// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module http // CommonHeader is an enum of the most common HTTP headers pub enum CommonHeader { accept accept_ch accept_charset accept_ch_lifetime accept_encoding accept_language accept_patch accept_post accept_ranges access_control_allow_credentials access_control_allow_headers access_control_allow_methods access_control_allow_origin access_control_expose_headers access_control_max_age access_control_request_headers access_control_request_method age allow alt_svc authorization cache_control clear_site_data connection content_disposition content_encoding content_language content_length content_location content_range content_security_policy content_security_policy_report_only content_type cookie cross_origin_embedder_policy cross_origin_opener_policy cross_origin_resource_policy date device_memory digest dnt early_data etag expect expect_ct expires feature_policy forwarded from host if_match if_modified_since if_none_match if_range if_unmodified_since index keep_alive large_allocation last_modified link location nel origin pragma proxy_authenticate proxy_authorization range referer referrer_policy retry_after save_data sec_fetch_dest sec_fetch_mode sec_fetch_site sec_fetch_user sec_websocket_accept server server_timing set_cookie sourcemap strict_transport_security te timing_allow_origin tk trailer transfer_encoding upgrade upgrade_insecure_requests user_agent vary via want_digest warning www_authenticate x_content_type_options x_dns_prefetch_control x_forwarded_for x_forwarded_host x_forwarded_proto x_frame_options x_xss_protection } pub fn (h CommonHeader) str() string { return match h { .accept { 'Accept' } .accept_ch { 'Accept-CH' } .accept_charset { 'Accept-Charset' } .accept_ch_lifetime { 'Accept-CH-Lifetime' } .accept_encoding { 'Accept-Encoding' } .accept_language { 'Accept-Language' } .accept_patch { 'Accept-Patch' } .accept_post { 'Accept-Post' } .accept_ranges { 'Accept-Ranges' } .access_control_allow_credentials { 'Access-Control-Allow-Credentials' } .access_control_allow_headers { 'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' } .access_control_allow_methods { 'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' } .access_control_allow_origin { 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' } .access_control_expose_headers { 'Access-Control-Expose-Headers' } .access_control_max_age { 'Access-Control-Max-Age' } .access_control_request_headers { 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' } .access_control_request_method { 'Access-Control-Request-Method' } .age { 'Age' } .allow { 'Allow' } .alt_svc { 'Alt-Svc' } .authorization { 'Authorization' } .cache_control { 'Cache-Control' } .clear_site_data { 'Clear-Site-Data' } .connection { 'Connection' } .content_disposition { 'Content-Disposition' } .content_encoding { 'Content-Encoding' } .content_language { 'Content-Language' } .content_length { 'Content-Length' } .content_location { 'Content-Location' } .content_range { 'Content-Range' } .content_security_policy { 'Content-Security-Policy' } .content_security_policy_report_only { 'Content-Security-Policy-Report-Only' } .content_type { 'Content-Type' } .cookie { 'Cookie' } .cross_origin_embedder_policy { 'Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy' } .cross_origin_opener_policy { 'Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy' } .cross_origin_resource_policy { 'Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy' } .date { 'Date' } .device_memory { 'Device-Memory' } .digest { 'Digest' } .dnt { 'DNT' } .early_data { 'Early-Data' } .etag { 'ETag' } .expect { 'Expect' } .expect_ct { 'Expect-CT' } .expires { 'Expires' } .feature_policy { 'Feature-Policy' } .forwarded { 'Forwarded' } .from { 'From' } .host { 'Host' } .if_match { 'If-Match' } .if_modified_since { 'If-Modified-Since' } .if_none_match { 'If-None-Match' } .if_range { 'If-Range' } .if_unmodified_since { 'If-Unmodified-Since' } .index { 'Index' } .keep_alive { 'Keep-Alive' } .large_allocation { 'Large-Allocation' } .last_modified { 'Last-Modified' } .link { 'Link' } .location { 'Location' } .nel { 'NEL' } .origin { 'Origin' } .pragma { 'Pragma' } .proxy_authenticate { 'Proxy-Authenticate' } .proxy_authorization { 'Proxy-Authorization' } .range { 'Range' } .referer { 'Referer' } .referrer_policy { 'Referrer-Policy' } .retry_after { 'Retry-After' } .save_data { 'Save-Data' } .sec_fetch_dest { 'Sec-Fetch-Dest' } .sec_fetch_mode { 'Sec-Fetch-Mode' } .sec_fetch_site { 'Sec-Fetch-Site' } .sec_fetch_user { 'Sec-Fetch-User' } .sec_websocket_accept { 'Sec-WebSocket-Accept' } .server { 'Server' } .server_timing { 'Server-Timing' } .set_cookie { 'Set-Cookie' } .sourcemap { 'SourceMap' } .strict_transport_security { 'Strict-Transport-Security' } .te { 'TE' } .timing_allow_origin { 'Timing-Allow-Origin' } .tk { 'Tk' } .trailer { 'Trailer' } .transfer_encoding { 'Transfer-Encoding' } .upgrade { 'Upgrade' } .upgrade_insecure_requests { 'Upgrade-Insecure-Requests' } .user_agent { 'User-Agent' } .vary { 'Vary' } .via { 'Via' } .want_digest { 'Want-Digest' } .warning { 'Warning' } .www_authenticate { 'WWW-Authenticate' } .x_content_type_options { 'X-Content-Type-Options' } .x_dns_prefetch_control { 'X-DNS-Prefetch-Control' } .x_forwarded_for { 'X-Forwarded-For' } .x_forwarded_host { 'X-Forwarded-Host' } .x_forwarded_proto { 'X-Forwarded-Proto' } .x_frame_options { 'X-Frame-Options' } .x_xss_protection { 'X-XSS-Protection' } } } const common_header_map = map{ 'accept': CommonHeader.accept 'accept-ch': .accept_ch 'accept-charset': .accept_charset 'accept-ch-lifetime': .accept_ch_lifetime 'accept-encoding': .accept_encoding 'accept-language': .accept_language 'accept-patch': .accept_patch 'accept-post': .accept_post 'accept-ranges': .accept_ranges 'access-control-allow-credentials': .access_control_allow_credentials 'access-control-allow-headers': .access_control_allow_headers 'access-control-allow-methods': .access_control_allow_methods 'access-control-allow-origin': .access_control_allow_origin 'access-control-expose-headers': .access_control_expose_headers 'access-control-max-age': .access_control_max_age 'access-control-request-headers': .access_control_request_headers 'access-control-request-method': .access_control_request_method 'age': .age 'allow': .allow 'alt-svc': .alt_svc 'authorization': .authorization 'cache-control': .cache_control 'clear-site-data': .clear_site_data 'connection': .connection 'content-disposition': .content_disposition 'content-encoding': .content_encoding 'content-language': .content_language 'content-length': .content_length 'content-location': .content_location 'content-range': .content_range 'content-security-policy': .content_security_policy 'content-security-policy-report-only': .content_security_policy_report_only 'content-type': .content_type 'cookie': .cookie 'cross-origin-embedder-policy': .cross_origin_embedder_policy 'cross-origin-opener-policy': .cross_origin_opener_policy 'cross-origin-resource-policy': .cross_origin_resource_policy 'date': .date 'device-memory': .device_memory 'digest': .digest 'dnt': .dnt 'early-data': .early_data 'etag': .etag 'expect': .expect 'expect-ct': .expect_ct 'expires': .expires 'feature-policy': .feature_policy 'forwarded': .forwarded 'from': .from 'host': .host 'if-match': .if_match 'if-modified-since': .if_modified_since 'if-none-match': .if_none_match 'if-range': .if_range 'if-unmodified-since': .if_unmodified_since 'index': .index 'keep-alive': .keep_alive 'large-allocation': .large_allocation 'last-modified': .last_modified 'link': .link 'location': .location 'nel': .nel 'origin': .origin 'pragma': .pragma 'proxy-authenticate': .proxy_authenticate 'proxy-authorization': .proxy_authorization 'range': .range 'referer': .referer 'referrer-policy': .referrer_policy 'retry-after': .retry_after 'save-data': .save_data 'sec-fetch-dest': .sec_fetch_dest 'sec-fetch-mode': .sec_fetch_mode 'sec-fetch-site': .sec_fetch_site 'sec-fetch-user': .sec_fetch_user 'sec-websocket-accept': .sec_websocket_accept 'server': .server 'server-timing': .server_timing 'set-cookie': .set_cookie 'sourcemap': .sourcemap 'strict-transport-security': .strict_transport_security 'te': .te 'timing-allow-origin': .timing_allow_origin 'tk': .tk 'trailer': .trailer 'transfer-encoding': .transfer_encoding 'upgrade': .upgrade 'upgrade-insecure-requests': .upgrade_insecure_requests 'user-agent': .user_agent 'vary': .vary 'via': .via 'want-digest': .want_digest 'warning': .warning 'www-authenticate': .www_authenticate 'x-content-type-options': .x_content_type_options 'x-dns-prefetch-control': .x_dns_prefetch_control 'x-forwarded-for': .x_forwarded_for 'x-forwarded-host': .x_forwarded_host 'x-forwarded-proto': .x_forwarded_proto 'x-frame-options': .x_frame_options 'x-xss-protection': .x_xss_protection } // Header represents the key-value pairs in an HTTP header [noinit] pub struct Header { mut: data map[string][]string } pub struct HeaderConfig { key CommonHeader value string } // Create a new Header object pub fn new_header(kvs ...HeaderConfig) Header { mut h := Header{ data: map[string][]string{} } for kv in kvs { h.add(kv.key, kv.value) } return h } // Append a value to the header key. pub fn (mut h Header) add(key CommonHeader, value string) { h.data[key.str()] << value } // Append a value to a custom header key. This function will return an error // if the key contains invalid header characters. pub fn (mut h Header) add_str(key string, value string) ? { k := canonicalize(key) ? h.data[k] << value } // Sets the key-value pair. This function will clear any other values // that exist for the CommonHeader. pub fn (mut h Header) set(key CommonHeader, value string) { h.data[key.str()] = [value] } // Sets the key-value pair for a custom header key. This function will // clear any other values that exist for the CommonHeader. pub fn (mut h Header) set_str(key string, value string) { k := canonicalize(key) or { return } h.data[k] = [value] } // Delete all values for a key. pub fn (mut h Header) delete(key CommonHeader) { h.data.delete(key.str()) } // Delete all values for a custom header key. pub fn (mut h Header) delete_str(key string) { k := canonicalize(key) or { return } h.data.delete(k) } // Returns whether the header key exists in the map. pub fn (h Header) contains(key CommonHeader) bool { return key.str() in h.data } // Returns whether the custom header key exists in the map. pub fn (h Header) contains_str(key string) bool { k := canonicalize(key) or { return false } return k in h.data } // Gets the first value for the CommonHeader, or none if the key does // not exist. pub fn (h Header) get(key CommonHeader) ?string { k := key.str() if h.data[k].len == 0 { return none } return h.data[k][0] } // Gets the first value for the custom header, or none if the key does // not exist. pub fn (h Header) get_str(key string) ?string { k := canonicalize(key) or { return none } if h.data[k].len == 0 { return none } return h.data[k][0] } // Gets all values for the CommonHeader. pub fn (h Header) values(key CommonHeader) []string { return h.data[key.str()] } // Gets all values for the custom header. pub fn (h Header) values_str(key string) []string { k := canonicalize(key) or { return [] } return h.data[k] } // Gets all header keys as strings pub fn (h Header) keys() []string { return h.data.keys() } // Validate and canonicalize an HTTP header key // A canonical header is all lowercase except for the first character // and any character after a `-`. Example: `Example-Header-Key` // There are some exceptions like `DNT`, `WWW-Authenticate`, etc. For these we // check if the lowercase matches any in the common_header_map and return that. fn canonicalize(s string) ?string { // check for valid header bytes for _, c in s { if int(c) >= 128 || !is_token(c) { return error('Invalid header key') } } // check if we have a common header sl := s.to_lower() if sl in http.common_header_map { return http.common_header_map[sl].str() } // check for canonicalization; create a new string if not mut upper := true for _, c in s { if upper && `a` <= c && c <= `z` { return s.to_lower().split('-').map(it.capitalize()).join('-') } if !upper && `A` <= c && c <= `Z` { return s.to_lower().split('-').map(it.capitalize()).join('-') } upper = c == `-` } return s } // Checks if the byte is valid for a header token fn is_token(b byte) bool { return match b { 33, 35...39, 42, 43, 45, 46, 48...57, 65...90, 94...122, 124, 126 { true } else { false } } }