# vweb - the V Web Server

A simple yet powerful web server with built-in routing, parameter handling, templating, and other
The [gitly](https://gitly.org/) site is based on vweb.

**_Some features may not be complete, and have some bugs._**

## Features

- **Very fast** performance of C on the web.
- **Small binary** hello world website is <100 KB.
- **Easy to deploy** just one binary file that also includes all templates. No need to install any
- **Templates are precompiled** all errors are visible at compilation time, not at runtime.

### Examples

There are some examples
that can be explored [here](https://github.com/vlang/v/tree/master/examples/vweb).

And others like:

- [vweb_orm_jwt](https://github.com/vlang/v/tree/master/examples/vweb_orm_jwt) (back-end)
- [vorum](https://github.com/vlang/vorum) (front-end)
- [gitly](https://github.com/vlang/gitly) (full-stack)

**Front-end getting start example**

```v ignore
module main

import vweb
import os

struct App {

struct Object {
	title       string
	description string

fn main() {
	vweb.run_at(new_app(), vweb.RunParams{
		port: 8081
	}) or { panic(err) }

fn new_app() &App {
	mut app := &App{}
	// makes all static files available.
	app.mount_static_folder_at(os.resource_abs_path('.'), '/')
	return app

pub fn (mut app App) page_home() vweb.Result {
	// all this constants can be accessed by src/templates/page/home.html file.
	page_title := 'V is the new V'
	v_url := 'https://github.com/vlang/v'

	list_of_object := [
			title: 'One good title'
			description: 'this is the first'
			title: 'Other good title'
			description: 'more one'
	// $vweb.html() in `<folder>_<name> vweb.Result ()` like this
	// render the `<name>.html` in folder `./templates/<folder>`
	return $vweb.html()


`$vweb.html()` compiles an HTML template into V during compilation, and embeds the resulting code
into the current action.

That means that the template automatically has access to that action's entire environment.


    @css 'src/templates/page/home.css'
    <h1 class="title">Hello, Vs.</h1>
    @for var in list_of_object
      <a href="${v_url}">${var.title}</a>
    <div>@include 'component.html'</div>


<div>This is a component</div>


h1.title {
  font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
  color: #3b7bbf;

V supports [Template directives](/vlib/v/TEMPLATES.md) like
`@css`, `@js` for static files in \<path\>
`@if`, `@for` for conditional and loop
`@include` to include html components.

## Deploying vweb apps

Everything, including HTML templates, is in one binary file. That's all you need to deploy.

## Getting Started

To start with vweb, you have to import the module `vweb` and define a struct to hold vweb.Context
(and any other variables your program will need).
The web server can be started by calling `vweb.run(&App{}, port)` or `vweb.run(&App{}, RunParams)`


```v ignore
import vweb

struct App {

fn main() {
	vweb.run(&App{}, 8080)
	// // or
	// vweb.run_at(new_app(), vweb.RunParams{
	// 	host: 'localhost'
	// 	port: 8099
	// 	family: .ip
	// }) or { panic(err) }

### Defining endpoints

To add endpoints to your web server, you have to extend the `App` struct.
For routing you can either use auto-mapping of function names or specify the path as an attribute.
The function expects a response of the type `vweb.Result`.


```v ignore
// This endpoint can be accessed via http://localhost:port/hello
fn (mut app App) hello() vweb.Result {
	return app.text('Hello')

// This endpoint can be accessed via http://localhost:port/foo
fn (mut app App) world() vweb.Result {
	return app.text('World')

#### - HTTP verbs

To use any HTTP verbs (or methods, as they are properly called),
such as `[post]`, `[get]`, `[put]`, `[patch]` or `[delete]`
you can simply add the attribute before the function definition.


```v ignore
fn (mut app App) world() vweb.Result {
	return app.text('World')

['/product/create'; post]
fn (mut app App) create_product() vweb.Result {
	return app.text('product')

#### - Parameters

Parameters are passed direcly in endpoint route using colon sign `:` and received using the same
name at function
To pass a parameter to an endpoint, you simply define it inside an attribute, e. g.
After it is defined in the attribute, you have to add it as a function parameter.


```v ignore
['/hello/:user']            vvvv
fn (mut app App) hello_user(user string) vweb.Result {
	return app.text('Hello $user')

You have access to the raw request data such as headers
or the request body by accessing `app` (which is `vweb.Context`).
If you want to read the request body, you can do that by calling `app.req.data`.
To read the request headers, you just call `app.req.header` and access the
header you want example. `app.req.header.get(.content_type)`. See `struct Header`
for all available methods (`v doc net.http Header`).
It has, too, fields for the `query`, `form`, `files`.

#### - Query
To handle the query context, you just need use the  `query` field


module main

import vweb

struct App {

fn main() {
	vweb.run(&App{}, 8081)

['/user'; get]
pub fn (mut app App) controller_get_user_by_id() vweb.Result {
	// http://localhost:3000/user?q=vpm&order_by=desc => { 'q': 'vpm', 'order_by': 'desc' }
	return app.text(app.query.str())
### Middleware

V haven't a well defined middleware.
For now, you can use `before_request()`. This method called before every request.
Probably you can use it for check user session cookie or add header

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) before_request() {
    app.user_id = app.get_cookie('id') or { '0' }

### Redirect

Used when you want be redirected to an url

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) before_request() {
    app.user_id = app.get_cookie('id') or { app.redirect('/') }

```v ignore
['/articles'; get]
pub fn (mut app App) articles() vweb.Result {
    if !app.token {
    return app.text("patatoes")

### Responses

#### - set_status

Sets the response status

```v ignore
['/user/get_all'; get]
pub fn (mut app App) controller_get_all_user() vweb.Result {
    token := app.get_header('token')

    if !token {
        app.set_status(401, '')
        return app.text('Not valid token')

    response := app.service_get_all_user() or {
        app.set_status(400, '')
        return app.text('$err')
    return app.json(response)

#### - html

Response HTTP_OK with payload with content-type `text/html`

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) html_page() vweb.Result {
    return app.html('<h1>ok</h1>')

#### - text

Response HTTP_OK with payload with content-type `text/plain`

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) simple() vweb.Result {
    return app.text('A simple result')

#### - json

Response HTTP_OK with payload with content-type `application/json`

```v ignore
['/articles'; get]
pub fn (mut app App) articles() vweb.Result {
    articles := app.find_all_articles()
    json_result := json.encode(articles)
    return app.json(json_result)

```v ignore
['/user/create'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) controller_create_user() vweb.Result {
    body := json.decode(User, app.req.data) or {
        app.set_status(400, '')
        return app.text('Failed to decode json, error: $err')

    response := app.service_add_user(body.username, body.password) or {
        app.set_status(400, '')
        return app.text('error: $err')

    return app.json(response)

#### - json_pretty

Response HTTP_OK with a pretty-printed JSON result

```v ignore
fn (mut app App) time_json_pretty() {
        'time': time.now().format()

#### - file

Response HTTP_OK with file as payload

#### - ok

Response HTTP_OK with payload

```v ignore
['/form_echo'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) form_echo() vweb.Result {
    app.set_content_type(app.req.header.get(.content_type) or { '' })
    return app.ok(app.form['foo'])

#### - server_error

Response a server error

```v ignore
fn (mut app App) sse() vweb.Result {
    return app.server_error(501)

#### - not_found

Response HTTP_NOT_FOUND with payload

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) user_repo_settings(username string, repository string) vweb.Result {
    if username !in known_users {
        return app.not_found()
    return app.html('username: $username | repository: $repository')

### Requests

#### - get_header

Returns the header data from the key

```v ignore
['/user/get_all'; get]
pub fn (mut app App) controller_get_all_user() vweb.Result {
    token := app.get_header('token')
    return app.text(token)

#### - get_cookie

Sets a cookie

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) before_request() {
    app.user_id = app.get_cookie('id') or { '0' }

#### - add_header

Adds an header to the response with key and val

```v ignore
['/upload'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) upload() vweb.Result {
    fdata := app.files['upfile']

    data_rows := fdata[0].data.split('\n')

    mut output_data := ''

    for elem in data_rows {
        delim_row := elem.split('\t')
        output_data += '${delim_row[0]}\t${delim_row[1]}\t'
        output_data += '${delim_row[0].int() + delim_row[1].int()}\n'

    output_data = output_data.all_before_last('\n')

    app.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=results.txt')
    app.send_response_to_client('application/octet-stream', output_data)

    return $vweb.html()

#### - set_cookie

Sets a cookie

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) cookie() vweb.Result {
    app.set_cookie(name: 'cookie', value: 'test')
    return app.text('Response Headers\n$app.header')

#### - set_cookie_with_expire_date

Sets a cookie with a `expire_data`

```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) cookie() vweb.Result {
    key := 'cookie'
    value := 'test'
    duration := time.Duration(2 * time.minute ) // add 2 minutes
    expire_date := time.now().add(duration)

    app.set_cookie_with_expire_date(key, value, expire_date)
    return app.text('Response Headers\n$app.header')

#### - set_content_type

Sets the response content type

```v ignore
['/form_echo'; post]
pub fn (mut app App) form_echo() vweb.Result {
    app.set_content_type(app.req.header.get(.content_type) or { '' })
    return app.ok(app.form['foo'])

### Template

#### -handle_static

handle_static is used to mark a folder (relative to the current working folder) as one that
contains only static resources (css files, images etc).

If `root` is set the mount path for the dir will be in '/'


```v ignore
fn main() {
    mut app := &App{}
    app.serve_static('/favicon.ico', 'favicon.ico')
    // Automatically make available known static mime types found in given directory.
    app.handle_static('assets', true)
    vweb.run(app, port)

#### -mount_static_folder_at

makes all static files in `directory_path` and inside it, available at http://server/mount_path.

For example: suppose you have called .mount_static_folder_at('/var/share/myassets', '/assets'),
and you have a file /var/share/myassets/main.css .
=> That file will be available at URL: http://server/assets/main.css .

#### -serve_static

Serves a file static.
`url` is the access path on the site, `file_path` is the real path to the file, `mime_type` is the
file type


```v ignore
fn main() {
    mut app := &App{}
    app.serve_static('/favicon.ico', 'favicon.ico')
    app.mount_static_folder_at(os.resource_abs_path('.'), '/')
    vweb.run(app, 8081)

### Others

#### -ip

Returns the ip address from the current user


```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) ip() vweb.Result {
    ip := app.ip()
    return app.text('ip: $ip')

#### -error

Set a string to the form error


```v ignore
pub fn (mut app App) error() vweb.Result {
    app.error('here as an error')
    println(app.form_error) //'vweb error: here as an error'
# Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection
## Provides protection against Cross-Site Request Forgery 

## Usage

When building a csrf-protected service, first of all create a `struct`that implements `csrf.App`

```v ignore
module main

import vweb
import vweb.csrf

// embeds the csrf.App struct in order to empower the struct to protect against CSRF
struct App {

Start a server e.g. in the main function.

```v ignore
fn main() {
	vweb.run_at(&App{}, vweb.RunParams{
        port: 8080
    }) or { panic(err) }

### Enable CSRF-protection

Then add a handler-function to define on which route or on which site the CSRF-Token shall be set.

```v ignore
fn (mut app App) index() vweb.Result {

    // Set a Csrf-Cookie (Token will be generated automatically)

	// Get the token-value from the csrf-cookie that was just setted
	token := app.get_csrf_token() or { panic(err) }

	return app.text("Csrf-Token set! It's value is: $token")

If you want to set the cookies's HttpOnly-status to false in order to make it  
 accessible to scripts on your site, you can do it like this:
If no argument is passed the value will be set to true by default.

### Protect against CSRF

If you want to protect a route or a site against CSRF just add  
`app.csrf_protect()` at the beginning of the handler-function.

```v ignore
fn (mut app App) foo() vweb.Result {
    // Protect this handler-function against CSRF
	return app.text("Checked and passed csrf-guard")