## Description: `dl.loader` is an abstraction layer over `dl` that provides a more user-friendly API in the V way. It can be used to Dynamically Load a library during runtime in scenarios where the library to load does not have a determined path an can be located in different places. It also provides a way to load a library from a specific path, or from a list of paths, or from a custom environment variable that contains a list of paths. ## Usage: ```v import dl.loader // Load a library from a list of paths const default_paths = [ 'not-existing-dynamic-link-library' // 'C:\\Windows\\System32\\shell32.dll', 'shell32', ] fn main() { mut dl_loader := loader.get_or_create_dynamic_lib_loader( key: 'LibExample' env_path: 'LIB_PATH' paths: default_paths )! defer { dl_loader.unregister() } sym := dl_loader.get_sym('CommandLineToArgvW')! assert !isnil(sym) } ```