// Copyright (c) 2023 l-m.dev. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module wasm import encoding.leb128 import math.bits fn (mut mod Module) u32(v u32) { mod.buf << leb128.encode_u32(v) } fn (mut mod Module) patch_start() int { return mod.buf.len } fn (mut mod Module) patch_len(pos int) { len := mod.buf.len - pos data := leb128.encode_u32(u32(len)) mod.buf.insert(pos, data) } fn (mut mod Module) patch_u32(pos int, val u32) { data := leb128.encode_u32(val) mod.buf.insert(pos, data) } fn (mut mod Module) result_type(results []ValType) { mod.u32(u32(results.len)) for r in results { mod.buf << u8(r) } } fn (mut mod Module) function_type(ft FuncType) { mod.buf << 0x60 // function type indicator mod.result_type(ft.parameters) mod.result_type(ft.results) } fn (mut mod Module) global_type(vt ValType, is_mut bool) { mod.buf << u8(vt) mod.buf << u8(is_mut) } fn push_f32(mut buf []u8, v f32) { rv := bits.f32_bits(v) buf << u8(rv >> u32(0)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(8)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(16)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(24)) } fn push_f64(mut buf []u8, v f64) { rv := bits.f64_bits(v) buf << u8(rv >> u32(0)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(8)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(16)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(24)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(32)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(40)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(48)) buf << u8(rv >> u32(56)) } fn (mod &Module) get_function_idx(patch CallPatch) int { mut idx := -1 match patch { FunctionCallPatch { ftt := mod.functions[patch.name] or { panic('called function ${patch.name} does not exist') } idx = ftt.idx + mod.fn_imports.len } ImportCallPatch { for fnidx, c in mod.fn_imports { if c.mod == patch.mod && c.name == patch.name { idx = fnidx break } } if idx == -1 { panic('called imported function ${patch.mod}.${patch.name} does not exist') } } } return idx } fn (mut mod Module) patch(ft Function) { mut ptr := 0 for patch in ft.patches { mut idx := 0 match patch { CallPatch { idx = mod.get_function_idx(patch) } FunctionGlobalPatch { idx = mod.global_imports.len + patch.idx } } mod.buf << ft.code[ptr..patch.pos] mod.u32(u32(idx)) ptr = patch.pos } mod.buf << ft.code[ptr..] } fn (mut mod Module) name(name string) { mod.u32(u32(name.len)) mod.buf << name.bytes() } fn (mut mod Module) start_subsection(sec Subsection) int { mod.buf << u8(sec) return mod.patch_start() } fn (mut mod Module) start_section(sec Section) int { mod.buf << u8(sec) return mod.patch_start() } fn (mut mod Module) end_section(tpatch int) { mod.patch_len(tpatch) } // compile serialises the WebAssembly module into a byte array. // The returned byte array can be written out into a `.wasm`, or executed in memory. pub fn (mut mod Module) compile() []u8 { mod.buf = []u8{cap: 128} // WASM_BINARY_MAGIC, WASM_BINARY_VERSION mod.buf << [u8(0x00), 0x61, 0x73, 0x6d, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00] // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#type-section // if mod.functypes.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.type_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.functypes.len)) for ft in mod.functypes { mod.function_type(ft) } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#import-section // if mod.fn_imports.len > 0 || mod.global_imports.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.import_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.fn_imports.len + mod.global_imports.len)) for ft in mod.fn_imports { mod.name(ft.mod) mod.name(ft.name) mod.buf << 0x00 // function mod.u32(u32(ft.tidx)) } for gt in mod.global_imports { mod.name(gt.mod) mod.name(gt.name) mod.buf << 0x03 // global mod.global_type(gt.typ, gt.is_mut) } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#binary-funcsec // if mod.functions.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.function_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.functions.len)) for _, ft in mod.functions { mod.u32(u32(ft.tidx)) } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#binary-memsec // if memory := mod.memory { tpatch := mod.start_section(.memory_section) { mod.u32(1) if max := memory.max { mod.buf << 0x01 // limit, max present mod.u32(memory.min) mod.u32(max) } else { mod.buf << 0x00 // limit, max not present mod.u32(memory.min) } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#global-section // if mod.globals.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.global_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.globals.len)) for gt in mod.globals { mod.global_type(gt.typ, gt.is_mut) { mut ptr := 0 for patch in gt.init.call_patches { idx := mod.get_function_idx(patch) mod.buf << gt.init.code[ptr..patch.pos] mod.u32(u32(idx)) ptr = patch.pos } mod.buf << gt.init.code[ptr..] } mod.buf << 0x0B // END expression opcode } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#export-section // { tpatch := mod.start_section(.export_section) { lpatch := mod.patch_start() mut lsz := 0 for _, ft in mod.functions { if !ft.export { continue } lsz++ mod.name(ft.export_name or { ft.name }) mod.buf << 0x00 // function mod.u32(u32(ft.idx + mod.fn_imports.len)) } if memory := mod.memory { if memory.export { lsz++ mod.name(memory.name) mod.buf << 0x02 // function mod.u32(0) } } for idx, gbl in mod.globals { if !gbl.export { continue } lsz++ mod.name(gbl.name) mod.buf << 0x03 // global mod.u32(u32(idx + mod.global_imports.len)) } mod.patch_u32(lpatch, u32(lsz)) } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#binary-startsec // if start := mod.start { ftt := mod.functions[start] or { panic('start function ${start} does not exist') } tpatch := mod.start_section(.start_section) { mod.u32(u32(ftt.idx + mod.fn_imports.len)) } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#data-count-section // if mod.segments.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.data_count_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.segments.len)) } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#binary-codesec // if mod.functions.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.code_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.functions.len)) for _, ft in mod.functions { fpatch := mod.patch_start() rloc := ft.locals[mod.functypes[ft.tidx].parameters.len..] { mod.u32(u32(rloc.len)) for lt in rloc { mod.u32(1) mod.buf << u8(lt.typ) } mod.patch(ft) mod.buf << 0x0B // END expression opcode } mod.patch_len(fpatch) } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/binary/modules.html#data-section // if mod.segments.len > 0 { tpatch := mod.start_section(.data_section) { mod.u32(u32(mod.segments.len)) for _, seg in mod.segments { if idx := seg.idx { mod.buf << 0x00 // active // constant expr mod.buf << 0x41 // i32.const mod.buf << leb128.encode_i32(idx) mod.buf << 0x0B // END expression opcode } else { mod.buf << 0x01 // passive } mod.u32(u32(seg.data.len)) mod.buf << seg.data } } mod.end_section(tpatch) } // https://webassembly.github.io/spec/core/appendix/custom.html#name-section // if mod.debug { tpatch := mod.start_section(.custom_section) mod.name('name') if mod_name := mod.mod_name { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_module) { mod.name(mod_name) } mod.end_section(mpatch) } { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_function) { mod.u32(u32(mod.functions.len + mod.fn_imports.len)) mut idx := 0 for f in mod.fn_imports { mod.u32(u32(idx)) mod.name('${f.mod}.${f.name}') idx++ } for n, _ in mod.functions { mod.u32(u32(idx)) mod.name(n) idx++ } } mod.end_section(mpatch) } { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_local) { fpatch := mod.patch_start() mut fcount := 0 mut idx := mod.fn_imports.len // after imports for _, ft in mod.functions { // only add entry if it contains a local with an assigned name if ft.locals.any(it.name != none) { mod.u32(u32(idx)) // function idx mut lcount := 0 lcpatch := mod.patch_start() for lidx, loc in ft.locals { if name := loc.name { mod.u32(u32(lidx)) mod.name(name) lcount++ } } mod.patch_u32(lcpatch, u32(lcount)) fcount++ } idx++ } mod.patch_u32(fpatch, u32(fcount)) } mod.end_section(mpatch) } { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_type) { fpatch := mod.patch_start() mut fcount := 0 for idx, ft in mod.functypes { if name := ft.name { mod.u32(u32(idx)) mod.name(name) fcount++ } } mod.patch_u32(fpatch, u32(fcount)) } mod.end_section(mpatch) } if memory := mod.memory { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_memory) { mod.u32(u32(1)) // one memory in vec mod.u32(u32(0)) // 0 idx mod.name(memory.name) // memory name } mod.end_section(mpatch) } if mod.globals.len != 0 || mod.global_imports.len != 0 { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_global) { fpatch := mod.patch_start() mut fcount := 0 for gbl in mod.global_imports { mod.u32(u32(fcount)) mod.name('${gbl.mod}.${gbl.name}') fcount++ } for gbl in mod.globals { mod.u32(u32(fcount)) mod.name(gbl.name) fcount++ } mod.patch_u32(fpatch, u32(fcount)) } mod.end_section(mpatch) } if mod.segments.any(it.name != none) { mpatch := mod.start_subsection(.name_data) { fpatch := mod.patch_start() mut fcount := 0 for idx, ds in mod.segments { if name := ds.name { mod.u32(u32(idx)) mod.name(name) fcount++ } } mod.patch_u32(fpatch, u32(fcount)) } mod.end_section(mpatch) } mod.end_section(tpatch) } return mod.buf }