module gg import js.dom pub enum DOMEventType { invalid key_down key_up char mouse_down mouse_up mouse_scroll mouse_move mouse_enter mouse_leave touches_began touches_moved touches_ended touches_cancelled resized iconified restored focused unfocused suspended resumed update_cursor quit_requested clipboard_pasted files_droped num } pub struct Event { pub mut: frame_count u64 typ DOMEventType key_code DOMKeyCode char_code u32 key_repeat bool modifiers u32 mouse_button DOMMouseButton mouse_x f32 mouse_y f32 mouse_dx f32 mouse_dy f32 scroll_x f32 scroll_y f32 // todo(playX): add touches API support in js.dom // num_touches int // touches [8]C.sapp_touchpoint window_width int window_height int framebuffer_width int framebuffer_height int } pub struct Context { mut: render_text bool = true image_cache []Image needs_refresh bool = true ticks int pub mut: scale f32 = 1.0 width int height int window JS.Window config Config user_data voidptr ui_mode bool frame u64 mbtn_mask byte mouse_buttons MouseButtons mouse_pos_x int mouse_pos_y int mouse_dx int mouse_dy int scroll_x int scroll_y int // key_modifiers Modifier // the current key modifiers key_repeat bool // whether the pressed key was an autorepeated one pressed_keys [key_code_max]bool // an array representing all currently pressed keys pressed_keys_edge [key_code_max]bool // true when the previous state of pressed_keys, // *before* the current event was different } pub enum DOMMouseButton { invalid = -1 left = 0 right = 1 middle = 2 } pub enum DOMModifier { shift = 1 //(1<<0) ctrl = 2 //(1<<1) alt = 4 //(1<<2) super = 8 //(1<<3) lmb = 0x100 rmb = 0x200 mmb = 0x400 } pub enum DOMKeyCode { invalid = 0 space = 32 apostrophe = 39 //' comma = 44 //, minus = 45 //- period = 46 //. slash = 47 /// _0 = 48 _1 = 49 _2 = 50 _3 = 51 _4 = 52 _5 = 53 _6 = 54 _7 = 55 _8 = 56 _9 = 57 semicolon = 59 //; equal = 61 //= a = 65 b = 66 c = 67 d = 68 e = 69 f = 70 g = 71 h = 72 i = 73 j = 74 k = 75 l = 76 m = 77 n = 78 o = 79 p = 80 q = 81 r = 82 s = 83 t = 84 u = 85 v = 86 w = 87 x = 88 y = 89 z = 90 left_bracket = 91 //[ backslash = 92 //\ right_bracket = 93 //] grave_accent = 96 //` world_1 = 161 // non-us #1 world_2 = 162 // non-us #2 escape = 256 enter = 257 tab = 258 backspace = 259 insert = 260 delete = 261 right = 262 left = 263 down = 264 up = 265 page_up = 266 page_down = 267 home = 268 end = 269 caps_lock = 280 scroll_lock = 281 num_lock = 282 print_screen = 283 pause = 284 f1 = 290 f2 = 291 f3 = 292 f4 = 293 f5 = 294 f6 = 295 f7 = 296 f8 = 297 f9 = 298 f10 = 299 f11 = 300 f12 = 301 f13 = 302 f14 = 303 f15 = 304 f16 = 305 f17 = 306 f18 = 307 f19 = 308 f20 = 309 f21 = 310 f22 = 311 f23 = 312 f24 = 313 f25 = 314 kp_0 = 320 kp_1 = 321 kp_2 = 322 kp_3 = 323 kp_4 = 324 kp_5 = 325 kp_6 = 326 kp_7 = 327 kp_8 = 328 kp_9 = 329 kp_decimal = 330 kp_divide = 331 kp_multiply = 332 kp_subtract = 333 kp_add = 334 kp_enter = 335 kp_equal = 336 left_shift = 340 left_control = 341 left_alt = 342 left_super = 343 right_shift = 344 right_control = 345 right_alt = 346 right_super = 347 menu = 348 }