// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module sync import time // There's no additional linking (-lpthread) needed for Android. // See https://stackoverflow.com/a/31277163/1904615 $if !android { #flag -lpthread } #include [trusted] fn C.pthread_mutex_init(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_mutex_lock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_mutex_unlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_mutex_destroy(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_init(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(voidptr, int) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(voidptr, int) int fn C.pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_init(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_rdlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_wrlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_unlock(voidptr) int fn C.pthread_rwlock_destroy(voidptr) int fn C.sem_init(voidptr, int, u32) int fn C.sem_post(voidptr) int fn C.sem_wait(voidptr) int fn C.sem_trywait(voidptr) int fn C.sem_timedwait(voidptr, voidptr) int fn C.sem_destroy(voidptr) int [typedef] struct C.pthread_mutex_t {} [typedef] struct C.pthread_rwlock_t {} [typedef] struct C.pthread_rwlockattr_t {} [typedef] struct C.sem_t {} // [init_with=new_mutex] // TODO: implement support for this struct attribute, and disallow Mutex{} from outside the sync.new_mutex() function. [heap] pub struct Mutex { mutex C.pthread_mutex_t } [heap] pub struct RwMutex { mutex C.pthread_rwlock_t } struct RwMutexAttr { attr C.pthread_rwlockattr_t } [heap] pub struct Semaphore { sem C.sem_t } // new_mutex create and init a new mutex object. You should not call `init` again. pub fn new_mutex() &Mutex { mut m := &Mutex{} m.init() return m } // init the mutex object. pub fn (mut m Mutex) init() { C.pthread_mutex_init(&m.mutex, C.NULL) } // new_rwmutex create and init a new rwmutex object. You should not call `init` again. pub fn new_rwmutex() &RwMutex { mut m := &RwMutex{} m.init() return m } // init the rwmutex object. pub fn (mut m RwMutex) init() { a := RwMutexAttr{} C.pthread_rwlockattr_init(&a.attr) // Give writer priority over readers C.pthread_rwlockattr_setkind_np(&a.attr, C.PTHREAD_RWLOCK_PREFER_WRITER_NONRECURSIVE_NP) C.pthread_rwlockattr_setpshared(&a.attr, C.PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE) C.pthread_rwlock_init(&m.mutex, &a.attr) C.pthread_rwlockattr_destroy(&a.attr) // destroy the attr when done } // @lock the mutex, wait and return after got the mutex lock. pub fn (mut m Mutex) @lock() { C.pthread_mutex_lock(&m.mutex) } // unlock the mutex. The mutex is released. pub fn (mut m Mutex) unlock() { C.pthread_mutex_unlock(&m.mutex) } // destroy the mutex object. pub fn (mut m Mutex) destroy() { res := C.pthread_mutex_destroy(&m.mutex) if res == 0 { return } panic(unsafe { tos_clone(&u8(C.strerror(res))) }) } // @rlock read-lock the rwmutex, wait and return after got read access. pub fn (mut m RwMutex) @rlock() { C.pthread_rwlock_rdlock(&m.mutex) } // @lock read & write-lock the rwmutex, wait and return after got read & write access. pub fn (mut m RwMutex) @lock() { C.pthread_rwlock_wrlock(&m.mutex) } // destroy the rwmutex object. pub fn (mut m RwMutex) destroy() { res := C.pthread_rwlock_destroy(&m.mutex) if res == 0 { return } panic(unsafe { tos_clone(&u8(C.strerror(res))) }) } // Windows SRWLocks have different function to unlock // So provide two functions here, too, to have a common interface pub fn (mut m RwMutex) runlock() { C.pthread_rwlock_unlock(&m.mutex) } // unlock the rwmutex object. The rwmutex is released. pub fn (mut m RwMutex) unlock() { C.pthread_rwlock_unlock(&m.mutex) } // new_semaphore create a new semaphore, with zero initial value. [inline] pub fn new_semaphore() &Semaphore { return new_semaphore_init(0) } // new_semaphore_init create a semaphore, with `n` initial value. pub fn new_semaphore_init(n u32) &Semaphore { mut sem := &Semaphore{} sem.init(n) return sem } // init the semaphore, with `n` initial value. pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) init(n u32) { C.sem_init(&sem.sem, 0, n) } // post increase the semaphore's value by 1. pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) post() { C.sem_post(&sem.sem) } // wait decrease the semaphore's value by 1. If semaphore's original value is zero, then wait. pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) wait() { for { if C.sem_wait(&sem.sem) == 0 { return } e := C.errno match e { C.EINTR { continue // interrupted by signal } else { panic(unsafe { tos_clone(&u8(C.strerror(C.errno))) }) } } } } // try_wait should return as fast as possible so error handling is only // done when debugging pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) try_wait() bool { $if !debug { return C.sem_trywait(&sem.sem) == 0 } $else { if C.sem_trywait(&sem.sem) != 0 { e := C.errno match e { C.EAGAIN { return false } else { panic(unsafe { tos_clone(&u8(C.strerror(C.errno))) }) } } } return true } } // timed_wait decrease the semaphore's value by 1. If semaphore's original // value is zero, then wait. If `timeout` return false. pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) timed_wait(timeout time.Duration) bool { $if macos { time.sleep(timeout) return true } t_spec := timeout.timespec() for { $if !macos { if C.sem_timedwait(&sem.sem, &t_spec) == 0 { return true } } e := C.errno match e { C.EINTR { continue // interrupted by signal } C.ETIMEDOUT { break } else { panic(unsafe { tos_clone(&u8(C.strerror(e))) }) } } } return false } // destroy the semaphore object. pub fn (mut sem Semaphore) destroy() { res := C.sem_destroy(&sem.sem) if res == 0 { return } panic(unsafe { tos_clone(&u8(C.strerror(res))) }) }