// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. import os import time // A job that runs in the background, checks for repo updates, // runs fast.v, pushes the HTML result to the fast.vlang.io GH pages repo. fn main() { println(time.now()) if !os.exists('website') { println('cloning the website repo...') os.system('git clone git@github.com:/vlang/website.git') } if !os.exists('fast') { println('"fast" binary (built with `v fast.v`) was not found') return } for { os.exec('git pull --rebase') or { println('failed to git pull. uncommitted changes?') return } // println('running fast') resp := os.exec('./fast') or { println(err) return } if resp.exit_code != 0 { println('resp != 0, skipping') } else { os.chdir('website') os.exec('git checkout gh-pages') ? os.cp('../index.html', 'index.html') ? os.system('git commit -am "update benchmark"') os.system('git push origin gh-pages') os.chdir('..') } // println('sleeping 60') time.sleep(60) } }