// * Documentation: https://docs.npmjs.com/misc/semver module semver // * Structures. // `Version` represents a semantic version in semver format. pub struct Version { pub: major int minor int patch int prerelease string metadata string } // Increment represents the different types of version increments. pub enum Increment { major minor patch } struct EmptyInputError { Error } pub fn (err EmptyInputError) msg() string { return 'Empty input' } struct InvalidVersionFormatError { Error input string } pub fn (err InvalidVersionFormatError) msg() string { return 'Invalid version format for input "$err.input"' } // * Constructor. // from returns a `Version` structure parsed from `input` `string`. pub fn from(input string) ?Version { if input.len == 0 { return &EmptyInputError{} } raw_version := parse(input) version := raw_version.validate() or { return &InvalidVersionFormatError{ input: input } } return version } // build returns a `Version` structure with given `major`, `minor` and `patch` versions. pub fn build(major int, minor int, patch int) Version { // TODO Check if versions are greater than zero. return Version{major, minor, patch, '', ''} } // * Transformation. // increment returns a `Version` structure with incremented values. pub fn (ver Version) increment(typ Increment) Version { return increment_version(ver, typ) } // * Comparison. // satisfies returns `true` if the `input` expression can be validated to `true` // when run against this `Version`. // Example: assert semver.build(1,0,0).satisfies('<=2.0.0') == true // Example: assert semver.build(1,0,0).satisfies('>=2.0.0') == false pub fn (ver Version) satisfies(input string) bool { return version_satisfies(ver, input) } // eq returns `true` if `v1` is equal to `v2`. pub fn (v1 Version) eq(v2 Version) bool { return compare_eq(v1, v2) } // gt returns `true` if `v1` is greater than `v2`. pub fn (v1 Version) gt(v2 Version) bool { return compare_gt(v1, v2) } // lt returns `true` if `v1` is less than `v2`. pub fn (v1 Version) lt(v2 Version) bool { return compare_lt(v1, v2) } // ge returns `true` if `v1` is greater than or equal to `v2`. pub fn (v1 Version) ge(v2 Version) bool { return compare_ge(v1, v2) } // le returns `true` if `v1` is less than or equal to `v2`. pub fn (v1 Version) le(v2 Version) bool { return compare_le(v1, v2) } // str returns the `string` representation of the `Version`. pub fn (ver Version) str() string { common_string := '${ver.major}.${ver.minor}.$ver.patch' prerelease_string := if ver.prerelease.len > 0 { '-$ver.prerelease' } else { '' } metadata_string := if ver.metadata.len > 0 { '+$ver.metadata' } else { '' } return '$common_string$prerelease_string$metadata_string' } // * Utilites. // coerce converts the `input` version to a `Version` struct. // coerce will strip any contents *after* the parsed version string: /* Example: import semver v := semver.coerce('1.3-RC1-b2') or { semver.Version{} } assert v.satisfies('>1.0 <2.0') == true // 1.3.0 */ pub fn coerce(input string) ?Version { return coerce_version(input) } // is_valid returns `true` if the `input` `string` can be converted to // a (semantic) `Version` struct. pub fn is_valid(input string) bool { return is_version_valid(input) }