struct A{ mut: val int nums []int } struct B{ mut: a A } struct C { mut: b B nums []int aarr []A num int } struct User { name string age int } struct Foo { @type string } //We need to make sure that this compiles with all the reserved names. struct ReservedKeywords { delete int exit int unix int error int malloc int calloc int free int panic int auto int char int do int double int extern int float int inline int long int register int restrict int short int signed int typedef int unsigned int void int volatile int while int } fn test_struct_levels() { mut c := C{} assert c.nums.len == 0 c.nums << 3 assert c.nums.len == 1 assert c.nums[0] == 3 c.nums[0] = 4 assert c.nums[0] == 4 c.b.a.val = 34 assert c.b.a.val == 34 c.b.a.nums = [0].repeat(0) c.b.a.nums << 0 c.b.a.nums << 2 assert c.b.a.nums.len == 2 assert c.b.a.nums[0] == 0 assert c.b.a.nums[1] == 2 c.b.a.nums [0] = 7 assert c.b.a.nums[0] == 7 c.aarr << A{val:8} assert c.aarr.len == 1 assert c.aarr[0].val == 8 c.num = 20 assert c.num == 20 c.aarr[0].val = 10 assert c.aarr[0].val == 10 } fn test_struct_str() { u := User{'Bob', 30} println(u) // make sure the struct is printable // assert u.str() == '{name:"Bob", age:30}' // TODO } fn test_at() { foo := Foo{ @type: 'test' } println(foo.@type) } fn test_reserved_keywords() { //Make sure we can initialize them correctly using full syntax. rk_holder := ReservedKeywords{0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3} //Test a few as it'll take too long to test all. If it's initialized //correctly, other fields are also probably valid. assert rk_holder.unix == 5 assert rk_holder.while == 3 rk_holder2 := ReservedKeywords{inline: 9, volatile: 11} //Make sure partial initialization works too. assert rk_holder2.inline == 9 assert rk_holder2.volatile == 11 assert rk_holder2.while == 0 //Zero value as not specified. }