import time fn test_parse() { s := '2018-01-27 12:48:34' t := time.parse(s) or { eprintln('> failing format: ${s} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t.year == 2018 && t.month == 1 && == 27 && t.hour == 12 && t.minute == 48 && t.second == 34 assert t.unix == 1517057314 } fn test_parse_invalid() { if x := time.parse('Invalid time string') { assert false } assert true if x := time.parse('2020-02-02 02.20.02') { assert false } assert true } fn test_parse_rfc2822() { s1 := 'Thu, 12 Dec 2019 06:07:45 GMT' t1 := time.parse_rfc2822(s1) or { eprintln('> failing format: ${s1} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t1.year == 2019 && t1.month == 12 && == 12 && t1.hour == 6 && t1.minute == 7 && t1.second == 45 assert t1.unix == 1576130865 s2 := 'Thu 12 Dec 2019 06:07:45 +0800' t2 := time.parse_rfc2822(s2) or { eprintln('> failing format: ${s2} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t2.year == 2019 && t2.month == 12 && == 12 && t2.hour == 6 && t2.minute == 7 && t2.second == 45 assert t2.unix == 1576130865 } fn test_parse_rfc2822_invalid() { s3 := 'Thu 12 Foo 2019 06:07:45 +0800' time.parse_rfc2822(s3) or { assert true return } assert false } fn test_parse_iso8601() { formats := [ '2020-06-05T15:38:06Z', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959Z', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959+00:00', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959+02:00', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959-02:00', '2020-11-05T15:38:06.015959Z', ] times := [ [2020, 6, 5, 15, 38, 6, 0], [2020, 6, 5, 15, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 6, 5, 15, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 6, 5, 13, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 6, 5, 17, 38, 6, 15959], [2020, 11, 5, 15, 38, 6, 15959], ] for i, format in formats { t := time.parse_iso8601(format) or { eprintln('>>> failing format: ${format} | err: ${err}') assert false continue } year := times[i][0] assert t.year == year month := times[i][1] assert t.month == month day := times[i][2] assert == day hour := times[i][3] assert t.hour == hour minute := times[i][4] assert t.minute == minute second := times[i][5] assert t.second == second microsecond := times[i][6] assert t.microsecond == microsecond } } fn test_parse_iso8601_local() { format := '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959' t := time.parse_iso8601(format) or { eprintln('> failing format: ${format} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t.year == 2020 assert t.month == 6 assert == 5 assert t.hour == 15 assert t.minute == 38 assert t.second == 6 assert t.microsecond == 15959 } fn test_parse_iso8601_invalid() { formats := [ '', '2020-06-05X15:38:06.015959Z', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959X', '2020-06-05T15:38:06.015959+0000', '2020-06-05T', '2020-06-05Z', '2020-06-05+00:00', '15:38:06', '2020-06-32T15:38:06.015959', '2020-13-13T15:38:06.015959', ] for format in formats { time.parse_iso8601(format) or { assert true continue } assert false } } fn test_parse_iso8601_date_only() { format := '2020-06-05' t := time.parse_iso8601(format) or { eprintln('> failing format: ${format} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t.year == 2020 assert t.month == 6 assert == 5 assert t.hour == 0 assert t.minute == 0 assert t.second == 0 assert t.microsecond == 0 } fn check_invalid_date(s string) { if date := time.parse(s) { eprintln('invalid date: "${s}" => "${date}"') assert false } assert true } fn test_invalid_dates_should_error_during_parse() { check_invalid_date('-99999-12-20 00:00:00') check_invalid_date('99999-12-20 00:00:00') // check_invalid_date('2008-00-20 00:00:00') check_invalid_date('2008-25-20 00:00:00') // check_invalid_date('2008-12-00 00:00:00') check_invalid_date('2008-12-32 00:00:00') // check_invalid_date('2008-12-01 30:00:00') check_invalid_date('2008-12-01 00:60:00') check_invalid_date('2008-12-01 00:01:60') } fn test_parse_rfc3339() { pairs := [ ['2015-01-06T15:47:32.080254511Z', '2015-01-06 15:47:32.080254'], ['2015-01-06T15:47:32.072697474Z', '2015-01-06 15:47:32.072697'], ] for pair in pairs { input, expected := pair[0], pair[1] res := time.parse_rfc3339(input) or { eprintln('>>> failing input: ${input} | err: ${err}') assert false return } output := res.format_ss_micro() assert expected == output } } fn test_ad_second_to_parse_result_in_2001() { now_tm := time.parse('2001-01-01 04:00:00')! future_tm := now_tm.add_seconds(60) assert future_tm.str() == '2001-01-01 04:01:00' assert now_tm.unix < future_tm.unix } fn test_ad_second_to_parse_result_pre_2001() { now_tm := time.parse('2000-01-01 04:00:00')! future_tm := now_tm.add_seconds(60) assert future_tm.str() == '2000-01-01 04:01:00' assert now_tm.unix < future_tm.unix } fn test_parse_format() { mut s := '2018-01-27 12:48:34' mut t := time.parse_format(s, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss') or { eprintln('> failing format: ${s} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t.year == 2018 && t.month == 1 && == 27 && t.hour == 12 && t.minute == 48 && t.second == 34 s = '2018-November-27 12:48:20' t = time.parse_format(s, 'YYYY-MMMM-DD HH:mm:ss') or { eprintln('> failing format: ${s} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t.year == 2018 && t.month == 11 && == 27 && t.hour == 12 && t.minute == 48 && t.second == 20 s = '2018-1-2 1:8:2' t = time.parse_format(s, 'YYYY-M-D H:m:s') or { eprintln('> failing format: ${s} | err: ${err}') assert false return } assert t.year == 2018 && t.month == 1 && == 2 && t.hour == 1 && t.minute == 8 && t.second == 2 // This should always fail, because we test if M and D allow for a 01 value which they shouldn't s = '2018-01-02 1:8:2' t = time.parse_format(s, 'YYYY-M-D H:m:s') or { return } eprintln('> failing for datetime: ${s}, the datetime string should not have passed the format "YYYY-M-D H:m:s"') assert false }