// Copyright (c) 2021 Lars Pontoppidan. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module toml import toml.ast import toml.util import toml.input import toml.scanner import toml.parser import time // Null is used in sumtype checks as a "default" value when nothing else is possible. pub struct Null { } // Config is used to configure the toml parser. // Only one of the fields `text` or `file_path`, is allowed to be set at time of configuration. pub struct Config { pub: text string // TOML text file_path string // '/path/to/file.toml' parse_comments bool } // Doc is a representation of a TOML document. // A document can be constructed from a `string` buffer or from a file path pub struct Doc { pub: ast &ast.Root } // parse_file parses the TOML file in `path`. pub fn parse_file(path string) ?Doc { input_config := input.Config{ file_path: path } scanner_config := scanner.Config{ input: input_config } parser_config := parser.Config{ scanner: scanner.new_scanner(scanner_config) ? } mut p := parser.new_parser(parser_config) ast := p.parse() ? return Doc{ ast: ast } } // parse_text parses the TOML document provided in `text`. pub fn parse_text(text string) ?Doc { input_config := input.Config{ text: text } scanner_config := scanner.Config{ input: input_config } parser_config := parser.Config{ scanner: scanner.new_scanner(scanner_config) ? } mut p := parser.new_parser(parser_config) ast := p.parse() ? return Doc{ ast: ast } } // parse parses the TOML document provided in `toml`. // parse automatically try to determine if the type of `toml` is a file or text. // For explicit parsing of input types see `parse_file` or `parse_text`. pub fn parse(toml string) ?Doc { mut input_config := input.auto_config(toml) ? scanner_config := scanner.Config{ input: input_config } parser_config := parser.Config{ scanner: scanner.new_scanner(scanner_config) ? } mut p := parser.new_parser(parser_config) ast := p.parse() ? return Doc{ ast: ast } } // to_json returns a compact json string of the complete document. pub fn (d Doc) to_json() string { return d.ast.to_json() } // value queries a value from the TOML document. pub fn (d Doc) value(key string) Any { values := d.ast.table as map[string]ast.Value return d.get_map_value_as_any(values, key) } // ast_to_any_value converts `from` ast.Value to toml.Any value. fn (d Doc) ast_to_any(value ast.Value) Any { // `match` isn't currently very suitable for further unwrapping sumtypes in the if's... if value is ast.Date || value is ast.Time || value is ast.DateTime { mut tim := time.Time{} if value is ast.Date { date_str := (value as ast.Date).text tim = time.parse_rfc3339(date_str) or { return Any(Null{}) // TODO decide this // panic(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + // ' failed converting "$date_str" to rfc3339: $err') } } else if value is ast.Time { time_str := (value as ast.Time).text tim = time.parse_rfc3339(time_str) or { return Any(Null{}) // TODO decide this // panic(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + // ' failed converting "$time_str" to rfc3339: $err') } } else { // value is ast.DateTime datetime_str := (value as ast.DateTime).text tim = time.parse_rfc3339(datetime_str) or { return Any(Null{}) // TODO decide this // panic(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + // ' failed converting "$datetime_str" to rfc3339: $err') } } return Any(tim) } match value { ast.Quoted { return Any((value as ast.Quoted).text) } ast.Number { str := (value as ast.Number).text if str.contains('.') { return Any(str.f64()) } return Any(str.i64()) } ast.Bool { str := (value as ast.Bool).text if str == 'true' { return Any(true) } return Any(false) } map[string]ast.Value { m := (value as map[string]ast.Value) mut am := map[string]Any{} for k, v in m { am[k] = d.ast_to_any(v) } return am // return d.get_map_value(m, key_split[1..].join('.')) } []ast.Value { a := (value as []ast.Value) mut aa := []Any{} for val in a { aa << d.ast_to_any(val) } return aa } else { return Any(Null{}) } } return Any(Null{}) // TODO decide this // panic(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' can\'t convert "$value"') // return Any('') } // get_map_value_as_any returns the value found at `key` in the map `values` as `Any` type. fn (d Doc) get_map_value_as_any(values map[string]ast.Value, key string) Any { key_split := key.split('.') util.printdbg(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN, ' getting "${key_split[0]}"') if key_split[0] in values.keys() { value := values[key_split[0]] or { return Any(Null{}) // TODO decide this // panic(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' key "$key" does not exist') } // `match` isn't currently very suitable for these types of sum type constructs... if value is map[string]ast.Value { m := (value as map[string]ast.Value) next_key := key_split[1..].join('.') if next_key == '' { return d.ast_to_any(value) } return d.get_map_value_as_any(m, next_key) } return d.ast_to_any(value) } return Any(Null{}) // TODO decide this // panic(@MOD + '.' + @STRUCT + '.' + @FN + ' key "$key" does not exist') }