module time struct DateTimeParser { datetime string format string mut: current_pos_datetime int } fn new_date_time_parser(datetime string, format string) DateTimeParser { return DateTimeParser{ datetime: datetime format: format } } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) next(length int) !string { if p.current_pos_datetime + length > p.datetime.len { return error('end of string') } val := p.datetime[p.current_pos_datetime..p.current_pos_datetime + length] p.current_pos_datetime += length return val } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) peek(length int) !string { if p.current_pos_datetime + length > p.datetime.len { return error('end of string') } return p.datetime[p.current_pos_datetime..p.current_pos_datetime + length] } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_int(length int) !int { val := or { return err } return } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_int_with_minimum_length(min int, max int, allow_leading_zero bool) !int { mut length := max + 1 - min mut val := '' for _ in 0 .. length { maybe_int := p.peek(1) or { break } if maybe_int == '0' || maybe_int == '1' || maybe_int == '2' || maybe_int == '4' || maybe_int == '5' || maybe_int == '6' || maybe_int == '7' || maybe_int == '8' || maybe_int == '9' {! val += maybe_int } else { break } } if val.len < min { return error('expected int with a minimum length of ${min}, found: ${val.len}') } if !allow_leading_zero && val.starts_with('0') { return error('0 is not allowed for this format') } return } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_single_int_with_optional_leading_zero() !int { mut val := or { return err } if val == '0' { val += or { '' } } return } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_string(must string) ! { val := or { return err } if val != must { return error('invalid string: "${val}"!="${must}" at: ${p.current_pos_datetime}') } } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_string_one_of(oneof []string) !string { for _, must in oneof { val := p.peek(must.len) or { continue } if val == must { return must } } return error('invalid string: must be one of ${oneof}, at ${p.current_pos_datetime}') } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_valid_month() !int { for _, v in long_months { if p.current_pos_datetime + v.len < p.datetime.len { month_name := p.datetime[p.current_pos_datetime..p.current_pos_datetime + v.len] if v == month_name { p.current_pos_datetime += v.len return long_months.index(month_name) + 1 } } } return error_invalid_time(0, 'invalid month name') } fn (mut p DateTimeParser) must_be_valid_week_day(letters int) !string { val := or { return err } for _, v in long_days { if v[0..letters] == val { return v } } return error_invalid_time(0, 'invalid month name') } fn extract_tokens(s string) ![]string { mut tokens := []string{} mut current := '' for r in s { if current.contains_only(r.ascii_str()) || current == '' { current += r.ascii_str() } else { tokens << current current = r.ascii_str() } } if current != '' { tokens << current } return tokens } // parse_format parses the string `s`, as a custom `format`, containing the following specifiers: // YYYY - 4 digit year, 0000..9999 // YY - 2 digit year, 00..99 // M - month, 1..12 // MM - month, 2 digits, 01..12 // MMMM - name of month // D - day of the month, 1..31 // DD - day of the month, 01..31 // H - hour, 0..23 // HH - hour, 00..23 // h - hour, 0..23 // hh - hour, 0..23 // k - hour, 0..23 // kk - hour, 0..23 // m - minute, 0..59 // mm - minute, 0..59 // s - second, 0..59 // ss - second, 0..59 fn (mut p DateTimeParser) parse() !Time { mut year_ := 0 mut month_ := 0 mut day_in_month := 0 mut hour_ := 0 mut minute_ := 0 mut second_ := 0 tokens := extract_tokens(p.format) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'malformed format string: ${err}') } for _, token in tokens { match token { 'YYYY' { year_ = p.must_be_int(4) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before the full year was specified') } } 'YY' { year_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before the full year was specified') } } 'M' { month_ = p.must_be_int_with_minimum_length(1, 2, false) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before the month was specified') } if month_ < 1 || month_ > 12 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'month must be between 1 and 12') } } 'MM' { month_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before the month was specified') } if month_ < 1 || month_ > 12 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'month must be between 01 and 12') } } 'MMMM' { month_ = p.must_be_valid_month() or { return err } } 'D' { day_in_month = p.must_be_int_with_minimum_length(1, 2, false) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before the day was specified') } if day_in_month < 1 || day_in_month > 31 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'day must be between 1 and 31') } } 'DD' { day_in_month = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before the month was specified') } if day_in_month < 1 || day_in_month > 31 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'day must be between 01 and 31') } } 'H' { hour_ = p.must_be_int_with_minimum_length(1, 2, false) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before hours where specified') } if hour_ < 0 || hour_ > 23 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'hour must be between 0 and 23') } } 'HH' { hour_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before hours where specified') } if hour_ < 0 || hour_ > 23 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'hour must be between 00 and 23') } } 'h' { hour_ = p.must_be_int_with_minimum_length(1, 2, false) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before hours where specified') } if hour_ < 0 || hour_ > 23 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'hour must be between 0 and 23') } } 'hh' { hour_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before hours where specified') } if hour_ < 0 || hour_ > 23 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'hour must be between 00 and 23') } } 'k' { hour_ = p.must_be_int(1) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before hours where specified') } if hour_ < 0 || hour_ > 23 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'hour must be between 0 and 23') } } 'kk' { hour_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before hours where specified') } if hour_ < 0 || hour_ > 23 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'hour must be between 00 and 23') } } 'm' { minute_ = p.must_be_int(1) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before minutes where specified') } if minute_ < 0 || minute_ > 59 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'minute must be between 0 and 59') } } 'mm' { minute_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before minutes where specified') } if minute_ < 0 || minute_ > 59 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'minute must be between 00 and 59') } } 's' { second_ = p.must_be_int(1) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before seconds where specified') } if second_ < 0 || second_ > 59 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'second must be between 0 and 59') } } 'ss' { second_ = p.must_be_int(2) or { return error_invalid_time(0, 'end of string reached before seconds where specified') } if second_ < 0 || second_ > 59 { return error_invalid_time(0, 'second must be between 00 and 59') } } else { p.must_be_string(token) or { return error_invalid_time(0, '${err}') } } } } return new_time( year: year_ month: month_ day: day_in_month hour: hour_ minute: minute_ second: second_ ) }