module notify import time import os #include struct C.epoll_event { events u32 data C.epoll_data_t } [typedef] union C.epoll_data_t { ptr voidptr fd int u32 u32 u64 u64 } fn C.epoll_create1(int) int fn C.epoll_ctl(int, int, int, &C.epoll_event) int fn C.epoll_wait(int, &C.epoll_event, int, int) int [noinit] struct EpollNotifier { epoll_fd int mut: num_watching int // heuristic events []C.epoll_event } [noinit] struct EpollEvent { pub: fd int kind FdEventType } pub fn new() ?FdNotifier { fd := C.epoll_create1(0) // 0 indicates default behavior if fd == -1 { return error(os.posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } // Needed to circumvent V limitations x := &EpollNotifier{ epoll_fd: fd } return x } const ( epoll_read = u32(C.EPOLLIN) epoll_write = u32(C.EPOLLOUT) epoll_peer_hangup = u32(C.EPOLLRDHUP) epoll_exception = u32(C.EPOLLPRI) epoll_error = u32(C.EPOLLERR) epoll_hangup = u32(C.EPOLLHUP) epoll_edge_trigger = u32(C.EPOLLET) epoll_one_shot = u32(C.EPOLLONESHOT) epoll_wake_up = u32(C.EPOLLWAKEUP) epoll_exclusive = u32(C.EPOLLEXCLUSIVE) ) fn (mut en EpollNotifier) ctl(fd int, op int, mask u32) ? { event := C.epoll_event{ events: mask data: C.epoll_data_t{ fd: fd } } if C.epoll_ctl(en.epoll_fd, op, fd, &event) == -1 { return error(os.posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } } fn (mut en EpollNotifier) add(fd int, events FdEventType, conf ...FdConfigFlags) ? { mask := flags_to_mask(events, ...conf) en.ctl(fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_ADD, mask) ? en.num_watching++ } fn (mut en EpollNotifier) modify(fd int, events FdEventType, conf ...FdConfigFlags) ? { mask := flags_to_mask(events, ...conf) en.ctl(fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_MOD, mask) ? } fn (mut en EpollNotifier) remove(fd int) ? { en.ctl(fd, C.EPOLL_CTL_DEL, 0) ? if en.num_watching > 0 { en.num_watching-- } } [direct_array_access] fn (mut en EpollNotifier) wait(timeout time.Duration) []FdEvent { if < en.num_watching { - } // populate with the new events to := match timeout { time.infinite { -1 } else { int(timeout / time.millisecond) } } count := C.epoll_wait(en.epoll_fd,,, to) // set len to count unsafe { } if count > 0 { mut arr := []FdEvent{cap: count} for i := 0; i < count; i++ { fd := unsafe {[i].data.fd } kind := event_mask_to_flag([i].events) if kind.is_empty() { // NOTE: tcc only reports the first event for some // reason, leaving subsequent structs in the array as 0 // (or possibly garbage) panic('encountered an empty event kind; this is most likely due to using tcc') } arr << &EpollEvent{ fd: fd kind: kind } } return arr } return [] } fn (mut en EpollNotifier) close() ? { if C.close(en.epoll_fd) == -1 { return error(os.posix_get_error_msg(C.errno)) } } fn event_mask_to_flag(mask u32) FdEventType { mut flags := FdEventType{} if mask & notify.epoll_read != 0 { flags.set(.read) } if mask & notify.epoll_write != 0 { flags.set(.write) } if mask & notify.epoll_peer_hangup != 0 { flags.set(.peer_hangup) } if mask & notify.epoll_exception != 0 { flags.set(.exception) } if mask & notify.epoll_error != 0 { flags.set(.error) } if mask & notify.epoll_hangup != 0 { flags.set(.hangup) } return flags } fn flags_to_mask(events FdEventType, confs ...FdConfigFlags) u32 { mut mask := u32(0) if events.has(.read) { mask |= notify.epoll_read } if events.has(.write) { mask |= notify.epoll_write } if events.has(.peer_hangup) { mask |= notify.epoll_peer_hangup } if events.has(.exception) { mask |= notify.epoll_exception } if events.has(.error) { mask |= notify.epoll_error } if events.has(.hangup) { mask |= notify.epoll_hangup } for conf in confs { if conf.has(.edge_trigger) { mask |= notify.epoll_edge_trigger } if conf.has(.one_shot) { mask |= notify.epoll_one_shot } if conf.has(.wake_up) { mask |= notify.epoll_wake_up } if conf.has(.exclusive) { mask |= notify.epoll_exclusive } } return mask }