module sfons

import fontstash
import sokol.memory

pub struct C.sfons_allocator_t {
	alloc     memory.FnAllocatorAlloc
	free      memory.FnAllocatorFree
	user_data voidptr

pub struct C.sfons_desc_t {
	width     int // initial width of font atlas texture (default: 512, must be power of 2)
	height    int // initial height of font atlas texture (default: 512, must be power of 2)
	allocator C.sfons_allocator_t // optional memory allocation overrides

fn C.sfons_create(desc &C.sfons_desc_t) &fontstash.Context
fn C.sfons_destroy(ctx &fontstash.Context)
fn C.sfons_flush(ctx &fontstash.Context)

fn C.sfons_rgba(r u8, g u8, b u8, a u8) u32