// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module os enum FileType { regular directory character_device block_device fifo symbolic_link socket } struct FilePermission { pub: read bool write bool execute bool } struct FileMode { pub: typ FileType owner FilePermission group FilePermission others FilePermission } // inode returns the mode of the file/inode containing inode type and permission information // it supports windows for regular files but it doesn't matter if you use owner, group or others when checking permissions on windows pub fn inode(path string) FileMode { mut attr := C.stat{} unsafe { C.stat(charptr(path.str), &attr) } mut typ := FileType.regular if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFDIR) { typ = .directory } $if !windows { if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFCHR) { typ = .character_device } else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFBLK) { typ = .block_device } else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFIFO) { typ = .fifo } else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFLNK) { typ = .symbolic_link } else if attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IFMT) == u32(C.S_IFSOCK) { typ = .socket } } $if windows { return FileMode{ typ: typ owner: FilePermission{ read: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IREAD)) write: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWRITE)) execute: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IEXEC)) } group: FilePermission{ read: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IREAD)) write: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWRITE)) execute: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IEXEC)) } others: FilePermission{ read: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IREAD)) write: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWRITE)) execute: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IEXEC)) } } } $else { return FileMode{ typ: typ owner: FilePermission{ read: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IRUSR)) write: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWUSR)) execute: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IXUSR)) } group: FilePermission{ read: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IRGRP)) write: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWGRP)) execute: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IXGRP)) } others: FilePermission{ read: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IROTH)) write: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IWOTH)) execute: bool(attr.st_mode & u32(C.S_IXOTH)) } } } }