module sqlite type Sig1 = fn (&C.sqlite3_file, &i64) int // type Sig2 = fn (&Sqlite3_file, &int) int // pub type Sqlite3_file = C.sqlite3_file // struct C.sqlite3_file { pub mut: pMethods &C.sqlite3_io_methods // Methods for an open file } // [heap] struct C.sqlite3_io_methods { mut: // version 1 and later fields iVersion int xClose fn (&Sqlite3_file) int xRead fn (&Sqlite3_file, voidptr, int, i64) int xWrite fn (&Sqlite3_file, voidptr, int, i64) int xTruncate fn (&Sqlite3_file, i64) int xSync fn (&Sqlite3_file, int) int xFileSize Sig1 xLock fn (&Sqlite3_file, int) int xUnlock fn (&Sqlite3_file, int) int xCheckReservedLock Sig2 xFileControl fn (&Sqlite3_file, int, voidptr) int xSectorSize fn (&Sqlite3_file) int xDeviceCharacteristics fn (&Sqlite3_file) int // version 2 and later fields xShmMap fn (&Sqlite3_file, int, int, int, &voidptr) int xShmLock fn (&Sqlite3_file, int, int, int) int xShmBarrier fn (&Sqlite3_file) xShmUnmap fn (&Sqlite3_file, int) int // version 3 and later fields xFetch fn (&Sqlite3_file, i64, int, &voidptr) int xUnfetch fn (&Sqlite3_file, i64, voidptr) int } pub type Sqlite3_io_methods = C.sqlite3_io_methods // type Fn_sqlite3_syscall_ptr = fn () pub type Sqlite3_vfs = C.sqlite3_vfs [heap] pub struct C.sqlite3_vfs { pub mut: // version 1 and later fields iVersion int // Structure version number (currently 3) szOsFile int // Size of subclassed sqlite3_file mxPathname int // Maximum file pathname length pNext &Sqlite3_vfs // Next registered VFS zName &char // Name of this virtual file system pAppData voidptr // Pointer to application-specific data xOpen fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char, &Sqlite3_file, int, &int) int xDelete fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char, int) int xAccess fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char, int, &int) int xFullPathname fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char, int, &char) int xDlOpen fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char) voidptr xDlError fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, int, &char) xDlSym fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, voidptr, &char) voidptr // to fn accepting void and returning xDlClose fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, voidptr) xRandomness fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, int, &char) int xSleep fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, int) int xCurrentTime fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &f64) int xGetLastError fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, int, &char) int // version two and later only fields xCurrentTimeInt64 fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &i64) int // version three and later only fields xSetSystemCall fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char, Fn_sqlite3_syscall_ptr) int xGetSystemCall fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char) Fn_sqlite3_syscall_ptr xNextSystemCall fn (&Sqlite3_vfs, &char) &char } // fn C.sqlite3_vfs_find(&char) &C.sqlite3_vfs fn C.sqlite3_vfs_register(&C.sqlite3_vfs, int) int fn C.sqlite3_vfs_unregister(&C.sqlite3_vfs) int // get_vfs Requests sqlite to return instance of VFS with given name. // when such vfs is not known, `none` is returned pub fn get_vfs(name string) ?&Sqlite3_vfs { res := C.sqlite3_vfs_find(name.str) unsafe { if res == nil { return none } else { return res } } } // get_default_vfs Asks sqlite for default VFS instance pub fn get_default_vfs() ?&Sqlite3_vfs { unsafe { res := C.sqlite3_vfs_find(nil) if res == nil { return none } else { return res } } } // register_as_nondefault Asks sqlite to register VFS passed in receiver argument as the known VFS. // more info about VFS: // 'not TODOs' to prevent corruption: // example VFS: pub fn (mut v Sqlite3_vfs) register_as_nondefault() ? { res := C.sqlite3_vfs_register(v, 0) return if sqlite_ok == res { none } else { error('sqlite3_vfs_register returned ${res}') } } // unregister Requests sqlite to stop using VFS as passed in receiver argument pub fn (mut v Sqlite3_vfs) unregister() ? { res := C.sqlite3_vfs_unregister(v) return if sqlite_ok == res { none } else { error('sqlite3_vfs_unregister returned ${res}') } } // fn C.sqlite3_open_v2(&char, &&C.sqlite3, int, &char) int // pub enum OpenModeFlag { readonly = 0x00000001 readwrite = 0x00000002 create = 0x00000004 uri = 0x00000040 memory = 0x00000080 nomutex = 0x00008000 fullmutex = 0x00010000 sharedcache = 0x00020000 privatecache = 0x00040000 exrescode = 0x02000000 nofollow = 0x01000000 } // connect_full Opens connection to sqlite database. It gives more control than `open`. // Flags give control over readonly and create decisions. Specific VFS can be chosen. pub fn connect_full(path string, mode_flags []OpenModeFlag, vfs_name string) !DB { db := &C.sqlite3(unsafe { nil }) mut flags := 0 for flag in mode_flags { flags = flags | int(flag) } code := C.sqlite3_open_v2(&char(path.str), &db, flags, vfs_name.str) if code != 0 { return &SQLError{ msg: unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(&char(C.sqlite3_errstr(code))) } code: code } } return DB{ conn: db is_open: true } }