import os import os.notify import net import time // This example demonstrates a single threaded TCP server using os.notify to be // notified of events on file descriptors. You can connect to the server using // netcat in separate shells, for example: `nc localhost 9001` fn main() { $if !linux { eprintln('This example only works on Linux') exit(1) } // create TCP listener mut listener := net.listen_tcp(.ip, 'localhost:9001')! defer { listener.close() or {} } addr := listener.addr()! eprintln('Listening on $addr') eprintln('Type `stop` to stop the server') // create file descriptor notifier mut notifier :=! defer { notifier.close() or {} } notifier.add(os.stdin().fd, .read)! notifier.add(listener.sock.handle, .read)! for { for event in notifier.wait(time.infinite) { match event.fd { listener.sock.handle { // someone is trying to connect eprint('trying to connect.. ') if conn := listener.accept() { if _ := notifier.add(conn.sock.handle, .read | .peer_hangup) { eprintln('connected') } else { eprintln('error adding to notifier: $err') } } else { eprintln('unable to accept: $err') } } 0 { // stdin s, _ := os.fd_read(event.fd, 10) if s == 'stop\n' { eprintln('stopping') return } } else { // remote connection if event.kind.has(.peer_hangup) { if _ := notifier.remove(event.fd) { eprintln('remote disconnected') } else { eprintln('error removing from notifier: $err') } } else { s, _ := os.fd_read(event.fd, 10) os.fd_write(event.fd, s) } } } } } }