module main import os import compiler.tests.repl.runner import benchmark import sync import filepath fn test_the_v_compiler_can_be_invoked() { vexec := runner.full_path_to_v(5) println('vexecutable: $vexec') assert vexec != '' vcmd := '"$vexec" -version' r := os.exec(vcmd) or { panic(err) } // println('"$vcmd" exit_code: $r.exit_code | output: $r.output') assert r.exit_code == 0 vcmd_error := '"$vexec" nonexisting.v' r_error := os.exec(vcmd_error) or { panic(err) } // println('"$vcmd_error" exit_code: $r_error.exit_code | output: $r_error.output') assert r_error.exit_code == 1 assert r_error.output == "V error: nonexisting.v doesn't exist" } struct Session { mut: options runner.RunnerOptions bmark benchmark.Benchmark } fn test_all_v_repl_files() { mut session := &Session{ options: runner.new_options() bmark: benchmark.new_benchmark() } // warmup, and ensure that the vrepl is compiled in single threaded mode if it does not exist runner.run_repl_file(os.cachedir(), session.options.vexec, 'vlib/compiler/tests/repl/nothing.repl') or { panic(err) } session.bmark.set_total_expected_steps(session.options.files.len) mut pool_repl := sync.new_pool_processor({ callback: worker_repl }) pool_repl.set_shared_context(session) $if windows { // See: pool_repl.set_max_jobs(1) } pool_repl.work_on_items(session.options.files) session.bmark.stop() println(session.bmark.total_message('total time spent running REPL files')) } fn worker_repl(p mut sync.PoolProcessor, idx int, thread_id int) voidptr { cdir := os.cachedir() mut session := &Session(p.get_shared_context()) mut tls_bench := &benchmark.Benchmark(p.get_thread_context(idx)) if isnil(tls_bench) { tls_bench = benchmark.new_benchmark_pointer() tls_bench.set_total_expected_steps(session.bmark.nexpected_steps) p.set_thread_context(idx, tls_bench) } tls_bench.cstep = idx tfolder := filepath.join(cdir,'vrepl_tests_$idx') if os.is_dir(tfolder) { os.rmdir_all(tfolder) } os.mkdir(tfolder) or { panic(err) } file := p.get_string_item(idx) session.bmark.step() tls_bench.step() fres := runner.run_repl_file(tfolder, session.options.vexec, file) or { os.rmdir_all(tfolder) eprintln(tls_bench.step_message_fail(err)) assert false return sync.no_result } session.bmark.ok() tls_bench.ok() os.rmdir_all(tfolder) println(tls_bench.step_message_ok(fres)) assert true return sync.no_result }