// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. import crypto.rand fn test_crypto_rand_read() { no_bytes := 100 max_percentage_diff := 20 r1 := rand.read(no_bytes) or { assert false return } assert r1.len == no_bytes r2 := rand.read(no_bytes) or { assert false return } assert r2.len == no_bytes mut difference := 0 for i, _ in r1 { difference += if r1[i] == r2[i] {0} else {1} } diff_percentage := f32(100) - (f32(difference)/f32(no_bytes)*100) assert diff_percentage <= max_percentage_diff } fn test_crypto_rand_int_u64() { max := u64(160) mut unique := []int{} for _ in 0..80 { r := rand.int_u64(max) or { assert false return } if r >= max { assert false return } n := int(r) if n !in unique { unique << n } } assert unique.len >= 40 }