// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module parser import v.transformer import v.ast import v.util import v.token const maximum_inline_sum_type_variants = 3 fn (mut p Parser) parse_array_type(expecting token.Kind, is_option bool) ast.Type { p.check(expecting) // fixed array if p.tok.kind in [.number, .name] { mut fixed_size := 0 size_expr := p.expr(0) if p.pref.is_fmt { fixed_size = 987654321 } else { match size_expr { ast.IntegerLiteral { fixed_size = size_expr.val.int() } ast.Ident { mut show_non_const_error := false if mut const_field := p.table.global_scope.find_const('${p.mod}.${size_expr.name}') { if mut const_field.expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { fixed_size = const_field.expr.val.int() } else { if mut const_field.expr is ast.InfixExpr { // QUESTION: this should most likely no be done in the parser, right? mut t := transformer.new_transformer(p.pref) folded_expr := t.infix_expr(mut const_field.expr) if folded_expr is ast.IntegerLiteral { fixed_size = folded_expr.val.int() } else { show_non_const_error = true } } else { show_non_const_error = true } } } else { if p.pref.is_fmt { // for vfmt purposes, pretend the constant does exist // it may have been defined in another .v file: fixed_size = 1 } else { show_non_const_error = true } } if show_non_const_error { p.error_with_pos('non-constant array bound `${size_expr.name}`', size_expr.pos) } } else { p.error_with_pos('fixed array size cannot use non-constant value', size_expr.pos()) } } } p.check(.rsbr) p.fixed_array_dim++ defer { p.fixed_array_dim-- } elem_type := p.parse_type() if elem_type.idx() == 0 { // error is handled by parse_type return 0 } if fixed_size <= 0 { p.error_with_pos('fixed size cannot be zero or negative', size_expr.pos()) } idx := p.table.find_or_register_array_fixed(elem_type, fixed_size, size_expr, p.fixed_array_dim == 1 && !is_option && p.inside_fn_return) if elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } return ast.new_type(idx) } // array p.check(.rsbr) elem_type := p.parse_type() if elem_type.idx() == 0 { // error is set in parse_type return 0 } if elem_type.idx() == ast.thread_type_idx { p.register_auto_import('sync.threads') } mut nr_dims := 1 // detect attr not_attr := p.peek_tok.kind != .name && p.peek_token(2).kind !in [.semicolon, .rsbr] for p.tok.kind == expecting && not_attr { p.next() p.check(.rsbr) nr_dims++ } idx := p.table.find_or_register_array_with_dims(elem_type, nr_dims) if elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } return ast.new_type(idx) } fn (mut p Parser) parse_map_type() ast.Type { is_option := p.tok.kind == .question && p.peek_tok.kind == .name // option map if is_option { p.next() } p.next() if p.tok.kind != .lsbr { return ast.map_type } p.check(.lsbr) key_type := p.parse_type() if key_type.idx() == 0 { // error is reported in parse_type return 0 } key_sym := p.table.sym(key_type) is_alias := key_sym.kind == .alias key_type_supported := key_type in [ast.string_type_idx, ast.voidptr_type_idx] || key_sym.kind in [.enum_, .placeholder, .any] || ((key_type.is_int() || key_type.is_float() || is_alias) && !key_type.is_ptr()) if !key_type_supported { if is_alias { p.error('cannot use the alias type as the parent type is unsupported') return 0 } s := p.table.type_to_str(key_type) p.error_with_pos('maps only support string, integer, float, rune, enum or voidptr keys for now (not `${s}`)', p.tok.pos()) return 0 } p.check(.rsbr) value_type := p.parse_type() if value_type.idx() == 0 { // error is reported in parse_type return 0 } if value_type.idx() == ast.void_type_idx { p.error_with_pos('map value type cannot be void', p.tok.pos()) return 0 } idx := p.table.find_or_register_map(key_type, value_type) if key_type.has_flag(.generic) || value_type.has_flag(.generic) { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } if is_option { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.option) } else { return ast.new_type(idx) } } fn (mut p Parser) parse_chan_type() ast.Type { if p.peek_tok.kind !in [.name, .key_mut, .amp, .lsbr] { p.next() return ast.chan_type } p.register_auto_import('sync') p.next() p.inside_chan_decl = true is_mut := p.tok.kind == .key_mut elem_type := p.parse_type() p.inside_chan_decl = false idx := p.table.find_or_register_chan(elem_type, is_mut) if elem_type.has_flag(.generic) { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } return ast.new_type(idx) } fn (mut p Parser) parse_thread_type() ast.Type { is_opt := p.peek_tok.kind == .question if is_opt { p.next() } if p.peek_tok.kind !in [.name, .key_pub, .key_mut, .amp, .lsbr] { p.next() if is_opt { mut ret_type := ast.void_type ret_type = ret_type.set_flag(.option) idx := p.table.find_or_register_thread(ret_type) return ast.new_type(idx) } else { return ast.thread_type } } if !is_opt { p.next() } if is_opt || p.tok.kind in [.amp, .lsbr] || (p.tok.lit.len > 0 && p.tok.lit[0].is_capital()) || ast.builtin_type_names_matcher.matches(p.tok.lit) || p.peek_tok.kind == .dot { mut ret_type := p.parse_type() if is_opt { ret_type = ret_type.set_flag(.option) } idx := p.table.find_or_register_thread(ret_type) if ret_type.has_flag(.generic) { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } return ast.new_type(idx) } return ast.thread_type } fn (mut p Parser) parse_multi_return_type() ast.Type { p.check(.lpar) mut mr_types := []ast.Type{} mut has_generic := false for p.tok.kind !in [.eof, .rpar] { mr_type := p.parse_type() if mr_type.idx() == 0 { break } if mr_type.has_flag(.generic) { has_generic = true } mr_types << mr_type if p.tok.kind == .comma { p.next() } else { break } } p.check(.rpar) if mr_types.len == 1 { // no multi return type needed return mr_types[0] } idx := p.table.find_or_register_multi_return(mr_types) if has_generic { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } return ast.new_type(idx) } // given anon name based off signature when `name` is blank fn (mut p Parser) parse_fn_type(name string, generic_types []ast.Type) ast.Type { fn_type_pos := p.peek_token(-2).pos() p.check(.key_fn) for attr in p.attrs { match attr.name { 'callconv' { if !attr.has_arg { p.error_with_pos('callconv attribute is present but its value is missing', p.prev_tok.pos()) } if attr.arg !in ['stdcall', 'fastcall', 'cdecl'] { p.error_with_pos('unsupported calling convention, supported are stdcall, fastcall and cdecl', p.prev_tok.pos()) } } else {} } } mut has_generic := false line_nr := p.tok.line_nr params, _, is_variadic := p.fn_params() for param in params { if param.typ.has_flag(.generic) { has_generic = true break } } mut return_type := ast.void_type mut return_type_pos := token.Pos{} if p.tok.line_nr == line_nr && p.tok.kind.is_start_of_type() && !p.is_attributes() { return_type_pos = p.tok.pos() return_type = p.parse_type() if return_type.has_flag(.generic) { has_generic = true } return_type_pos = return_type_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos()) } func := ast.Fn{ name: name params: params is_variadic: is_variadic return_type: return_type return_type_pos: return_type_pos generic_names: generic_types.map(p.table.sym(it).name) is_method: false attrs: p.attrs } if has_generic && generic_types.len == 0 && name.len > 0 { p.error_with_pos('`${name}` type is generic fntype, must specify the generic type names, e.g. ${name}[T]', fn_type_pos) } // MapFooFn typedefs are manually added in cheaders.v // because typedefs get generated after the map struct is generated has_decl := p.builtin_mod && name.starts_with('Map') && name.ends_with('Fn') idx := p.table.find_or_register_fn_type(func, false, has_decl) if has_generic { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } return ast.new_type(idx) } fn (mut p Parser) parse_type_with_mut(is_mut bool) ast.Type { typ := p.parse_type() if is_mut { return typ.set_nr_muls(1) } return typ } // Parses any language indicators on a type. fn (mut p Parser) parse_language() ast.Language { language := if p.tok.lit == 'C' { ast.Language.c } else if p.tok.lit == 'JS' { ast.Language.js } else if p.tok.lit == 'WASM' { ast.Language.wasm } else { ast.Language.v } if language != .v { p.next() p.check(.dot) } return language } // parse_inline_sum_type parses the type and registers it in case the type is an anonymous sum type. // It also takes care of inline sum types where parse_type only parses a standalone type. fn (mut p Parser) parse_inline_sum_type() ast.Type { if !p.pref.is_fmt { p.warn( 'inline sum types have been deprecated and will be removed on January 1, 2023 due ' + 'to complicating the language and the compiler too much; define named sum types with `type Foo = Bar | Baz` instead') } variants := p.parse_sum_type_variants() if variants.len > 1 { if variants.len > parser.maximum_inline_sum_type_variants { pos := variants[0].pos.extend(variants.last().pos) p.warn_with_pos('an inline sum type expects a maximum of ${parser.maximum_inline_sum_type_variants} types (${variants.len} were given)', pos) } mut variant_names := variants.map(p.table.sym(it.typ).name) variant_names.sort() // deterministic name name := '_v_anon_sum_type_${variant_names.join('_')}' variant_types := variants.map(it.typ) prepend_mod_name := p.prepend_mod(name) mut idx := p.table.find_type_idx(prepend_mod_name) if idx > 0 { return ast.new_type(idx) } idx = p.table.register_sym(ast.TypeSymbol{ kind: .sum_type name: prepend_mod_name cname: util.no_dots(prepend_mod_name) mod: p.mod info: ast.SumType{ is_anon: true variants: variant_types } }) return ast.new_type(idx) } else if variants.len == 1 { return variants[0].typ } return ast.Type(0) } // parse_sum_type_variants parses several types separated with a pipe and returns them as a list with at least one node. // If there is less than one node, it will add an error to the error list. fn (mut p Parser) parse_sum_type_variants() []ast.TypeNode { p.inside_sum_type = true defer { p.inside_sum_type = false } mut types := []ast.TypeNode{} for { type_start_pos := p.tok.pos() typ := p.parse_type() end_comments := p.eat_comments(same_line: true) // TODO: needs to be its own var, otherwise TCC fails because of a known stack error prev_tok := p.prev_tok type_end_pos := prev_tok.pos() type_pos := type_start_pos.extend(type_end_pos) types << ast.TypeNode{ typ: typ pos: type_pos end_comments: end_comments } if p.tok.kind != .pipe { break } p.check(.pipe) } return types } fn (mut p Parser) parse_type() ast.Type { // option or result mut is_option := false mut is_result := false line_nr := p.tok.line_nr option_pos := p.tok.pos() if p.tok.kind == .question { p.next() is_option = true } else if p.tok.kind == .not { p.next() is_result = true } if is_option || is_result { // maybe the '[' is the start of the field attribute is_required_field := p.inside_struct_field_decl && p.tok.kind == .lsbr && p.peek_tok.kind == .name && p.peek_tok.lit == 'required' if p.tok.line_nr > line_nr || p.tok.kind in [.comma, .rpar] || is_required_field { mut typ := ast.void_type if is_option { typ = typ.set_flag(.option) } else if is_result { typ = typ.set_flag(.result) } return typ } } is_shared := p.tok.kind == .key_shared is_atomic := p.tok.kind == .key_atomic if is_shared { p.register_auto_import('sync') } mut nr_muls := 0 if p.tok.kind == .key_mut { if p.inside_fn_return { p.error_with_pos('cannot use `mut` on fn return type', p.tok.pos()) } else if p.inside_struct_field_decl { p.error_with_pos('cannot use `mut` on struct field type', p.tok.pos()) } } if p.tok.kind == .key_mut || is_shared { nr_muls++ p.next() } if is_atomic { p.next() } if p.tok.kind == .mul { p.error('use `&Type` instead of `*Type` when declaring references') return 0 } mut nr_amps := 0 // &Type for p.tok.kind == .amp { nr_amps++ nr_muls++ p.next() } // Anon structs if p.tok.kind == .key_struct { p.anon_struct_decl = p.struct_decl(true) // Find the registered anon struct type, it was registered above in `p.struct_decl()` return p.table.find_type_idx(p.anon_struct_decl.name) } language := p.parse_language() mut typ := ast.void_type is_array := p.tok.kind == .lsbr pos := p.tok.pos() if p.tok.kind != .lcbr { typ = p.parse_any_type(language, nr_muls > 0, true, is_option) if typ.idx() == 0 { // error is set in parse_type return 0 } if typ == ast.void_type { p.error_with_pos('use `?` instead of `?void`', pos) return 0 } sym := p.table.sym(typ) if is_option && sym.info is ast.SumType && sym.info.is_anon { p.error_with_pos('an inline sum type cannot be an Option', option_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos())) } } if is_option { typ = typ.set_flag(.option) } if is_result { typ = typ.set_flag(.result) } if is_shared { typ = typ.set_flag(.shared_f) } if is_atomic { typ = typ.set_flag(.atomic_f) } if typ.idx() == ast.array_type && !p.builtin_mod && p.mod !in ['os', 'strconv', 'sync'] && !p.inside_unsafe { p.error_with_pos('`array` is an internal type, it cannot be used directly. Use `[]int`, `[]Foo` etc', pos) } if nr_muls > 0 { typ = typ.set_nr_muls(nr_muls) if is_array && nr_amps > 0 { p.error_with_pos('V arrays are already references behind the scenes, there is no need to use a reference to an array (e.g. use `[]string` instead of `&[]string`). If you need to modify an array in a function, use a mutable argument instead: `fn foo(mut s []string) {}`.', pos) return 0 } } return typ } fn (mut p Parser) parse_any_type(language ast.Language, is_ptr bool, check_dot bool, is_option bool) ast.Type { mut name := p.tok.lit if language == .c { name = 'C.${name}' } else if language == .js { name = 'JS.${name}' } else if p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && check_dot && !name[0].is_capital() { // `module.Type` mut mod := name mut mod_pos := p.tok.pos() p.next() p.check(.dot) mut mod_last_part := mod for p.peek_tok.kind == .dot { mod_pos = mod_pos.extend(p.tok.pos()) mod_last_part = p.tok.lit mod += '.${mod_last_part}' p.next() p.check(.dot) } if !p.known_import(mod) && !p.pref.is_fmt { mut msg := 'unknown module `${mod}`' if mod.len > mod_last_part.len && p.known_import(mod_last_part) { msg += '; did you mean `${mod_last_part}`?' } p.error_with_pos(msg, mod_pos) return 0 } if mod in p.imports { p.register_used_import(mod) mod = p.imports[mod] } // prefix with full module name = '${mod}.${p.tok.lit}' if p.tok.lit.len > 0 && !p.tok.lit[0].is_capital() { p.error('imported types must start with a capital letter') return 0 } } else if p.expr_mod != '' && !p.inside_generic_params { // p.expr_mod is from the struct and not from the generic parameter name = p.expr_mod + '.' + name } else if name in p.imported_symbols { name = p.imported_symbols[name] } else if !p.builtin_mod && name.len > 1 && name !in p.table.type_idxs { // `Foo` in module `mod` means `mod.Foo` name = p.mod + '.' + name } match p.tok.kind { .key_fn { // func return p.parse_fn_type('', []ast.Type{}) } .lsbr, .nilsbr { // array return p.parse_array_type(p.tok.kind, is_option) } else { if p.tok.kind == .lpar { // multiple return if is_ptr { p.unexpected(prepend_msg: 'parse_type:', got: '`&` before multiple returns') return 0 } return p.parse_multi_return_type() } if ((p.peek_tok.kind == .dot && p.peek_token(3).kind == .pipe) || p.peek_tok.kind == .pipe) && !p.inside_sum_type && !p.inside_receiver_param { return p.parse_inline_sum_type() } if name == 'map' { return p.parse_map_type() } if name == 'chan' { return p.parse_chan_type() } if name == 'thread' { return p.parse_thread_type() } mut ret := ast.Type(0) if name == '' { // This means the developer is using some wrong syntax like `x: int` instead of `x int` p.error('expecting type declaration') } else { match name { 'voidptr' { ret = ast.voidptr_type } 'byteptr' { ret = ast.byteptr_type } 'charptr' { ret = ast.charptr_type } 'i8' { ret = ast.i8_type } 'i16' { ret = ast.i16_type } 'int' { ret = ast.int_type } 'i64' { ret = ast.i64_type } 'u8' { ret = ast.u8_type } 'u16' { ret = ast.u16_type } 'u32' { ret = ast.u32_type } 'u64' { ret = ast.u64_type } 'f32' { ret = ast.f32_type } 'f64' { ret = ast.f64_type } 'string' { ret = ast.string_type } 'char' { ret = ast.char_type } 'bool' { ret = ast.bool_type } 'float_literal' { ret = ast.float_literal_type } 'int_literal' { ret = ast.int_literal_type } 'any' { if p.file_backend_mode != .js && p.mod != 'builtin' { p.error('cannot use `any` type here') } ret = ast.any_type } else { p.next() if name.len == 1 && name[0].is_capital() { return p.parse_generic_type(name) } if p.tok.kind in [.lt, .lsbr] && p.tok.pos - p.prev_tok.pos == p.prev_tok.len { return p.parse_generic_inst_type(name) } return p.find_type_or_add_placeholder(name, language) } } } p.next() return ret } } } fn (mut p Parser) find_type_or_add_placeholder(name string, language ast.Language) ast.Type { // struct / enum / placeholder mut idx := p.table.find_type_idx(name) if idx > 0 { mut typ := ast.new_type(idx) sym := p.table.sym(typ) match sym.info { ast.Struct, ast.Interface, ast.SumType { if p.struct_init_generic_types.len > 0 && sym.info.generic_types.len > 0 && p.struct_init_generic_types != sym.info.generic_types { generic_names := p.struct_init_generic_types.map(p.table.sym(it).name) mut sym_name := sym.name + '<' for i, gt in generic_names { sym_name += gt if i != generic_names.len - 1 { sym_name += ',' } } sym_name += '>' existing_idx := p.table.type_idxs[sym_name] if existing_idx > 0 { idx = existing_idx } else { idx = p.table.register_sym(ast.TypeSymbol{ ...sym name: sym_name rname: sym.name generic_types: p.struct_init_generic_types.clone() }) } typ = ast.new_type(idx) } } ast.Alias { if p.inside_fn_return { parent_sym := p.table.sym(sym.info.parent_type) if parent_sym.kind == .array_fixed { info := parent_sym.array_fixed_info() typ = p.table.find_or_register_array_fixed(info.elem_type, info.size, info.size_expr, p.inside_fn_return) } } } else {} } return typ } // not found - add placeholder idx = p.table.add_placeholder_type(name, language) return ast.new_type(idx) } fn (mut p Parser) parse_generic_type(name string) ast.Type { mut idx := p.table.find_type_idx(name) if idx > 0 { return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } idx = p.table.register_sym(ast.TypeSymbol{ name: name cname: util.no_dots(name) mod: p.mod kind: .any is_pub: true }) return ast.new_type(idx).set_flag(.generic) } fn (mut p Parser) parse_generic_inst_type(name string) ast.Type { mut bs_name := name mut bs_cname := name start_pos := p.tok.pos() p.next() p.inside_generic_params = true bs_name += '[' bs_cname += '_T_' mut concrete_types := []ast.Type{} mut is_instance := true for p.tok.kind != .eof { mut type_pos := p.tok.pos() gt := p.parse_type() type_pos = type_pos.extend(p.prev_tok.pos()) if gt.has_flag(.generic) { is_instance = false } gts := p.table.sym(gt) if gts.kind == .multi_return { p.error_with_pos('cannot use multi return as generic concrete type', type_pos) } bs_name += gts.name bs_cname += gts.cname concrete_types << gt if p.tok.kind != .comma { break } p.next() bs_name += ', ' bs_cname += '_' } if !is_instance { p.struct_init_generic_types = concrete_types } concrete_types_pos := start_pos.extend(p.tok.pos()) p.next() p.inside_generic_params = false bs_name += ']' // fmt operates on a per-file basis, so is_instance might be not set correctly. Thus it's ignored. if (is_instance || p.pref.is_fmt) && concrete_types.len > 0 { mut gt_idx := p.table.find_type_idx(bs_name) if gt_idx > 0 { return ast.new_type(gt_idx) } gt_idx = p.table.add_placeholder_type(bs_name, .v) mut parent_idx := p.table.type_idxs[name] if parent_idx == 0 { parent_idx = p.table.add_placeholder_type(name, .v) } parent_sym := p.table.sym(ast.new_type(parent_idx)) match parent_sym.info { ast.Struct { if parent_sym.info.generic_types.len == 0 { p.error_with_pos('struct `${parent_sym.name}` is not a generic struct, cannot instantiate to the concrete types', concrete_types_pos) } else if parent_sym.info.generic_types.len != concrete_types.len { p.error_with_pos('the number of generic types of struct `${parent_sym.name}` is inconsistent with the concrete types', concrete_types_pos) } } ast.Interface { if parent_sym.info.generic_types.len == 0 { p.error_with_pos('interface `${parent_sym.name}` is not a generic interface, cannot instantiate to the concrete types', concrete_types_pos) } else if parent_sym.info.generic_types.len != concrete_types.len { p.error_with_pos('the number of generic types of interface `${parent_sym.name}` is inconsistent with the concrete types', concrete_types_pos) } } ast.SumType { if parent_sym.info.generic_types.len == 0 { p.error_with_pos('sumtype `${parent_sym.name}` is not a generic sumtype, cannot instantiate to the concrete types', concrete_types_pos) } else if parent_sym.info.generic_types.len != concrete_types.len { p.error_with_pos('the number of generic types of sumtype `${parent_sym.name}` is inconsistent with the concrete types', concrete_types_pos) } } else {} } idx := p.table.register_sym(ast.TypeSymbol{ kind: .generic_inst name: bs_name cname: util.no_dots(bs_cname) mod: p.mod info: ast.GenericInst{ parent_idx: parent_idx concrete_types: concrete_types } }) return ast.new_type(idx) } return p.find_type_or_add_placeholder(name, .v).set_flag(.generic) }