module os import term.termios // input_password prompts the user for a password-like secret. It disables // the terminal echo during user input and resets it back to normal when done. pub fn input_password(prompt string) !string { if is_atty(1) <= 0 || getenv('TERM') == 'dumb' { return error('Could not obtain password discretely.') } mut old_state := termios.Termios{} if termios.tcgetattr(0, mut old_state) != 0 { return last_error() } defer { termios.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSANOW, mut old_state) println('') } mut new_state := old_state new_state.c_lflag &= termios.invert(C.ECHO) // Disable echoing of characters termios.tcsetattr(0, C.TCSANOW, mut new_state) password := input_opt(prompt) or { return error('Failed to read password') } return password }