import sqlite import rand const ( max_file_name_len = 256 ) fn test_vfs_register() { org_default_vfs := sqlite.get_default_vfs()? assert org_default_vfs.zName != 0 vfs_name := 'sometest' mut vfs_descr := &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs{ zName: vfs_name.str iVersion: 2 } if _ := sqlite.get_vfs(vfs_name) { panic('expected that vfs is not known') } vfs_descr.register_as_nondefault() or { panic('vfs register failed ${err}') } sqlite.get_vfs(vfs_name)? now_default_vfs := sqlite.get_default_vfs()? assert now_default_vfs.zName == org_default_vfs.zName vfs_descr.unregister() or { panic('vfs unregister failed ${err}') } if _ := sqlite.get_vfs(vfs_name) { panic('vfs supposedly unregistered yet somehow still foundable') } } // minimal vfs based on example fn test_verify_vfs_is_actually_used() { wrapped := sqlite.get_default_vfs()? vfs_name := 'sometest' mut vfs_state := &ExampleVfsState{ log: []string{cap: 100} } mut vfs_descr := &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs{ iVersion: 2 szOsFile: int(sizeof(ExampleVfsOpenedFile)) mxPathname: max_file_name_len zName: vfs_name.str pAppData: vfs_state xOpen: example_vfs_open xDelete: example_vfs_delete xAccess: example_vfs_access xFullPathname: example_vfs_fullpathname xDlOpen: wrapped.xDlOpen xDlError: wrapped.xDlError xDlSym: wrapped.xDlSym xDlClose: wrapped.xDlClose xRandomness: wrapped.xRandomness xSleep: wrapped.xSleep xCurrentTime: wrapped.xCurrentTime xGetLastError: example_vfs_getlasterror xCurrentTimeInt64: wrapped.xCurrentTimeInt64 } vfs_descr.register_as_nondefault()? // normally this would be written to disk mut db := sqlite.connect_full('foo.db', [.readwrite, .create], vfs_name)! assert ['fullpathname from=foo.db to=foo.db}', 'open temp?=false name=foo.db', 'read file=foo.db'] == vfs_state.log vfs_state.log.clear() db.close()! assert ['close file=foo.db'] == vfs_state.log } struct ExampleVfsState { mut: log []string } struct ExampleVfsOpenedFile { mut: base sqlite.Sqlite3_file name string vfs_state &ExampleVfsState } fn to_vfsstate(t &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs) &ExampleVfsState { unsafe { p := t.pAppData if p == 0 { assert false, 'p should not be 0' } return &ExampleVfsState(p) } } fn to_vfsopenedfile(t &sqlite.Sqlite3_file) &ExampleVfsOpenedFile { unsafe { if t == 0 { assert false, 't should not be 0' } return &ExampleVfsOpenedFile(t) } } fn example_vfs_fullpathname(vfs &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs, input &char, size_of_output int, output &char) int { println('fullpathname called') mut vfs_state := to_vfsstate(vfs) from := unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(input) } unsafe { vmemcpy(output, input, from.len) output[from.len] = u8(0) } result := unsafe { cstring_to_vstring(output) } vfs_state.log << 'fullpathname from=${from} to=${result}}' return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfs_access(vfs &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs, zPath &char, flags int, pResOut &int) int { println('access called') mut vfs_state := &ExampleVfsState{} unsafe { assert 0 != vfs.pAppData vfs_state = &ExampleVfsState(vfs.pAppData) } vfs_state.log << 'accessed' return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfs_open(vfs &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs, file_name_or_null_for_tempfile &char, vfs_opened_file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, in_flags int, out_flags &int) int { println('open called') mut is_temp := false mut file_name := '' unsafe { if file_name_or_null_for_tempfile == nil { is_temp = true file_name = rand.uuid_v4() } else { file_name = cstring_to_vstring(file_name_or_null_for_tempfile) } } mut vfs_state := to_vfsstate(vfs) unsafe { mut outp := to_vfsopenedfile(vfs_opened_file) outp.base.pMethods = &sqlite.Sqlite3_io_methods{ iVersion: 1 xClose: example_vfsfile_close xRead: example_vfsfile_read xWrite: example_vfsfile_write xTruncate: example_vfsfile_truncate xSync: example_vfsfile_sync xFileSize: example_vfsfile_size xLock: example_vfsfile_lock xUnlock: example_vfsfile_unlock xCheckReservedLock: example_vfsfile_checkreservedlock xFileControl: example_vfsfile_filecontrol xSectorSize: example_vfsfile_sectorsize xDeviceCharacteristics: example_vfsfile_devicecharacteristics } = file_name.clone() outp.vfs_state = vfs_state } vfs_state.log << 'open temp?=${is_temp} name=${file_name}' return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_checkreservedlock(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, pResOut &int) int { println('file checkreservedlock') unsafe { *pResOut = 0 } return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_filecontrol(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, op int, arg voidptr) int { println('file filecontrol') return 0 } fn example_vfsfile_devicecharacteristics(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file) int { println('file devicecharacteristics') return 0 } fn example_vfsfile_size(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, result &i64) int { println('file size') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_read(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, output voidptr, amount int, offset i64) int { println('file read') assert amount > 0 mut vfsfile := to_vfsopenedfile(file) vfsfile.vfs_state.log << 'read file=${}' unsafe { C.memset(output, 0, amount) } return sqlite.sqlite_ioerr_short_read } fn example_vfsfile_truncate(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, size i64) int { println('file truncate') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_sectorsize(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file) int { println('file sectorsize') return 0 } fn example_vfsfile_sync(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, flags int) int { println('file sync called') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_lock(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, elock int) int { println('file lock called') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_unlock(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, elock int) int { println('file unlock called') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_write(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file, buf voidptr, amount int, offset i64) int { println('file write called') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfsfile_close(file &sqlite.Sqlite3_file) int { println('file close called') mut vfsfile := to_vfsopenedfile(file) vfsfile.vfs_state.log << 'close file=${}' return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfs_delete(vfs &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs, name &char, sync_dir int) int { println('vfs delete called') return sqlite.sqlite_ok } fn example_vfs_getlasterror(vfs &sqlite.Sqlite3_vfs, i int, o &char) int { println('vfs getlasterror called') unsafe { *o = 0 } return sqlite.sqlite_ok }