// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module time // unix returns a time struct from an Unix timestamp (number of seconds since 1970-01-01) pub fn unix(abs i64) Time { // Split into day and time mut day_offset := abs / seconds_per_day if abs % seconds_per_day < 0 { // Compensate for round towards zero on integers as we want floored instead day_offset-- } year, month, day := calculate_date_from_offset(day_offset) hr, min, sec := calculate_time_from_offset(abs % seconds_per_day) return Time{ year: year month: month day: day hour: hr minute: min second: sec unix: abs } } // unix2 returns a Time struct, given an Unix timestamp in seconds, and a microsecond value [deprecated: 'use unix_microsecond(unix_ts, us) instead'] [deprecated_after: '2023-09-05'] pub fn unix2(abs i64, microsecond int) Time { return unix_nanosecond(abs, microsecond * 1000) } // unix_microsecond returns a Time struct, given an Unix timestamp in seconds, and a microsecond value pub fn unix_microsecond(abs i64, microsecond int) Time { return unix_nanosecond(abs, microsecond * 1000) } // unix_nanosecond returns a Time struct, given an Unix timestamp in seconds, and a nanosecond value pub fn unix_nanosecond(abs i64, nanosecond int) Time { // Split into day and time mut day_offset := abs / seconds_per_day if abs % seconds_per_day < 0 { // Compensate for round towards zero on integers as we want floored instead day_offset-- } year, month, day := calculate_date_from_offset(day_offset) hr, min, sec := calculate_time_from_offset(abs % seconds_per_day) return Time{ year: year month: month day: day hour: hr minute: min second: sec nanosecond: nanosecond unix: abs } } fn calculate_date_from_offset(day_offset_ i64) (int, int, int) { mut day_offset := day_offset_ // source: http://howardhinnant.github.io/date_algorithms.html#civil_from_days // shift from 1970-01-01 to 0000-03-01 day_offset += 719468 // int(days_per_400_years * 1970 / 400 - (28+31)) mut era := 0 if day_offset >= 0 { era = int(day_offset / days_per_400_years) } else { era = int((day_offset - days_per_400_years - 1) / days_per_400_years) } // doe(day of era) [0, 146096] doe := day_offset - era * days_per_400_years // yoe(year of era) [0, 399] yoe := (doe - doe / (days_per_4_years - 1) + doe / days_per_100_years - doe / (days_per_400_years - 1)) / days_in_year // year number mut y := int(yoe + era * 400) // doy (day of year), with year beginning Mar 1 [0, 365] doy := doe - (days_in_year * yoe + yoe / 4 - yoe / 100) mp := (5 * doy + 2) / 153 d := int(doy - (153 * mp + 2) / 5 + 1) mut m := int(mp) if mp < 10 { m += 3 } else { m -= 9 } if m <= 2 { y += 1 } return y, m, d } fn calculate_time_from_offset(second_offset_ i64) (int, int, int) { mut second_offset := second_offset_ if second_offset < 0 { second_offset += seconds_per_day } hour_ := second_offset / seconds_per_hour second_offset %= seconds_per_hour min := second_offset / seconds_per_minute second_offset %= seconds_per_minute return int(hour_), int(min), int(second_offset) }