module main import net.websocket import eventbus import readline const ( eb = ) #flag -I @VROOT/vlib/net/websocket/examples #include "utf8.h" fn C.utf8_validate_str() bool fn main() { // println(sss) /* for sss in 0..10 { mut bm := benchmark.new_benchmark() for i in 0..10000 { for a, t in tests { ss := ws.utf8_validate(t.str, t.len) if !ss { panic("failed") } //println("${a}:${ss}") } } bm.stop() println( bm.total_message('remarks about the benchmark') ) } */ mut ws :='ws://localhost:9001/getCaseCount') // ws.nonce_size = 16 // try this, if it does not work with your server // defer { } ws.subscriber.subscribe('on_open', on_open) ws.subscriber.subscribe('on_message', on_message) ws.subscriber.subscribe('on_error', on_error) ws.subscriber.subscribe('on_close', on_close) // go ws.connect() // time.usleep(2000000) // go ws.listen() // term.erase_clear() /* text := read_line("[client]:") if text == "close" { ws.close(1005, "done") time.usleep(1000000) exit(0) } ws.write(text, .text_frame) */ /* time.usleep(1000000) */ // ws.close(1005, "done") // // ws.close(1005, "done") // read_line("wait") } fn read_line(text string) string { mut r := readline.Readline{} mut output := r.read_line(text + ' ') or { panic(err) } output = output.replace('\n', '') if output.len <= 0 { return '' } return output } fn on_open(sender voidptr, ws &websocket.Client, x voidptr) { println('websocket opened.') } fn on_message(sender voidptr, mut ws websocket.Client, msg websocket.Message) { println('Message recieved. Sending it back.') typ := msg.opcode if typ == .text_frame { if ws.uri.ends_with('getCaseCount') { num := int(msg.payload) ws.close(1005, 'done') start_tests(mut ws, num) return } // println("Message: $msg") ws.write(msg.payload, msg.payload_len, .text_frame) } else { println('Binary message.') ws.write(msg.payload, msg.payload_len, .binary_frame) } } fn start_tests(mut ws websocket.Client, num int) { for i := 1; i < num; i++ { println('Running test: ' + i.str()) ws.uri = 'ws://localhost:9001/runCase?case=${i.str()}&agent=vws/1.0a' if ws.connect() >= 0 { ws.listen() } } println('Done!') ws.uri = 'ws://localhost:9001/updateReports?agent=vws/1.0a' if ws.connect() >= 0 { ws.close(1000, 'disconnecting...') } exit(0) } fn on_close(sender voidptr, ws &websocket.Client, x voidptr) { println('websocket closed.') } fn on_error(sender voidptr, ws &websocket.Client, x voidptr) { println('we have an error.') }