// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license that can be found in the LICENSE file. module gg import os import gx import sokol import sokol.sapp import sokol.sgl import sokol.gfx import math pub struct Event { pub mut: frame_count u64 typ sapp.EventType key_code KeyCode char_code u32 key_repeat bool modifiers u32 mouse_button MouseButton mouse_x f32 mouse_y f32 mouse_dx f32 mouse_dy f32 scroll_x f32 scroll_y f32 num_touches int touches [8]C.sapp_touchpoint window_width int window_height int framebuffer_width int framebuffer_height int } [heap] pub struct Context { mut: render_text bool = true // a cache with all images created by the user. used for sokol image init and to save space // (so that the user can store image ids, not entire Image objects) image_cache []Image needs_refresh bool = true ticks int // for ui mode only pub: native_rendering bool pub mut: scale f32 = 1.0 // will get set to 2.0 for retina, will remain 1.0 for normal width int height int clear_pass C.sg_pass_action window C.sapp_desc timage_pip C.sgl_pipeline config Config ft &FT font_inited bool ui_mode bool // do not redraw everything 60 times/second, but only when the user requests frame u64 // the current frame counted from the start of the application; always increasing // mbtn_mask byte mouse_buttons MouseButtons // typed version of mbtn_mask; easier to use for user programs mouse_pos_x int mouse_pos_y int mouse_dx int mouse_dy int scroll_x int scroll_y int // key_modifiers Modifier // the current key modifiers key_repeat bool // whether the pressed key was an autorepeated one pressed_keys [key_code_max]bool // an array representing all currently pressed keys pressed_keys_edge [key_code_max]bool // true when the previous state of pressed_keys, // *before* the current event was different } fn gg_init_sokol_window(user_data voidptr) { mut g := unsafe { &Context(user_data) } desc := sapp.create_desc() /* desc := C.sg_desc{ mtl_device: sapp.metal_get_device() mtl_renderpass_descriptor_cb: sapp.metal_get_renderpass_descriptor mtl_drawable_cb: sapp.metal_get_drawable d3d11_device: sapp.d3d11_get_device() d3d11_device_context: sapp.d3d11_get_device_context() d3d11_render_target_view_cb: sapp.d3d11_get_render_target_view d3d11_depth_stencil_view_cb: sapp.d3d11_get_depth_stencil_view } */ gfx.setup(&desc) sgl_desc := C.sgl_desc_t{} sgl.setup(&sgl_desc) g.scale = dpi_scale() // is_high_dpi := sapp.high_dpi() // fb_w := sapp.width() // fb_h := sapp.height() // println('g.scale=$g.scale is_high_dpi=$is_high_dpi fb_w=$fb_w fb_h=$fb_h') // if g.config.init_text { // `os.is_file()` won't work on Android if the font file is embedded into the APK exists := $if !android { os.is_file(g.config.font_path) } $else { true } if g.config.font_path != '' && !exists { g.render_text = false } else if g.config.font_path != '' && exists { // t := time.ticks() g.ft = new_ft( font_path: g.config.font_path custom_bold_font_path: g.config.custom_bold_font_path scale: dpi_scale() ) or { panic(err) } // println('FT took ${time.ticks()-t} ms') g.font_inited = true } else { if g.config.font_bytes_normal.len > 0 { g.ft = new_ft( bytes_normal: g.config.font_bytes_normal bytes_bold: g.config.font_bytes_bold bytes_mono: g.config.font_bytes_mono bytes_italic: g.config.font_bytes_italic scale: sapp.dpi_scale() ) or { panic(err) } g.font_inited = true } else { sfont := system_font_path() if g.config.font_path != '' { eprintln('font file "$g.config.font_path" does not exist, the system font ($sfont) was used instead.') } g.ft = new_ft( font_path: sfont custom_bold_font_path: g.config.custom_bold_font_path scale: sapp.dpi_scale() ) or { panic(err) } g.font_inited = true } } // mut pipdesc := C.sg_pipeline_desc{ label: c'alpha_image' } unsafe { vmemset(&pipdesc, 0, int(sizeof(pipdesc))) } color_state := C.sg_color_state{ blend: C.sg_blend_state{ enabled: true src_factor_rgb: gfx.BlendFactor(C.SG_BLENDFACTOR_SRC_ALPHA) dst_factor_rgb: gfx.BlendFactor(C.SG_BLENDFACTOR_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA) } } pipdesc.colors[0] = color_state g.timage_pip = sgl.make_pipeline(&pipdesc) // if g.config.init_fn != voidptr(0) { g.config.init_fn(g.config.user_data) } // Create images now that we can do that after sg is inited if g.native_rendering { return } for i in 0 .. g.image_cache.len { if g.image_cache[i].simg.id == 0 { g.image_cache[i].init_sokol_image() } } } // pub fn new_context(cfg Config) &Context { mut g := &Context{ width: cfg.width height: cfg.height config: cfg ft: 0 ui_mode: cfg.ui_mode native_rendering: cfg.native_rendering } g.set_bg_color(cfg.bg_color) // C.printf('new_context() %p\n', cfg.user_data) window := C.sapp_desc{ user_data: g init_userdata_cb: gg_init_sokol_window frame_userdata_cb: gg_frame_fn event_userdata_cb: gg_event_fn fail_userdata_cb: gg_fail_fn cleanup_userdata_cb: gg_cleanup_fn window_title: &char(cfg.window_title.str) html5_canvas_name: &char(cfg.window_title.str) width: cfg.width height: cfg.height sample_count: cfg.sample_count high_dpi: true fullscreen: cfg.fullscreen __v_native_render: cfg.native_rendering // drag&drop enable_dragndrop: cfg.enable_dragndrop max_dropped_files: cfg.max_dropped_files max_dropped_file_path_length: cfg.max_dropped_file_path_length swap_interval: cfg.swap_interval } g.window = window return g } pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_circle_line(x f32, y f32, r int, segments int, c gx.Color) { $if macos { if ctx.native_rendering { C.darwin_draw_circle(x - r + 1, ctx.height - (y + r + 3), r, c) return } } if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) nx := x * ctx.scale ny := y * ctx.scale nr := r * ctx.scale mut theta := f32(0) mut xx := f32(0) mut yy := f32(0) sgl.begin_line_strip() for i := 0; i < segments + 1; i++ { theta = 2.0 * f32(math.pi) * f32(i) / f32(segments) xx = nr * math.cosf(theta) yy = nr * math.sinf(theta) sgl.v2f(xx + nx, yy + ny) } sgl.end() } pub fn high_dpi() bool { return C.sapp_high_dpi() } pub fn screen_size() Size { $if macos { return C.gg_get_screen_size() } // TODO windows, linux, etc return Size{} } fn C.WaitMessage() /* pub fn wait_events() { unsafe { $if macos { #NSEvent *event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask:NSEventMaskAny #untilDate:[NSDate distantFuture] #inMode:NSDefaultRunLoopMode #dequeue:YES]; #[NSApp sendEvent:event]; } $if windows { C.WaitMessage() } } } */ // TODO: Fix alpha pub fn (ctx &Context) draw_rect(x f32, y f32, w f32, h f32, c gx.Color) { $if macos { if ctx.native_rendering { C.darwin_draw_rect(x, ctx.height - (y + h), w, h, c) return } } if c.a != 255 { sgl.load_pipeline(ctx.timage_pip) } sgl.c4b(c.r, c.g, c.b, c.a) sgl.begin_quads() sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, y * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f((x + w) * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale) sgl.v2f(x * ctx.scale, (y + h) * ctx.scale) sgl.end() }