import os import flag const ( tool_version = '0.0.4' tool_description = '' + ' Compares V executable size and performance,\n' + ' between 2 commits from V\'s local git history.\n' + ' When only one commit is given, it is compared to master.' ) struct Context { cwd string // current working folder mut: vc_repo_url string // the url of the vc repository. It can be a local folder path, which is usefull to eliminate network operations... workdir string // the working folder (typically /tmp), where the tool will write a string // the full path to the 'after' folder inside workdir b string // the full path to the 'before' folder inside workdir vc string // the full path to the vc folder inside workdir. It is used during bootstrapping v from the C source. commit_before string // the git commit for the 'before' state commit_after string // the git commit for the 'after' state warmups int // how many times to execute a command before gathering stats verbose bool // whether to print even more stuff hyperfineopts string // use for additional CLI options that will be given to the hyperfine command } fn new_context() Context { return Context{ cwd: os.getwd(), commit_after: 'master', warmups: 4 } } ////// The stuff in this block may be reusable for other v cli tools? ///////////////// fn run(cmd string) string { x := os.exec(cmd) or { return '' } if x.exit_code == 0 { return x.output } return '' } fn command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd string) bool { x := os.exec(cmd) or { return false } if x.exit_code == 0 { return true } return false } fn tool_must_exist(toolcmd string) { if command_exits_with_zero_status( 'type $toolcmd' ) { return } eprintln('Missing tool: $toolcmd') eprintln('Please try again after you install it.') exit(1) } fn used_tools_must_exist(tools []string) { for t in tools { tool_must_exist(t) } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// fn (c Context) compare_versions() { // Input is validated at this point... //Cleanup artifacts from previous runs of this tool: os.chdir( c.workdir ) run('rm -rf "$c.a" "$c.b" "$" ') // clone the VC source *just once per comparison*, and reuse it: run('git clone --quiet \'$c.vc_repo_url\' \'$\' ') println('Comparing v compiler performance of commit $c.commit_before (before) vs commit $c.commit_after (after) ...') c.prepare_v( c.b , c.commit_before ) c.prepare_v( c.a , c.commit_after ) os.chdir( c.workdir ) c.compare_v_performance([ //The first is the baseline, against which all the others will be compared. //It is the fastest, since hello_world.v has only a single println in it, 'vprod -debug -o source.c examples/hello_world.v', 'vprod -o source.c examples/hello_world.v', 'vprod -debug -o source.c compiler', 'vprod -o source.c compiler', 'vprod -o hello examples/hello_world.v', 'vprod -o binary compiler', ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 'v -debug -o source.c examples/hello_world.v', 'v -o source.c examples/hello_world.v', 'v -debug -o source.c compiler', 'v -o source.c compiler', 'v -o hello examples/hello_world.v', 'v -o binary compiler', ]) } fn show_sizes_of_files(files []string) { for f in files { size := os.file_size(f) println('${size:10d} $f') } } fn line_to_timestamp_and_commit(line string) (int, string) { parts := line.split(' ') return parts[0].int(), parts[1] } fn (c &Context) prepare_vc_source( cdir string, commit string ) { os.chdir( cdir ) // Building a historic v with the latest vc is not always possible ... // It is more likely, that the vc *at the time of the v commit*, // or slightly before that time will be able to build the historic v: vline := run('git rev-list -n1 --timestamp \'$commit\' ') v_timestamp, _ := line_to_timestamp_and_commit( vline ) os.chdir( ) run('git checkout master') vcbefore := run('git rev-list HEAD -n1 --timestamp --before=$v_timestamp ') _, vccommit_before := line_to_timestamp_and_commit( vcbefore ) run('git checkout \'$vccommit_before\' ') os.chdir( cdir ) } fn (c &Context) prepare_v( cdir string, commit string ) { mut cc := os.getenv('CC') if cc == '' { cc = 'cc' } mut command_for_building_v_from_c_source := '$cc -std=gnu11 -w -o cv $ -lm' if 'windows' == os.user_os() { command_for_building_v_from_c_source = '$cc -std=gnu11 -w -o cv.exe $' } println('') // prepare first os.chdir( ) run('git checkout master') println('Cloning current v source to $cdir ...') os.system('git clone --quiet \'$c.cwd\' \'$cdir\' ') os.chdir( cdir ) os.system('git checkout --quiet \'$commit\' ') run('git clean -f') c.prepare_vc_source( cdir, commit ) println('Making v and vprod compilers in $cdir') run(command_for_building_v_from_c_source) run('./cv -o v compiler/ ') run('./cv -prod -o vprod compiler/ ') run('cp cv cv_stripped') run('cp v v_stripped') run('cp vprod vprod_stripped') run('strip *_stripped') run('cp cv_stripped cv_stripped_upxed') run('cp v_stripped v_stripped_upxed') run('cp vprod_stripped vprod_stripped_upxed') run('upx -qqq --lzma cv_stripped_upxed') run('upx -qqq --lzma v_stripped_upxed') run('upx -qqq --lzma vprod_stripped_upxed') show_sizes_of_files(["$cdir/cv", "$cdir/cv_stripped", "$cdir/cv_stripped_upxed"]) show_sizes_of_files(["$cdir/v", "$cdir/v_stripped", "$cdir/v_stripped_upxed"]) show_sizes_of_files(["$cdir/vprod", "$cdir/vprod_stripped", "$cdir/vprod_stripped_upxed"]) println("V version is: " + run("$cdir/v --version") + " , local source commit: " + run("git rev-parse --short --verify HEAD") ) println('Source lines in compiler/ ' + run('wc compiler/*.v | tail -n -1') ) } fn (c Context) compare_v_performance( commands []string ) { println('---------------------------------------------------------------------------------') println('Compare v performance when doing the following commands:') mut hyperfine_commands_arguments := []string for cmd in commands { println(cmd) } for cmd in commands { hyperfine_commands_arguments << ' \'cd ${c.b:30s} ; ./$cmd \' ' } for cmd in commands { hyperfine_commands_arguments << ' \'cd ${c.a:30s} ; ./$cmd \' ' } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// cmd_stats_file := os.realpath([ c.workdir, 'v_performance_stats.json'].join(os.PathSeparator)) comparison_cmd := 'hyperfine $c.hyperfineopts '+ '--export-json ${cmd_stats_file} '+ '--time-unit millisecond '+ '--style full --warmup $c.warmups ' + hyperfine_commands_arguments.join(' ') /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if c.verbose { println( comparison_cmd ) } os.system( comparison_cmd ) println('The detailed performance comparison report was saved to: $cmd_stats_file .') println('') } fn (c Context) normalized_workpath_for_commit( commit string ) string { nc := 'v_at_' + commit.replace('^','_').replace('-','_').replace('/','_') return os.realpath( c.workdir + os.PathSeparator + nc ) } fn validate_commit_exists( commit string ){ cmd := 'git cat-file -t ' + "'" + commit + "'" if !command_exits_with_zero_status(cmd) { eprintln("Commit: '" + commit + "' does not exist in the current repository.") exit(3) } } fn main(){ used_tools_must_exist(['cp','rm','strip','make','git','upx','cc','wc','tail','hyperfine']) mut context := new_context() mut fp := flag.new_flag_parser(os.args) fp.application(os.filename(os.executable())) fp.version( tool_version ) fp.description( tool_description ) fp.arguments_description('COMMIT_BEFORE [COMMIT_AFTER]') fp.skip_executable() fp.limit_free_args(1,2) show_help:=fp.bool('help', false, 'Show this help screen\n') context.vc_repo_url = fp.string('vcrepo', '', '' + 'The url of the vc repository. You can clone it \n'+ flag.SPACE+'beforehand, and then just give the local folder \n'+ flag.SPACE+'path here. That will eliminate the network ops \n'+ flag.SPACE+'done by this tool, which is useful, if you want \n'+ flag.SPACE+'to script it/run it in a restrictive vps/docker.\n') context.verbose = fp.bool('verbose', false, 'Be more verbose\n') context.hyperfineopts = fp.string('hyperfine_options', '', '' + 'Additional options passed to hyperfine.\n'+ flag.SPACE+'For example on linux, you may want to pass:\n'+ flag.SPACE+' --hyperfine_options "--prepare \'sync; echo 3 | sudo tee /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches\'" \n') context.workdir = os.realpath( fp.string('workdir', '/tmp', 'A writable folder, where the comparison will be done.') ) if( show_help ){ println( fp.usage() ) exit(0) } commits := fp.finalize() or { eprintln('Error: ' + err) exit(1) } context.commit_before = commits[0] if commits.len > 1 { context.commit_after = commits[1] } validate_commit_exists( context.commit_before ) validate_commit_exists( context.commit_after ) context.b = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( context.commit_before ) context.a = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( context.commit_after ) = context.normalized_workpath_for_commit( 'vc' ) if !os.is_dir( context.workdir ) { msg := 'Work folder: ' + context.workdir + ' , does not exist.' eprintln(msg) exit(2) } context.compare_versions() }