/********************************************************************** * * Zip container manager * * Copyright (c) 2021 Dario Deledda. All rights reserved. * Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license * that can be found in the LICENSE file. * * TODO: **********************************************************************/ import sokol.gfx import szip fn (mut il Item_list) scan_zip(path string, in_index int) ! { println('Scanning ZIP [$path]') mut zp := szip.open(path, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only)! n_entries := zp.total()! // println(n_entries) for index in 0 .. n_entries { zp.open_entry_by_index(index)! is_dir := zp.is_dir()! name := zp.name() size := zp.size() // println("$index ${name} ${size:10} $is_dir") if !is_dir { ext := get_extension(name) if is_image(ext) == true { il.n_item += 1 mut item := Item{ need_extract: true path: path name: name.clone() container_index: in_index container_item_index: index i_type: ext n_item: il.n_item drawable: true size: size } il.lst << item } } // IMPORTANT NOTE: don't close the zip entry before we have used all the items!! zp.close_entry() } zp.close() } fn (mut app App) load_texture_from_zip() !(gfx.Image, int, int) { item := app.item_list.lst[app.item_list.item_index] // println("Load from zip [${item.path}]") // open the zip if app.zip_index != item.container_index { if app.zip_index >= 0 { app.zip.close() } app.zip_index = item.container_index // println("Opening the zip [${item.path}]") app.zip = szip.open(item.path, szip.CompressionLevel.no_compression, szip.OpenMode.read_only)! } // println("Now get the image") app.zip.open_entry_by_index(item.container_item_index)! zip_entry_size := int(item.size) app.resize_buf_if_needed(zip_entry_size) app.zip.read_entry_buf(app.mem_buf, app.mem_buf_size)! app.zip.close_entry() return app.load_texture_from_buffer(app.mem_buf, zip_entry_size) }