// Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module c import v.ast import v.util import strings // TODO: replace with comptime code generation. // TODO: remove cJSON dependency. // Old: // `User decode_User(string js) {` // now it's: // ``` // User decode_User(cJSON* root) { // User res; // res.name = decode_string(js_get(root, "name")); // res.profile = decode_Profile(js_get(root, "profile")); // return res; // } // ``` // Codegen json_decode/encode funcs fn (mut g Gen) gen_json_for_type(typ ast.Type) { utyp := g.unwrap_generic(typ) sym := g.table.sym(utyp) if is_js_prim(sym.name) && !utyp.has_flag(.option) && !typ.is_ptr() { return } g.json_types << utyp } fn (mut g Gen) gen_jsons() { mut done := []ast.Type{} for i := 0; i < g.json_types.len; i++ { utyp := g.json_types[i] if utyp in done { continue } done << utyp mut dec := strings.new_builder(100) mut enc := strings.new_builder(100) sym := g.table.sym(utyp) styp := g.typ(utyp) ret_styp := styp.replace('*', '_ptr') if utyp.is_ptr() && utyp.has_flag(.option) { g.register_option(utyp.set_nr_muls(0)) } g.register_result(utyp) // decode_TYPE funcs receive an actual cJSON* object to decode // cJSON_Parse(str) call is added by the compiler // Codegen decoder dec_fn_name := js_dec_name(styp) dec_fn_dec := '${result_name}_${ret_styp} ${dec_fn_name}(cJSON* root)' mut init_styp := '${styp} res' if utyp.has_flag(.option) { if sym.kind == .struct_ { init_styp += ' = ' g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() pos := g.out.len g.expr_with_tmp_var(ast.Expr(ast.StructInit{ typ: utyp, typ_str: styp }), utyp, utyp, 'res') init_styp = g.out.cut_to(pos).trim_space() } else { none_str := g.expr_string(ast.None{}) init_styp += ' = (${styp}){ .state=2, .err=${none_str}, .data={EMPTY_STRUCT_INITIALIZATION} }' } } else { if sym.kind == .struct_ { init_styp += ' = ' g.set_current_pos_as_last_stmt_pos() pos := g.out.len g.write(init_styp) g.expr(ast.Expr(ast.StructInit{ typ: utyp typ_str: styp })) init_styp = g.out.cut_to(pos).trim_space() } } dec.writeln(' ${dec_fn_dec} { ${init_styp}; if (!root) { const char *error_ptr = cJSON_GetErrorPtr(); if (error_ptr != NULL) { const int error_pos = (int)cJSON_GetErrorPos(); int maxcontext_chars = 30; byte *buf = vcalloc_noscan(maxcontext_chars + 10); if(error_pos > 0) { int backlines = 1; int backchars = error_pos < maxcontext_chars-7 ? (int)error_pos : maxcontext_chars-7 ; char *prevline_ptr = (char*)error_ptr; while(backchars--){ char prevc = *(prevline_ptr - 1); if(0==prevc){ break; } if(10==prevc && !backlines--){ break; } prevline_ptr--; if(123==prevc) { break; // stop at `{` too } } int maxchars = vstrlen_char(prevline_ptr); vmemcpy(buf, prevline_ptr, (maxchars < maxcontext_chars ? maxchars : maxcontext_chars)); } return (${result_name}_${ret_styp}){.is_error = true,.err = _v_error(tos2(buf)),.data = {0}}; } } ') g.json_forward_decls.writeln('${dec_fn_dec};') // Codegen encoder // encode_TYPE funcs receive an object to encode enc_fn_name := js_enc_name(styp) enc_fn_dec := 'cJSON* ${enc_fn_name}(${styp} val)' g.json_forward_decls.writeln('${enc_fn_dec};\n') enc.writeln(' ${enc_fn_dec} { \tcJSON *o;') if is_js_prim(sym.name) && utyp.is_ptr() { g.gen_prim_enc_dec(utyp, mut enc, mut dec) } else if sym.kind == .array || sym.kind == .array_fixed { array_size := if sym.kind == .array_fixed { (sym.info as ast.ArrayFixed).size } else { -1 } // Handle arrays value_type := g.table.value_type(utyp) // If we have `[]Profile`, have to register a Profile en(de)coder first g.gen_json_for_type(value_type) dec.writeln(g.decode_array(utyp, value_type, array_size, ret_styp)) enc.writeln(g.encode_array(utyp, value_type, array_size)) } else if sym.kind == .map { // Handle maps m := sym.info as ast.Map g.gen_json_for_type(m.key_type) g.gen_json_for_type(m.value_type) dec.writeln(g.decode_map(utyp, m.key_type, m.value_type, ret_styp)) enc.writeln(g.encode_map(utyp, m.key_type, m.value_type)) } else if sym.kind == .alias { a := sym.info as ast.Alias parent_typ := a.parent_type psym := g.table.sym(parent_typ) if is_js_prim(g.typ(parent_typ)) { if utyp.has_flag(.option) { g.gen_json_for_type(parent_typ.set_flag(.option)) g.gen_option_enc_dec(parent_typ.set_flag(.option), mut enc, mut dec) } else { g.gen_json_for_type(parent_typ) g.gen_prim_enc_dec(parent_typ, mut enc, mut dec) } } else if psym.info is ast.Struct { enc.writeln('\to = cJSON_CreateObject();') g.gen_struct_enc_dec(utyp, psym.info, ret_styp, mut enc, mut dec) } else if psym.kind == .enum_ { g.gen_enum_enc_dec(utyp, psym, mut enc, mut dec) } else if psym.kind == .sum_type { verror('json: ${sym.name} aliased sumtypes does not work at the moment') } else if psym.kind == .map { m := psym.info as ast.Map g.gen_json_for_type(m.key_type) g.gen_json_for_type(m.value_type) dec.writeln(g.decode_map(utyp, m.key_type, m.value_type, ret_styp)) enc.writeln(g.encode_map(utyp, m.key_type, m.value_type)) } else if utyp.has_flag(.option) { g.gen_option_enc_dec(utyp, mut enc, mut dec) } else { verror('json: ${sym.name} is not struct') } } else if sym.kind == .sum_type { enc.writeln('\to = cJSON_CreateObject();') // Sumtypes. Range through variants of sumtype if sym.info !is ast.SumType { verror('json: ${sym.name} is not a sumtype') } g.gen_sumtype_enc_dec(utyp, sym, mut enc, mut dec, ret_styp) } else if sym.kind == .enum_ { g.gen_enum_enc_dec(utyp, sym, mut enc, mut dec) } else if utyp.has_flag(.option) && (is_js_prim(g.typ(utyp.clear_flag(.option))) || sym.info !is ast.Struct) { g.gen_option_enc_dec(utyp, mut enc, mut dec) } else { enc.writeln('\to = cJSON_CreateObject();') // Structs. Range through fields if sym.info !is ast.Struct { verror('json: ${sym.name} is not struct') } g.gen_struct_enc_dec(utyp, sym.info, ret_styp, mut enc, mut dec) } // cJSON_delete dec.writeln('\t${result_name}_${ret_styp} ret;') dec.writeln('\t_result_ok(&res, (${result_name}*)&ret, sizeof(res));') if utyp.has_flag(.option) { dec.writeln('\tif (res.state != 2) {') dec.writeln('\t\t_option_ok(&res.data, (${option_name}*)&ret.data, sizeof(${g.base_type(utyp)}));') dec.writeln('\t}') } dec.writeln('\treturn ret;\n}') enc.writeln('\treturn o;\n}') g.gowrappers.writeln(dec.str()) g.gowrappers.writeln(enc.str()) } } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_enum_to_str(utyp ast.Type, sym ast.TypeSymbol, enum_var string, result_var string, ident string, mut enc strings.Builder) { enum_prefix := g.gen_enum_prefix(utyp.clear_flag(.option)) enc.writeln('${ident}switch (${enum_var}) {') for val in (sym.info as ast.Enum).vals { enc.write_string('${ident}\tcase ${enum_prefix}${val}:\t') // read [json:] attr from the Enum value attr := g.table.enum_decls[sym.name].fields.filter(it.name == val)[0].attrs.find_first('json') or { ast.Attr{} } if attr.has_arg { enc.writeln('${result_var} = json__encode_string(_SLIT("${attr.arg}")); break;') } else { enc.writeln('${result_var} = json__encode_string(_SLIT("${val}")); break;') } } enc.writeln('${ident}}') } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_str_to_enum(utyp ast.Type, sym ast.TypeSymbol, val_var string, result_var string, ident string, mut dec strings.Builder) { enum_prefix := g.gen_enum_prefix(utyp.clear_flag(.option)) is_option := utyp.has_flag(.option) for k, val in (sym.info as ast.Enum).vals { // read [json:] attr from the Enum value attr := g.table.enum_decls[sym.name].fields.filter(it.name == val)[0].attrs.find_first('json') or { ast.Attr{} } if k == 0 { dec.write_string('${ident}if (string__eq(_SLIT("${val}"), ${val_var})') } else { dec.write_string('${ident}else if (string__eq(_SLIT("${val}"), ${val_var})') } if attr.has_arg { dec.write_string(' || string__eq(_SLIT("${attr.arg}"), ${val_var})') } dec.write_string(')\t') if is_option { base_typ := g.base_type(utyp) dec.writeln('_option_ok(&(${base_typ}[]){ ${enum_prefix}${val} }, ${result_var}, sizeof(${base_typ}));') } else { dec.writeln('${result_var} = ${enum_prefix}${val};') } } } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) is_enum_as_int(sym ast.TypeSymbol) bool { if enum_decl := g.table.enum_decls[sym.name] { if _ := enum_decl.attrs.find_first('json_as_number') { return true } } return false } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_enum_enc_dec(utyp ast.Type, sym ast.TypeSymbol, mut enc strings.Builder, mut dec strings.Builder) { is_option := utyp.has_flag(.option) if g.is_enum_as_int(sym) { if is_option { base_typ := g.typ(utyp.clear_flag(.option)) enc.writeln('\to = ${js_enc_name('u64')}(*val.data);') dec.writeln('\t_option_ok(&(${base_typ}[]){ ${js_dec_name('u64')}(root) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${base_typ}));') } else { dec.writeln('\tres = ${js_dec_name('u64')}(root);') enc.writeln('\to = ${js_enc_name('u64')}(val);') } } else { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() dec.writeln('\tstring ${tmp} = ${js_dec_name('string')}(root);') if is_option { g.gen_str_to_enum(utyp, sym, tmp, '&res', '\t', mut dec) g.gen_enum_to_str(utyp, sym, '*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)val.data', 'o', '\t\t', mut enc) } else { g.gen_str_to_enum(utyp, sym, tmp, 'res', '\t', mut dec) g.gen_enum_to_str(utyp, sym, 'val', 'o', '\t', mut enc) } } } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_prim_enc_dec(typ ast.Type, mut enc strings.Builder, mut dec strings.Builder) { if typ.is_ptr() { type_str := g.typ(typ.clear_flag(.option).set_nr_muls(typ.nr_muls() - 1)) type_str_0 := g.typ(typ.clear_flag(.option).set_nr_muls(0)) encode_name := js_enc_name(type_str_0) dec_name := js_dec_name(type_str) if typ.has_flag(.option) { enc.writeln('\to = ${encode_name}(${'*'.repeat(typ.nr_muls() + 1)}(${type_str_0}${'*'.repeat(typ.nr_muls())}*)&val.data);') } else { enc.writeln('\to = ${encode_name}(${'*'.repeat(typ.nr_muls())}val);') } if typ.nr_muls() > 1 { g.gen_json_for_type(typ.clear_flag(.option).set_nr_muls(typ.nr_muls() - 1)) if typ.has_flag(.option) { tmp_var := g.new_tmp_var() dec.writeln('${type_str}* ${tmp_var} = HEAP(${type_str}, *(${type_str}*) ${dec_name}(root).data);') dec.writeln('\t_option_ok(&(${type_str}*[]) { &(*(${tmp_var})) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${type_str}*));') } else { dec.writeln('\tres = HEAP(${type_str}, *(${type_str}*) ${dec_name}(root).data);') } } else { if typ.has_flag(.option) { tmp_var := g.new_tmp_var() dec.writeln('${type_str}* ${tmp_var} = HEAP(${type_str}, ${dec_name}(root));') dec.writeln('\t_option_ok(&(${type_str}*[]) { &(*(${tmp_var})) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${type_str}*));') } else { dec.writeln('\tres = HEAP(${type_str}, ${dec_name}(root));') } } } else { type_str := g.typ(typ.clear_flag(.option)) encode_name := js_enc_name(type_str) dec_name := js_dec_name(type_str) enc.writeln('\to = ${encode_name}(val);') dec.writeln('\tres = ${dec_name}(root);') } } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_option_enc_dec(typ ast.Type, mut enc strings.Builder, mut dec strings.Builder) { enc.writeln('\tif (val.state == 2) {') enc.writeln('\t\treturn NULL;') enc.writeln('\t}') type_str := g.typ(typ.clear_flag(.option)) encode_name := js_enc_name(type_str) enc.writeln('\to = ${encode_name}(*(${type_str}*)val.data);') dec_name := js_dec_name(type_str) dec.writeln('\tif (!cJSON_IsNull(root)) {') dec.writeln('\t\t_option_ok(&(${type_str}[]){ ${dec_name}(root) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${type_str}));') dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t_option_none(&(${type_str}[]){ {0} }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${type_str}));') dec.writeln('\t}') } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_sumtype_enc_dec(utyp ast.Type, sym ast.TypeSymbol, mut enc strings.Builder, mut dec strings.Builder, ret_styp string) { info := sym.info as ast.SumType type_var := g.new_tmp_var() typ := g.table.type_idxs[sym.name] prefix := if utyp.is_ptr() { '*' } else { '' } field_op := if utyp.is_ptr() { '->' } else { '.' } is_option := utyp.has_flag(.option) var_data := if is_option { '(*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)val.data)' } else { 'val' } // DECODING (inline) $if !json_no_inline_sumtypes ? { type_tmp := g.new_tmp_var() dec.writeln('\tif (cJSON_IsObject(root)) {') dec.writeln('\t\tcJSON* ${type_tmp} = js_get(root, "_type");') dec.writeln('\t\tif (${type_tmp} != 0) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\tchar* ${type_var} = cJSON_GetStringValue(${type_tmp});') // dec.writeln('\t\t\tcJSON_DeleteItemFromObjectCaseSensitive(root, "_type");') } mut variant_types := []string{} mut variant_symbols := []ast.TypeSymbol{} mut at_least_one_prim := false for variant in info.variants { variant_typ := g.typ(variant) variant_types << variant_typ variant_sym := g.table.sym(variant) variant_symbols << variant_sym at_least_one_prim = at_least_one_prim || is_js_prim(variant_typ) || variant_sym.kind == .enum_ || variant_sym.name == 'time.Time' unmangled_variant_name := variant_sym.name.split('.').last() // TODO: Do not generate dec/enc for 'time.Time', because we handle it by saving it as u64 g.gen_json_for_type(variant) // Helpers for decoding g.get_sumtype_casting_fn(variant, typ) g.definitions.writeln('static inline ${sym.cname} ${variant_typ}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(${variant_typ}* x);') // ENCODING if is_option { enc.writeln('\tif (${var_data}${field_op}_typ == ${variant.idx()}) {') } else { enc.writeln('\tif (val${field_op}_typ == ${variant.idx()}) {') } $if json_no_inline_sumtypes ? { if variant_sym.kind == .enum_ { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${unmangled_variant_name}", ${js_enc_name('u64')}(*${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ}));') } else if variant_sym.name == 'time.Time' { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${unmangled_variant_name}", ${js_enc_name('i64')}(${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ}->_v_unix));') } else { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${unmangled_variant_name}", ${js_enc_name(variant_typ)}(*${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ}));') } } $else { if is_js_prim(variant_typ) { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_free(o); return ${js_enc_name(variant_typ)}(*${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ});') } else if variant_sym.kind == .enum_ { if g.is_enum_as_int(variant_sym) { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_free(o); return ${js_enc_name('u64')}(*${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ});') } else { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_free(o);') tmp2 := g.new_tmp_var() if utyp.has_flag(.option) { enc.writeln('\t\tu64 ${tmp2} = *${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ};') g.gen_enum_to_str(variant, variant_sym, tmp2, 'o', '\t\t', mut enc) } else { enc.writeln('\t\tu64 ${tmp2} = *${var_data}${field_op}_${variant_typ};') g.gen_enum_to_str(variant, variant_sym, tmp2, 'o', '\t\t', mut enc) } } } else if variant_sym.name == 'time.Time' { enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "_type", cJSON_CreateString("${unmangled_variant_name}"));') enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "value", ${js_enc_name('i64')}(val${field_op}_${variant_typ}->_v_unix));') } else { enc.writeln('\t\to = ${js_enc_name(variant_typ)}(*val${field_op}_${variant_typ});') enc.writeln('\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "_type", cJSON_CreateString("${unmangled_variant_name}"));') } } enc.writeln('\t}') // DECODING tmp := g.new_tmp_var() $if json_no_inline_sumtypes ? { dec.writeln('\tif (strcmp("${unmangled_variant_name}", root->child->string) == 0) {') if is_js_prim(variant_typ) { gen_js_get(ret_styp, tmp, unmangled_variant_name, mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\t\t${variant_typ} value = ${js_dec_name(variant_typ)}(jsonroot_${tmp});') } else if variant_sym.kind == .enum_ { if g.is_enum_as_int(variant_sym) { gen_js_get(ret_styp, tmp, unmangled_variant_name, mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\t\t${variant_typ} value = ${js_dec_name('u64')}(jsonroot_${tmp});') } else { gen_js_get(ret_styp, tmp, unmangled_variant_name, mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\t\t${variant_typ} value;') tmp2 := g.new_tmp_var() dec.writeln('\t\tstring ${tmp2} = json__decode_string(jsonroot_${tmp});') g.gen_enum_to_str(variant, variant_sym, tmp2, 'value', '\t\t', mut dec) } } else if variant_sym.name == 'time.Time' { gen_js_get(ret_styp, tmp, unmangled_variant_name, mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\t\t${variant_typ} value = time__unix(${js_dec_name('i64')}(jsonroot_${tmp}));') } else { gen_js_get_opt(js_dec_name(variant_typ), variant_typ, ret_styp, tmp, unmangled_variant_name, mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\t\t${variant_typ} value = *(${variant_typ}*)(${tmp}.data);') } if is_option { dec.writeln('\t\t\t_option_ok(&(${sym.cname}[]){ ${variant_typ}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${sym.cname}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\tres = ${variant_typ}_to_sumtype_${ret_styp}(&value);') } dec.writeln('\t}') } $else { if variant_sym.name == 'time.Time' { dec.writeln('\t\t\tif (strcmp("Time", ${type_var}) == 0) {') gen_js_get(ret_styp, tmp, 'value', mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\t\t\t\t${variant_typ} ${tmp} = time__unix(${js_dec_name('i64')}(jsonroot_${tmp}));') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${variant_typ}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&${tmp});') dec.writeln('\t\t\t}') } else if !is_js_prim(variant_typ) && variant_sym.kind != .enum_ { dec.writeln('\t\t\tif (strcmp("${unmangled_variant_name}", ${type_var}) == 0) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\t${result_name}_${variant_typ} ${tmp} = ${js_dec_name(variant_typ)}(root);') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\tif (${tmp}.is_error) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\t\treturn (${result_name}_${ret_styp}){ .is_error = true, .err = ${tmp}.err, .data = {0} };') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\t}') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${variant_typ}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}((${variant_typ}*)${tmp}.data);') dec.writeln('\t\t\t}') } } } // DECODING (inline) $if !json_no_inline_sumtypes ? { dec.writeln('\t\t}') mut number_is_met := false mut string_is_met := false mut last_number_type := '' if at_least_one_prim { dec.writeln('\t} else {') if 'bool' in variant_types { var_t := 'bool' dec.writeln('\t\tif (cJSON_IsBool(root)) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${var_t} value = ${js_dec_name(var_t)}(root);') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value);') dec.writeln('\t\t}') } for i, var_t in variant_types { if variant_symbols[i].kind == .enum_ { if number_is_met { var_num := var_t.replace('__', '.') last_num := last_number_type.replace('__', '.') verror('json: can not decode `${sym.name}` sumtype, too many numeric types (conflict of `${last_num}` and `${var_num}`), you can try to use alias for `${var_num}` or compile v with `json_no_inline_sumtypes` flag') } number_is_met = true last_number_type = var_t dec.writeln('\t\tif (cJSON_IsNumber(root)) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${var_t} value = ${js_dec_name('u64')}(root);') if utyp.has_flag(.option) { dec.writeln('\t\t\t_option_ok(&(${sym.cname}[]){ ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value) }, &${prefix}res, sizeof(${sym.cname}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value);') } dec.writeln('\t\t}') } if var_t in ['string', 'rune'] { if string_is_met { var_num := var_t.replace('__', '.') verror('json: can not decode `${sym.name}` sumtype, too many string types (conflict of `string` and `rune`), you can try to use alias for `${var_num}` or compile v with `json_no_inline_sumtypes` flag') } string_is_met = true dec.writeln('\t\tif (cJSON_IsString(root)) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${var_t} value = ${js_dec_name(var_t)}(root);') if utyp.has_flag(.option) { dec.writeln('\t\t\t_option_ok(&(${sym.cname}[]){ ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value) }, &${prefix}res, sizeof(${sym.cname}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value);') } dec.writeln('\t\t}') } if var_t.starts_with('Array_') { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() judge_elem_typ := if var_t.ends_with('string') { 'cJSON_IsString(root->child)' } else if var_t.ends_with('bool') { 'cJSON_IsBool(root->child)' } else { 'cJSON_IsNumber(root->child)' } dec.writeln('\t\tif (cJSON_IsArray(root) && ${judge_elem_typ}) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${result_name}_${var_t} ${tmp} = ${js_dec_name(var_t)}(root);') dec.writeln('\t\t\tif (${tmp}.is_error) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t\treturn (${result_name}_${sym.cname}){ .is_error = true, .err = ${tmp}.err, .data = {0} };') dec.writeln('\t\t\t}') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}((${var_t}*)${tmp}.data);') dec.writeln('\t\t}') } if var_t in ['i64', 'int', 'i8', 'u64', 'u32', 'u16', 'byte', 'u8', 'rune', 'f64', 'f32'] { if number_is_met { var_num := var_t.replace('__', '.') last_num := last_number_type.replace('__', '.') verror('json: can not decode `${sym.name}` sumtype, too many numeric types (conflict of `${last_num}` and `${var_num}`), you can try to use alias for `${var_num}` or compile v with `json_no_inline_sumtypes` flag') } number_is_met = true last_number_type = var_t dec.writeln('\t\tif (cJSON_IsNumber(root)) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\t${var_t} value = ${js_dec_name(var_t)}(root);') if utyp.has_flag(.option) { dec.writeln('\t\t\t_option_ok(&(${sym.cname}[]){ ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value) }, &${prefix}res, sizeof(${sym.cname}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\t\t${prefix}res = ${var_t}_to_sumtype_${sym.cname}(&value);') } dec.writeln('\t\t}') } } } dec.writeln('\t}') } } [inline] fn (mut g Gen) gen_struct_enc_dec(utyp ast.Type, type_info ast.TypeInfo, styp string, mut enc strings.Builder, mut dec strings.Builder) { info := type_info as ast.Struct for field in info.fields { mut name := field.name mut is_raw := false mut is_skip := false mut is_required := false mut is_omit_empty := false for attr in field.attrs { match attr.name { 'json' { if attr.arg == '-' { // [json:'-'] is_skip = true } else { name = attr.arg } } 'skip' { is_skip = true } 'raw' { is_raw = true } 'required' { is_required = true } 'omitempty' { is_omit_empty = true } else {} } } if is_skip { continue } field_type := g.typ(field.typ) field_sym := g.table.sym(field.typ) op := if utyp.is_ptr() { '->' } else { '.' } prefix := if utyp.has_flag(.option) { '(*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)res.data)' } else { 'res' } // First generate decoding if is_raw { if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { g.gen_json_for_type(field.typ) base_typ := g.base_type(field.typ) dec.writeln('\tif (!cJSON_IsString(js_get(root, "${name}")))') dec.writeln('\t\t_option_none(&(${base_typ}[]) { {0} }, &${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, sizeof(${base_typ}));') dec.writeln('\telse') dec.writeln('\t\t_option_ok(&(${base_typ}[]) { tos5(cJSON_PrintUnformatted(js_get(root, "${name}"))) }, &${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, sizeof(${base_typ}));') } else { dec.writeln('\tres${op}${c_name(field.name)} = tos5(cJSON_PrintUnformatted(' + 'js_get(root, "${name}")));') } } else { // Now generate decoders for all field types in this struct // need to do it here so that these functions are generated first g.gen_json_for_type(field.typ) dec_name := js_dec_name(field_type) if is_js_prim(field_type) { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() gen_js_get(styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') if utyp.has_flag(.option) { dec.writeln('\t\tres.state = 0;') } dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${dec_name}(jsonroot_${tmp});') if field.has_default_expr { dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${g.expr_string(field.default_expr)};') } dec.writeln('\t}') } else if field_sym.kind == .enum_ { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() is_option_field := field.typ.has_flag(.option) if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { gen_js_get_opt(js_dec_name(field_type), field_type, styp, tmp, name, mut dec, true) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp} && !cJSON_IsNull(jsonroot_${tmp})) {') } else { gen_js_get(styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') } if g.is_enum_as_int(field_sym) { if is_option_field { base_typ := g.base_type(field.typ) dec.writeln('\t\t_option_ok(&(${base_typ}[]) { ${js_dec_name('u64')}(jsonroot_${tmp}) }, &${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, sizeof(${base_typ}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${js_dec_name('u64')}(jsonroot_${tmp});') } } else { if is_option_field { base_typ := g.base_type(field.typ) dec.writeln('\t\t_option_ok(&(${base_typ}[]) { *(${base_typ}*)((${g.typ(field.typ)}*)${tmp}.data)->data }, &${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, sizeof(${base_typ}));') } else { tmp2 := g.new_tmp_var() dec.writeln('\t\tstring ${tmp2} = json__decode_string(jsonroot_${tmp});') g.gen_str_to_enum(field.typ, field_sym, tmp2, '${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}', '\t\t', mut dec) } } if field.has_default_expr { dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${g.expr_string(field.default_expr)};') } dec.writeln('\t}') } else if field_sym.name == 'time.Time' { // time struct requires special treatment // it has to be decoded from a unix timestamp number tmp := g.new_tmp_var() gen_js_get(styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = time__unix(json__decode_u64(jsonroot_${tmp}));') if field.has_default_expr { dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${g.expr_string(field.default_expr)};') } dec.writeln('\t}') } else if field_sym.kind == .alias { alias := field_sym.info as ast.Alias parent_type := if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { alias.parent_type.set_flag(.option) } else { alias.parent_type } sparent_type := g.typ(parent_type) parent_dec_name := js_dec_name(sparent_type) if is_js_prim(sparent_type) { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() gen_js_get(styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${parent_dec_name} (jsonroot_${tmp});') if field.has_default_expr { dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${g.expr_string(field.default_expr)};') } dec.writeln('\t}') } else { g.gen_json_for_type(parent_type) tmp := g.new_tmp_var() gen_js_get_opt(dec_name, field_type, styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = *(${field_type}*) ${tmp}.data;') if field.has_default_expr { dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${g.expr_string(field.default_expr)};') } dec.writeln('\t}') } } else { tmp := g.new_tmp_var() gen_js_get_opt(dec_name, field_type, styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { if field_sym.kind == .array_fixed { dec.writeln('\t\tvmemcpy(&${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, (${field_type}*)${tmp}.data, sizeof(${field_type}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\tvmemcpy(&${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, (${field_type}*)${tmp}.data, sizeof(${field_type}));') } } else { if field_sym.kind == .array_fixed { dec.writeln('\t\tvmemcpy(${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)},*(${field_type}*)${tmp}.data,sizeof(${field_type}));') } else { dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = *(${field_type}*) ${tmp}.data;') } } if field.has_default_expr { dec.writeln('\t} else {') dec.writeln('\t\t${prefix}${op}${c_name(field.name)} = ${g.expr_string(field.default_expr)};') } dec.writeln('\t}') } } // Encoding mut enc_name := js_enc_name(field_type) prefix_enc := if utyp.has_flag(.option) { '(*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)val.data)' } else { 'val' } is_option := field.typ.has_flag(.option) indent := if is_option { '\t\t' } else { '\t' } if is_option { enc.writeln('\tif (${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}.state != 2) {') } if is_omit_empty { if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { enc.writeln('${indent}if (${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}.state != 2)') } else if field.typ == ast.string_type { enc.writeln('${indent}if (${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}.len != 0)') } else { if field_sym.kind in [.alias, .sum_type, .map, .array, .struct_] { ptr_typ := g.equality_fn(field.typ) if field_sym.kind == .alias { enc.writeln('${indent}if (!${ptr_typ}_alias_eq(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, ${g.type_default(field.typ)}))') } else if field_sym.kind == .sum_type { enc.writeln('${indent}if (${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}._typ != 0)') } else if field_sym.kind == .map { enc.writeln('${indent}if (!${ptr_typ}_map_eq(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, ${g.type_default(field.typ)}))') } else if field_sym.kind == .array { enc.writeln('${indent}if (!${ptr_typ}_arr_eq(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, ${g.type_default(field.typ)}))') } else if field_sym.kind == .struct_ { enc.writeln('${indent}if (!${ptr_typ}_struct_eq(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}, ${g.type_default(field.typ)}))') } } else { enc.writeln('${indent}if (${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)} != ${g.type_default(field.typ)})') } } } if !is_js_prim(field_type) { if field_sym.kind == .alias { ainfo := field_sym.info as ast.Alias if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { enc_name = js_enc_name(g.typ(ainfo.parent_type.set_flag(.option))) } else { enc_name = js_enc_name(g.typ(ainfo.parent_type)) } } } if field_sym.kind == .enum_ { if g.is_enum_as_int(field_sym) { if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { enc.writeln('${indent}\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", json__encode_u64(*${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}.data));\n') } else { enc.writeln('${indent}\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", json__encode_u64(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}));\n') } } else { if field.typ.has_flag(.option) { enc.writeln('${indent}\t{') enc.writeln('${indent}\t\tcJSON *enum_val;') g.gen_enum_to_str(field.typ, field_sym, '*(${g.base_type(field.typ)}*)${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}.data', 'enum_val', '${indent}\t\t', mut enc) enc.writeln('${indent}\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", enum_val);') enc.writeln('${indent}\t}') } else { enc.writeln('${indent}\t{') enc.writeln('${indent}\t\tcJSON *enum_val;') g.gen_enum_to_str(field.typ, field_sym, '${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}', 'enum_val', '${indent}\t\t', mut enc) enc.writeln('${indent}\t\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", enum_val);') enc.writeln('${indent}\t}') } } } else { if field_sym.name == 'time.Time' { // time struct requires special treatment // it has to be encoded as a unix timestamp number enc.writeln('${indent}cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", json__encode_u64(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}._v_unix));') } else { if !field.typ.is_any_kind_of_pointer() { if field_sym.kind == .alias && field.typ.has_flag(.option) { parent_type := g.table.unaliased_type(field.typ).set_flag(.option) enc.writeln('${indent}\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", ${enc_name}(*(${g.typ(parent_type)}*)&${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)})); /*?A*/') } else { enc.writeln('${indent}\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", ${enc_name}(${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)})); /*A*/') } } else { arg_prefix := if field.typ.is_ptr() { '' } else { '*' } sptr_value := '${prefix_enc}${op}${c_name(field.name)}' if !field.typ.has_flag(.option) { enc.writeln('${indent}if (${sptr_value} != 0) {') enc.writeln('${indent}\tcJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", ${enc_name}(${arg_prefix}${sptr_value}));') enc.writeln('${indent}}\n') } else { enc.writeln('${indent}cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "${name}", ${enc_name}(${arg_prefix}${sptr_value}));') } } } } if is_option { enc.writeln('\t} // !none') } } } fn gen_js_get(styp string, tmp string, name string, mut dec strings.Builder, is_required bool) { dec.writeln('\tcJSON *jsonroot_${tmp} = js_get(root, "${name}");') if is_required { dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp} == 0) {') dec.writeln('\t\treturn (${result_name}_${styp}){ .is_error = true, .err = _v_error(_SLIT("expected field \'${name}\' is missing")), .data = {0} };') dec.writeln('\t}') } } fn gen_js_get_opt(dec_name string, field_type string, styp string, tmp string, name string, mut dec strings.Builder, is_required bool) { gen_js_get(styp, tmp, name, mut dec, is_required) value_field_type := field_type.replace('*', '_ptr') dec.writeln('\t${result_name}_${value_field_type.replace('*', '_ptr')} ${tmp} = {0};') dec.writeln('\tif (jsonroot_${tmp}) {') dec.writeln('\t\t${tmp} = ${dec_name}(jsonroot_${tmp});') dec.writeln('\t\tif (${tmp}.is_error) {') dec.writeln('\t\t\treturn (${result_name}_${styp}){ /*A*/ .is_error = true, .err = ${tmp}.err, .data = {0} };') dec.writeln('\t\t}') dec.writeln('\t}') } fn js_enc_name(typ string) string { suffix := typ.replace('*', '_ptr') name := 'json__encode_${suffix}' return util.no_dots(name) } fn js_dec_name(typ string) string { suffix := typ.replace('*', '_ptr') name := 'json__decode_${suffix}' return util.no_dots(name) } fn is_js_prim(typ string) bool { return typ in ['int', 'rune', 'string', 'bool', 'f32', 'f64', 'i8', 'i16', 'i64', 'u8', 'u16', 'u32', 'u64', 'byte'] } fn (mut g Gen) decode_array(utyp ast.Type, value_type ast.Type, fixed_array_size int, ret_styp string) string { styp := g.typ(value_type) fn_name := js_dec_name(styp) noscan := g.check_noscan(value_type) mut res_str := '' mut array_free_str := '' mut fixed_array_idx := '' mut fixed_array_idx_increment := '' mut array_element_assign := '' if utyp.has_flag(.option) { if fixed_array_size > -1 { fixed_array_idx += 'int fixed_array_idx = 0;' array_element_assign += '((${styp}*)res.data)[fixed_array_idx] = val;' fixed_array_idx_increment += 'fixed_array_idx++;' } else { array_element_assign += 'array_push${noscan}((array*)&res.data, &val);' res_str += '_option_ok(&(${g.base_type(utyp)}[]) { __new_array${noscan}(0, 0, sizeof(${styp})) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${g.base_type(utyp)}));' array_free_str += 'array_free(&res.data);' } } else { if fixed_array_size > -1 { fixed_array_idx += 'int fixed_array_idx = 0;' array_element_assign += 'res[fixed_array_idx] = val;' fixed_array_idx_increment += 'fixed_array_idx++;' } else { array_element_assign += 'array_push${noscan}((array*)&res, &val);' res_str += 'res = __new_array${noscan}(0, 0, sizeof(${styp}));' array_free_str += 'array_free(&res);' } } mut s := '' if is_js_prim(styp) { s = '${styp} val = ${fn_name}((cJSON *)jsval); ' } else { s = ' ${result_name}_${styp} val2 = ${fn_name} ((cJSON *)jsval); if(val2.is_error) { ${array_free_str} return *(${result_name}_${ret_styp}*)&val2; } ${styp} val = *(${styp}*)val2.data; ' } return ' if(root && !cJSON_IsArray(root) && !cJSON_IsNull(root)) { return (${result_name}_${ret_styp}){.is_error = true, .err = _v_error(string__plus(_SLIT("Json element is not an array: "), tos2((byteptr)cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root)))), .data = {0}}; } ${res_str} const cJSON *jsval = NULL; ${fixed_array_idx} cJSON_ArrayForEach(jsval, root) { ${s} ${array_element_assign} ${fixed_array_idx_increment} } ' } fn (mut g Gen) encode_array(utyp ast.Type, value_type ast.Type, fixed_array_size int) string { styp := g.typ(value_type) fn_name := js_enc_name(styp) mut data_str := '' mut size_str := '' if utyp.has_flag(.option) { data_str, size_str = if fixed_array_size > -1 { // fixed array '(${styp}*)(*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)val.data)', '${fixed_array_size}' } else { '(${styp}*)(*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)val.data).data', '(*(${g.base_type(utyp)}*)val.data).len' } } else { data_str, size_str = if fixed_array_size > -1 { // fixed array '(${styp}*)val', '${fixed_array_size}' } else { '(${styp}*)val.data', 'val.len' } } return ' o = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (int i = 0; i < ${size_str}; i++){ cJSON_AddItemToArray(o, ${fn_name}( (${data_str})[i] )); } ' } fn (mut g Gen) decode_map(utyp ast.Type, key_type ast.Type, value_type ast.Type, ustyp string) string { styp := g.typ(key_type) mut styp_v := g.typ(value_type) ret_styp := styp_v.replace('*', '_ptr') key_type_symbol := g.table.sym(key_type) hash_fn, key_eq_fn, clone_fn, free_fn := g.map_fn_ptrs(key_type_symbol) fn_name_v := js_dec_name(styp_v) mut s := '' if is_js_prim(styp_v) { s = '${styp_v} val = ${fn_name_v} (js_get(root, jsval->string));' } else { s = ' ${result_name}_${ret_styp} val2 = ${fn_name_v} (js_get(root, jsval->string)); if(val2.is_error) { map_free(&res); return *(${result_name}_${ustyp}*)&val2; } ${styp_v} val = *(${styp_v}*)val2.data; ' } if utyp.has_flag(.option) { return ' if(!cJSON_IsObject(root) && !cJSON_IsNull(root)) { return (${result_name}_${ustyp}){ .is_error = true, .err = _v_error(string__plus(_SLIT("Json element is not an object: "), tos2((byteptr)cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root)))), .data = {0}}; } _option_ok(&(${g.base_type(utyp)}[]) { new_map(sizeof(${styp}), sizeof(${styp_v}), ${hash_fn}, ${key_eq_fn}, ${clone_fn}, ${free_fn}) }, (${option_name}*)&res, sizeof(${g.base_type(utyp)})); cJSON *jsval = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(jsval, root) { ${s} string key = tos2((byteptr)jsval->string); map_set((map*)res.data, &key, &val); } ' } else { return ' if(!cJSON_IsObject(root) && !cJSON_IsNull(root)) { return (${result_name}_${ustyp}){ .is_error = true, .err = _v_error(string__plus(_SLIT("Json element is not an object: "), tos2((byteptr)cJSON_PrintUnformatted(root)))), .data = {0}}; } res = new_map(sizeof(${styp}), sizeof(${styp_v}), ${hash_fn}, ${key_eq_fn}, ${clone_fn}, ${free_fn}); cJSON *jsval = NULL; cJSON_ArrayForEach(jsval, root) { ${s} string key = tos2((byteptr)jsval->string); map_set(&res, &key, &val); } ' } } fn (mut g Gen) encode_map(utyp ast.Type, key_type ast.Type, value_type ast.Type) string { styp := g.typ(key_type) styp_v := g.typ(value_type) fn_name_v := js_enc_name(styp_v) zero := g.type_default(value_type) keys_tmp := g.new_tmp_var() mut key := 'string key = ' if key_type.is_string() { key += '((${styp}*)${keys_tmp}.data)[i];' } else { // key += '${styp}_str((($styp*)${keys_tmp}.data)[i]);' verror('json: encode only maps with string keys') } if utyp.has_flag(.option) { return ' o = cJSON_CreateObject(); Array_${styp} ${keys_tmp} = map_keys((map*)val.data); for (int i = 0; i < ${keys_tmp}.len; ++i) { ${key} cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, (char*) key.str, ${fn_name_v} ( *(${styp_v}*) map_get((map*)val.data, &key, &(${styp_v}[]) { ${zero} } ) ) ); } array_free(&${keys_tmp}); ' } else { return ' o = cJSON_CreateObject(); Array_${styp} ${keys_tmp} = map_keys(&val); for (int i = 0; i < ${keys_tmp}.len; ++i) { ${key} cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, (char*) key.str, ${fn_name_v} ( *(${styp_v}*) map_get(&val, &key, &(${styp_v}[]) { ${zero} } ) ) ); } array_free(&${keys_tmp}); ' } }