## [Version 0.4] - [ ] [Coroutines](https://github.com/vlang/v/discussions/11582) - [ ] [Thread safe maps](https://github.com/vlang/v/discussions/11729) - [ ] Parallel parser - [ ] Parallel checker - [ ] Parallel C compilation - [ ] `recover()` from panics - [x] vfmt: add missing imports (like goimports) - [ ] Recursive structs via options: `struct Node { next ?Node }` - [x] First class Option type - [ ] Optional function struct fields - [ ] Handle function pointers safely, remove `if function == 0 {` - [x] Bundle OpenSSL like GC - [x] Anonymous structs - [ ] -usecache on by default - [ ] -skip-unused on by default - [ ] `any` type - [ ] `copy()` builtin function (e.g. for easier conversion from `[]Foo` to `[4]Foo`) - [ ] better documentation platform ## [Version 1.0] - [ ] Cross compilation of C - [ ] Big remaining bugs fixed - [ ] More powerful comptime - [ ] Interactive educational platform (learning to program for beginners)