module testing import ( os term benchmark filepath ) pub struct TestSession { pub mut: files []string vexe string vargs string failed bool benchmark benchmark.Benchmark ok string fail string } pub fn new_test_sesion(vargs string) TestSession { return TestSession{ vexe: vexe_path() vargs: vargs } } pub fn vexe_path() string { // NB: tools extracted from v require that the first // argument to them to be the v executable location. // They are usually launched by vlib/compiler/vtools.v, // launch_tool/1 , which provides it. return os.args[1] } pub fn (ts mut TestSession) init() { ts.ok = term.ok_message('OK') = term.fail_message('FAIL') ts.benchmark = benchmark.new_benchmark() } pub fn (ts mut TestSession) test() { ts.init() show_stats := '-stats' in ts.vargs.split(' ') for dot_relative_file in ts.files { relative_file := dot_relative_file.replace('./', '') file := os.realpath( relative_file ) $if windows { if file.contains('sqlite') { continue } } $if msvc { if file.contains('asm') { continue } } $if tinyc { if file.contains('asm') { continue } } tmpc_filepath := file.replace('.v', '.tmp.c') cmd := '"$ts.vexe" $ts.vargs "$file"' ts.benchmark.step() if show_stats { println('-------------------------------------------------') status := os.system(cmd) if status == 0 { ts.benchmark.ok() }else{ ts.failed = true continue } }else{ r := os.exec(cmd) or { ts.failed = true println(ts.benchmark.step_message('$relative_file ${}')) continue } if r.exit_code != 0 { ts.failed = true println(ts.benchmark.step_message('$relative_file ${}\n`$file`\n (\n$r.output\n)')) } else { ts.benchmark.ok() println(ts.benchmark.step_message('$relative_file ${ts.ok}')) } } os.rm( tmpc_filepath ) } ts.benchmark.stop() } pub fn vlib_should_be_present( parent_dir string ) { vlib_dir := filepath.join( parent_dir, 'vlib' ) if !os.dir_exists( vlib_dir ){ println('$vlib_dir is missing, it must be next to the V executable') exit(1) } } pub fn v_build_failing(vargs string, folder string) bool { main_label := 'Building $folder ...' finish_label := 'building $folder' vexe := vexe_path() parent_dir := os.dir(vexe) vlib_should_be_present( parent_dir ) println(main_label) mut session := new_test_sesion( vargs ) files := os.walk_ext(filepath.join(parent_dir, folder),'.v') mains := files.filter(!it.contains('modules')) mut rebuildable_mains := mains if os.user_os() == 'windows' { // on windows, an executable can not be rebuilt, while it is running myself := os.executable().replace('.exe', '') + '.v' mains_without_myself := mains.filter(!it.contains(myself)) rebuildable_mains = mains_without_myself // workaround a bug in it.contains generation } session.files << rebuildable_mains session.test() println( session.benchmark.total_message( finish_label ) ) return session.failed }