, curr int) int { return prev + curr } fn sub(prev int, curr int) int { return prev - curr } /* fn test_reduce() { a := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] b := a.reduce(sum, 0) c := a.reduce(sum, 5) d := a.reduce(sum, -1) assert b == 15 assert c == 20 assert d == 14 e := [1, 2, 3] f := e.reduce(sub, 0) g := e.reduce(sub, -1) assert f == -6 assert g == -7 } */ fn filter_test_helper_1(a int) bool { return a > 3 } fn test_filter() { a := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] b := a.filter(it % 2 == 0) assert b.len == 3 assert b[0] == 2 assert b[1] == 4 assert b[2] == 6 c := ['v', 'is', 'awesome'] d := c.filter(it.len > 1) assert d[0] == 'is' assert d[1] == 'awesome' //////// arr :=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] println(arr.filter(it % 2 == 0 || it % 3 == 0)) assert true assert [1,2,3].len == 3 mut mut_arr := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10] mut_arr = mut_arr.filter(it < 4) assert mut_arr.len == 3 assert a.filter(filter_test_helper_1) == [4,5,6] assert [1,5,10].filter(filter_test_helper_1) == [5,10] // TODO //assert arr.filter(arr % 2).len == 5 } fn test_anon_fn_filter() { filter_num := fn (i int) bool { return i % 2 == 0 } assert [1,2,3,4,5].filter(filter_num) == [2,4] } fn test_anon_fn_arg_filter() { a := [1,2,3,4].filter(fn (i int) bool { return i % 2 == 0 }) assert a == [2,4] } fn map_test_helper_1(i int) int { return i * i } fn map_test_helper_2(i int, b string) int { return i + b.len } fn map_test_helper_3(i int, b []string) int { return i + b.map(it.len)[i % b.len] } fn test_map() { nums := [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] strs := ['v', 'is', 'awesome'] //assert nums.map() == //assert nums.map(it, 'excessive') == // identity assert nums.map(it) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] assert strs.map(it) == ['v', 'is', 'awesome'] assert nums.map(it - it) == [0,0,0,0,0,0] assert nums.map(it - it)[0] == 0 // type switch assert nums.map(it * 10) == [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60] assert nums.map(it * it) == [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36] assert nums.map('$it') == ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'] assert nums.map(it % 2 == 0) == [false, true, false, true, false, true] assert strs.map(it.to_upper()) == ['V', 'IS', 'AWESOME'] assert strs.map(it == 'awesome') == [false, false, true] assert strs.map(it.len in nums) == [true, true, false] assert strs.map(int(7)) == [7, 7, 7] // external func assert nums.map(map_test_helper_1(it)) == [1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36] assert nums.map(map_test_helper_2(it, 'bb')) == [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8] assert nums.map(map_test_helper_3(it, strs)) == [3, 9, 4, 6, 12, 7] // empty array as input assert []int{len:0}.map(it * 2) == [] // nested maps (where it is of same type) assert nums.map( strs.map(int(7)) == [7, 7, 7] ) == [true, true, true, true, true, true] assert nums.map( '$it' + strs.map('a')[0] ) == ['1a', '2a', '3a', '4a', '5a', '6a'] assert nums.map( it + strs.map(int(7))[0] ) == [8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13] assert nums.map( it + strs.map(it.len)[0] ) == [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7] assert strs.map( it.len + strs.map(it.len)[0] ) == [2, 3, 8] // nested (different it types) assert strs.map( it[ nums.map(it - it)[0] ] ) == [`v`, `i`, `a`] assert nums[0..3].map('$it' + strs.map(it)[it-1]) == ['1v','2is','3awesome'] assert nums.map(map_test_helper_1) == [1,4,9,16,25,36] assert [1,5,10].map(map_test_helper_1) == [1,25,100] assert nums == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] assert strs == ['v', 'is', 'awesome'] } fn test_anon_fn_map() { add_num := fn (i int) int { return i + 1 } assert [1,2,3].map(add_num) == [2,3,4] } fn test_mutli_anon_fn_map() { a := [1,2,3].map(fn (i int) int { return i + 1 }) b := [1,2,3].map(fn (i int) int { return i + 2 }) assert a == [2,3,4] assert b == [3,4,5] } fn test_anon_fn_arg_map() { a := [1,2,3].map(fn (i int) int { return i + 1 }) assert a == [2,3,4] } fn test_array_str() { numbers := [1, 2, 3] assert numbers == [1,2,3] numbers2 := [numbers, [4, 5, 6]] // dup str() bug _ = numbers2 assert true assert numbers.str() == '[1, 2, 3]' // QTODO //assert numbers2.str() == '[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]' } fn test_eq() { /* assert [5, 6, 7].eq([6, 7]) == false assert [`a`, `b`].eq([`a`, `b`]) == true */ } fn test_sort() { mut a := ['hi', '1', '5', '3'] a.sort() assert a[0] == '1' assert a[1] == '3' assert a[2] == '5' assert a[3] == 'hi' // mut nums := [67, -3, 108, 42, 7] nums.sort() assert nums[0] == -3 assert nums[1] == 7 assert nums[2] == 42 assert nums[3] == 67 assert nums[4] == 108 // nums.sort(a < b) assert nums[0] == -3 assert nums[1] == 7 assert nums[2] == 42 assert nums[3] == 67 assert nums[4] == 108 } fn test_f32_sort() { mut f := [f32(50.0), 15, 1, 79, 38, 0, 27] f.sort_with_compare(compare_f32) assert f[0] == 0.0 assert f[1] == 1.0 assert f[6] == 79.0 } fn test_f64_sort() { mut f := [50.0, 15, 1, 79, 38, 0, 27] f.sort_with_compare(compare_f64) assert f[0] == 0.0 assert f[1] == 1.0 assert f[6] == 79.0 } fn test_i64_sort() { mut f := [i64(50), 15, 1, 79, 38, 0, 27] f.sort_with_compare(compare_i64) assert f[0] == 0 assert f[1] == 1 assert f[6] == 79 } /* fn test_for_last() { numbers := [1, 2, 3, 4] mut s := '[' for num in numbers { s += '$num' if !last { s += ', ' } } s += ']' assert s == '[1, 2, 3, 4]' } */ struct Foo { mut: bar []int } fn test_in_struct() { mut baz := Foo{ bar: [0, 0, 0] } baz.bar[0] += 2 baz.bar[0]++ assert baz.bar[0] == 3 } fn test_bools() { println('test b') mut a := [true, false] a << true println(a) } fn test_push_many_self() { mut actual_arr := [1, 2, 3, 4] actual_arr << actual_arr expected_arr := [1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2, 3, 4] assert actual_arr.len == expected_arr.len for i in 0..actual_arr.len { assert actual_arr[i] == expected_arr[i] } } fn test_for() { nums := [1,2,3] mut sum := 0 for num in nums { sum += num } assert sum == 6 } fn test_clear() { mut arr := [1,2,3] assert arr.len == 3 arr.clear() assert arr.len == 0 arr << 3 arr << 2 arr << 1 arr << 0 assert arr.len == 4 assert arr[0] == 3 assert arr[1] == 2 assert arr[2] == 1 assert arr[3] == 0 arr.clear() assert arr.len == 0 } fn test_trim() { mut arr := [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9] assert arr.len == 9 arr.trim(9) assert arr.len == 9 assert arr.last() == 9 arr.trim(7) assert arr.len == 7 assert arr.last() == 7 arr.trim(2) assert arr.len == 2 assert arr.last() == 2 } fn test_hex(){ // array hex st := [byte(`V`),`L`,`A`,`N`,`G`] assert st.hex() == "564c414e47" assert st.hex().len == 10 st1 := [byte(0x41)].repeat(100) assert st1.hex() == "41".repeat(100) } fn test_left_shift_precendence() { mut arr := []int{} arr << 1 + 1 arr << 1 - 1 arr << 2 / 1 arr << 2 * 1 assert arr[0] == 2 assert arr[1] == 0 assert arr[2] == 2 assert arr[3] == 2 } fn test_array_with_cap() { a4 := []int{cap:10, len:1 } assert a4.len == 1 assert a4.cap == 10 a5 := []int{len:1, cap:10} assert a5.len == 1 assert a5.cap == 10 } fn test_mutli_array_index() { mut a := [][]int{len:2, init: []int{len:3, init:0}} a[0][0] = 1 assert '$a' == '[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]' mut b := [[0].repeat(3)].repeat(2) b[0][0] = 1 assert '$b' == '[[1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0]]' } fn test_plus_assign_string() { mut a := [''] a[0] += 'abc' assert a == ['abc'] } fn mut_arr_with_eq_in_fn(mut a []int) { if a == [1,2,3,4] { a[0] = 0 } if [0,2,3,4] == a { a[1] = 0 } if !(a != [0,0,3,4]) { a[2] = 0 } if !([0,0,0,4] != a) { a[3] = 0 } } fn test_mut_arr_with_eq_in_fn() { mut a := [1,2,3,4] mut_arr_with_eq_in_fn(mut a) assert a == [0,0,0,0] } fn array_in_mut(mut a []int) { if 1 in a { a[0] = 2 } } fn test_array_in_mut() { mut a := [1,2] array_in_mut(mut a) assert a == [2,2] } // test array delete in function with mut argument fn delete_nums(mut arr []int) { arr.delete(0) } fn test_array_delete_in_mut() { mut nums := [1, 2, 3] delete_nums(mut nums) assert nums == [2, 3] } // test array add in function with mut argument fn add_nums(mut arr []int) { arr << 4 } fn test_array_add_in_mut() { mut nums := [1, 2, 3] add_nums(mut nums) assert nums == [1, 2, 3, 4] } fn test_reverse_in_place() { mut a := [1, 2, 3, 4] a.reverse_in_place() assert a == [4, 3, 2, 1] mut b := ['a', 'b', 'c'] b.reverse_in_place() assert b == ['c', 'b', 'a'] mut c := [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]] c.reverse_in_place() assert c == [[5, 6], [3, 4], [1, 2]] } fn test_array_int_pop() { mut a := [1,2,3,4,5] assert a.len == 5 x := a.last() y := a.pop() assert x == y assert a.len == 4 z := a.pop() assert a.len == 3 assert z == 4 a.pop() a.pop() final := a.pop() assert final == 1 } fn test_array_string_pop() { mut a := ['abc', 'def', 'xyz'] assert a.len == 3 assert a.pop() == 'xyz' assert a.pop() == 'def' assert a.pop() == 'abc' assert a.len == 0 assert a.cap == 3 }