module math fn C.acos(x f64) f64 fn C.asin(x f64) f64 fn C.atan(x f64) f64 fn C.atan2(y f64, x f64) f64 // acos calculates inverse cosine (arccosine). [inline] pub fn acos(a f64) f64 { return C.acos(a) } // asin calculates inverse sine (arcsine). [inline] pub fn asin(a f64) f64 { return C.asin(a) } // atan calculates inverse tangent (arctangent). [inline] pub fn atan(a f64) f64 { return C.atan(a) } // atan2 calculates inverse tangent with two arguments, returns the angle between the X axis and the point. [inline] pub fn atan2(a f64, b f64) f64 { return C.atan2(a, b) }