module main import os #flag -I @VROOT/thirdparty/microsoft_craziness #flag windows @VROOT/thirdparty/microsoft_craziness/microsoft_craziness.o #flag windows -l ole32 #flag windows -l oleaut32 #flag windows -l shell32 // Emily: If these arent included then msvc assumes that // these return int (which should be 64bit) // but then it goes and sign extends our pointer types anyway // which breaks everything #include struct MsvcResult { sdk_ver int windows_sdk_root_path string exe_path string um_lib_path string ucrt_lib_path string vs_lib_path string um_include_path string ucrt_include_path string vs_include_path string shared_include_path string } struct FindResult { sdk_ver int windows_sdk_root *u16 windows_sdk_um_library_path *u16 windows_sdk_ucrt_library_path *u16 vs_exe_path *u16 vs_library_path *u16 } fn C.find_visual_studio_and_windows_sdk() *FindResult fn find_msvc() *MsvcResult { $if windows { r := C.find_visual_studio_and_windows_sdk() windows_sdk_root := string_from_wide(r.windows_sdk_root) ucrt_lib_folder := string_from_wide(r.windows_sdk_ucrt_library_path) um_lib_folder := string_from_wide(r.windows_sdk_um_library_path) vs_lib_folder := string_from_wide(r.vs_library_path) exe_folder := string_from_wide(r.vs_exe_path) mut ucrt_include_folder := ucrt_lib_folder.replace('Lib', 'Include') mut vs_include_folder := vs_lib_folder.replace('lib', 'include') if ucrt_include_folder.ends_with('\\x64') { ucrt_include_folder = ucrt_include_folder.left(ucrt_include_folder.len - 4) } if vs_include_folder.ends_with('\\x64') { vs_include_folder = vs_include_folder.left(vs_include_folder.len - 4) } um_include_folder := ucrt_include_folder.replace('ucrt', 'um') shared_include_folder := ucrt_include_folder.replace('ucrt', 'shared') return &MsvcResult { sdk_ver: r.sdk_ver, windows_sdk_root_path: windows_sdk_root, exe_path: exe_folder, um_lib_path: um_lib_folder, ucrt_lib_path: ucrt_lib_folder, vs_lib_path: vs_lib_folder, um_include_path: um_include_folder, ucrt_include_path: ucrt_include_folder, vs_include_path: vs_include_folder, shared_include_path: shared_include_folder, } } $else { panic('Cannot find msvc on this platform') } } pub fn cc_msvc(v *V) { r := find_msvc() mut a := ['-w', '/volatile:ms', '/D_UNICODE', '/DUNICODE'] // arguments for the C compiler // cl.exe is stupid so these are in a different order to the ones below! if v.pref.is_prod { a << '/O2' a << '/MD' } else { a << '/Z7' a << '/MDd' } if v.pref.is_so { // Dont think we have to do anything for this if !v.out_name.ends_with('.dll') { v.out_name = v.out_name + '.dll' } // Build dll a << '/LD' } else if !v.out_name.ends_with('.exe') { v.out_name = v.out_name + '.exe' } mut libs := ''// builtin.o os.o http.o etc if v.pref.build_mode == .build { } else if v.pref.build_mode == .embed_vlib { // } else if v.pref.build_mode == .default_mode { libs = '"$ModPath/vlib/builtin.obj"' if !os.file_exists(libs) { println('`builtin.obj` not found') exit(1) } for imp in v.table.imports { if imp == 'webview' { continue } libs += ' "$ModPath/vlib/${imp}.obj"' } } if v.pref.sanitize { println('Sanitize not supported on msvc.') } // The C file we are compiling //a << '"$TmpPath/$v.out_name_c"' // this isnt correct for some reason // so fix that now a << '".$v.out_name_c"' mut other_flags := []string{} mut real_libs := []string{} mut lib_paths := []string{} for f in v.table.flags { // We need to see if the flag contains -l // -l isnt recognised and these libs will be passed straight to the linker // by the compiler if f.starts_with('-l') { lib_base := f.right(2).trim_space() // MSVC has no method of linking against a .dll // TODO: we should look for .defs aswell lib_lib := lib_base + '.lib' real_libs << lib_lib } else if f.starts_with('-L') { lib_paths << f.right(2).trim_space() } else if f.ends_with('.o') { // msvc expects .obj not .o other_flags << f + 'bj' } else { other_flags << f } } default_libs := [ 'kernel32.lib', 'user32.lib', 'gdi32.lib', 'winspool.lib', 'comdlg32.lib', 'advapi32.lib', 'shell32.lib', 'ole32.lib', 'oleaut32.lib', 'uuid.lib', 'odbc32.lib', 'odbccp32.lib', 'vcruntime.lib', 'kernel32.lib', ] for l in default_libs { real_libs << l } // flags := v.table.flags.join(' ') // Include the base paths a << '-I "$r.ucrt_include_path" -I "$r.vs_include_path" -I "$r.um_include_path" -I "$r.shared_include_path"' // Msvc also doesnt have atomic // TODO: dont rely on gcc's _Atomic semantics! a << other_flags // TODO: libs will need to be actually handled properly a << real_libs.join(' ') a << '/link' a << '/NOLOGO' a << '/OUT:$v.out_name' a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.ucrt_lib_path"' a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.um_lib_path"' a << '/LIBPATH:"$r.vs_lib_path"' a << '/INCREMENTAL:NO' // Disable incremental linking for l in lib_paths { a << '/LIBPATH:"$l"' } if !v.pref.is_prod { a << '/DEBUG:FULL' } args := a.join(' ') // println('$args') // println('$exe_path') escaped_path := r.exe_path cmd := '""$escaped_path\\cl.exe" $args"' // println('$cmd') res := os.exec(cmd) // println(res) // println('C OUTPUT:') if res.contains('error') { println(res) panic('msvc error') } if !v.pref.is_debug && v.out_name_c != 'v.c' && v.out_name_c != 'v_macos.c' { os.rm('.$v.out_name_c') } } fn build_thirdparty_obj_file_with_msvc(flag string) { msvc := find_msvc() mut obj_path := flag.all_after(' ') if obj_path.ends_with('.o') { // msvc expects .obj not .o obj_path = obj_path + 'bj' } if os.file_exists(obj_path) { return } println('$obj_path not found, building it (with msvc)...') parent := obj_path.all_before_last('/').trim_space() files := mut cfiles := '' for file in files { if file.ends_with('.c') { cfiles += parent + '/' + file + ' ' } } include_string := '-I "$msvc.ucrt_include_path" -I "$msvc.vs_include_path" -I "$msvc.um_include_path" -I "$msvc.shared_include_path"' println('$cfiles') res := os.exec('""$msvc.exe_path\\cl.exe" /volatile:ms /Z7 $include_string /c $cfiles /Fo"$obj_path" /D_UNICODE /DUNICODE"') println(res) }