mut s := 'hello world' s.len = 0 // Error (field len immutable) mut a := []string a.len = 0 // Error (field len immutable) mut ints := []int ints.len = 0 // Error (field len immutable) println('BYE') ===output=== .vrepl_temp.v:3:5: cannot modify immutable field `len` (type `string`) declare the field with `mut:` struct string { mut: len int } .vrepl_temp.v:4:5: cannot modify immutable field `len` (type `array`) declare the field with `mut:` struct array { mut: len int } .vrepl_temp.v:5:8: cannot modify immutable field `len` (type `array`) declare the field with `mut:` struct array { mut: len int } BYE