module main // NB: you need to `v install pcre` to be able to compile this example. import pcre fn example() { r := pcre.new_regex('Match everything after this: (.+)', 0) or { println('An error occured!') return } m := r.match_str('Match everything after this: "I ❤️ VLang!"', 0, 0) or { println('No match!') return } // m.get(0) -> Match everything after this: "I ❤️ VLang!" // m.get(1) -> "I ❤️ VLang!"' // m.get(2) -> Error! whole_match := m.get(0) or { println('We matched nothing...') return } matched_str := m.get(1) or { println('We matched nothing...') return } println(whole_match) // Match everything after this: "I ❤️ VLang!" println(matched_str) // "I ❤️ VLang!" } fn main() { example() mut text := '[ an s. s! ]( wi4ki:something ) [ an s. s! ]( wi4ki:something ) [ an s. s! ](wiki:something) [ an s. s! ](something)dd d [ an s. s! ](something ) d [ more text ]( something ) s [ something b ](something)dd ' // check the regex on regex := r'(\[[a-z\.\! ]*\]\( *\w*\:*\w* *\))*' r := pcre.new_regex(regex, 0) or { println('An error occured!') return } m := r.match_str(text, 0, 0) or { println('No match!') return } whole_match1 := m.get(0) or { println('We matched nothing 0...') return } println(whole_match1) println(m.get_all()) }