module sapp const ( max_touchpoints = 8 max_mousebuttons = 3 max_keycodes = 512 max_iconimages = 8 ) [typedef] pub struct C.sapp_range { pub: ptr voidptr size usize } pub type Range = C.sapp_range [typedef] pub struct C.sapp_image_desc { pub: width int height int pixels Range } pub type ImageDesc = C.sapp_image_desc [typedef] pub struct C.sapp_icon_desc { sokol_default bool images [max_iconimages]ImageDesc } pub type IconDesc = C.sapp_icon_desc [typedef] pub struct C.sapp_desc { pub: init_cb fn () // these are the user-provided callbacks without user data frame_cb fn () cleanup_cb fn () event_cb fn (&Event) //&sapp_event) fail_cb fn (&u8) user_data voidptr // these are the user-provided callbacks with user data init_userdata_cb fn (voidptr) frame_userdata_cb fn (voidptr) cleanup_userdata_cb fn (voidptr) event_userdata_cb fn (&Event, voidptr) fail_userdata_cb fn (&char, voidptr) width int // the preferred width of the window / canvas height int // the preferred height of the window / canvas sample_count int // MSAA sample count swap_interval int // the preferred swap interval (ignored on some platforms) high_dpi bool // whether the rendering canvas is full-resolution on HighDPI displays fullscreen bool // whether the window should be created in fullscreen mode alpha bool // whether the framebuffer should have an alpha channel (ignored on some platforms) window_title &char // the window title as UTF-8 encoded string enable_clipboard bool // enable clipboard access, default is false clipboard_size int // max size of clipboard content in bytes enable_dragndrop bool // enable file dropping (drag'n'drop), default is false max_dropped_files int // max number of dropped files to process (default: 1) max_dropped_file_path_length int // max length in bytes of a dropped UTF-8 file path (default: 2048) icon IconDesc // the initial window icon to set // backend-specific options gl_force_gles2 bool // if true, setup GLES2/WebGL even if GLES3/WebGL2 is available win32_console_utf8 bool // if true, set the output console codepage to UTF-8 win32_console_create bool // if true, attach stdout/stderr to a new console window win32_console_attach bool // if true, attach stdout/stderr to parent process html5_canvas_name &char // the name (id) of the HTML5 canvas element, default is "canvas" html5_canvas_resize bool // if true, the HTML5 canvas size is set to sapp_desc.width/height, otherwise canvas size is tracked html5_preserve_drawing_buffer bool // HTML5 only: whether to preserve default framebuffer content between frames html5_premultiplied_alpha bool // HTML5 only: whether the rendered pixels use premultiplied alpha convention html5_ask_leave_site bool // initial state of the internal html5_ask_leave_site flag (see sapp_html5_ask_leave_site()) ios_keyboard_resizes_canvas bool // if true, showing the iOS keyboard shrinks the canvas // V patches __v_native_render bool // V patch to allow for native rendering pub mut: allocator C.sapp_allocator // optional memory allocation overrides (default: malloc/free) logger C.sapp_logger // optional log callback overrides (default: SAPP_LOG(message)) } pub type Desc = C.sapp_desc [typedef] pub struct C.sapp_event { pub: frame_count u64 // current frame counter, always valid, useful for checking if two events were issued in the same frame @type EventType // the event type, always valid key_code KeyCode // the virtual key code, only valid in KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN char_code u32 // the UTF-32 character code, only valid in CHAR events key_repeat bool // true if this is a key-repeat event, valid in KEY_UP, KEY_DOWN and CHAR modifiers u32 // current modifier keys, valid in all key-, char- and mouse-events mouse_button MouseButton // mouse button that was pressed or released, valid in MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_UP mouse_x f32 // current horizontal mouse position in pixels, always valid except during mouse lock mouse_y f32 // current vertical mouse position in pixels, always valid except during mouse lock mouse_dx f32 // relative horizontal mouse movement since last frame, always valid mouse_dy f32 // relative vertical mouse movement since last frame, always valid scroll_x f32 // horizontal mouse wheel scroll distance, valid in MOUSE_SCROLL events scroll_y f32 // vertical mouse wheel scroll distance, valid in MOUSE_SCROLL events num_touches int // number of valid items in the touches[] array touches [max_touchpoints]TouchPoint // current touch points, valid in TOUCHES_BEGIN, TOUCHES_MOVED, TOUCHES_ENDED window_width int // current window- and framebuffer width in pixels, always valid window_height int // current window- and framebuffer height in pixels, always valid framebuffer_width int // = window_width * dpi_scale framebuffer_height int // = window_height * dpi_scale } pub type Event = C.sapp_event pub fn (e &C.sapp_event) str() string { return 'evt: frame_count=${e.frame_count}, type=${e.@type}' } [typedef] pub struct C.sapp_touchpoint { pub: identifier u64 pos_x f32 pos_y f32 android_tooltype TouchToolType changed bool } pub type TouchPoint = C.sapp_touchpoint