// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module compiler fn (p mut Parser) enum_decl(no_name bool) { is_pub := p.tok == .key_pub if is_pub { p.next() p.fspace() } p.check(.key_enum) p.fspace() mut enum_name := p.check_name() is_c := enum_name == 'C' && p.tok == .dot if is_c { p.check(.dot) enum_name = p.check_name() } // Specify full type name if !p.builtin_mod && p.mod != 'main' { enum_name = p.prepend_mod(enum_name) } p.fspace() p.check(.lcbr) mut val := 0 mut fields := []string mut tuple_variants := []string for p.tok == .name { field := p.check_name() if p.pass == .decl && p.tok != .lpar && contains_capital(field) { p.warn('enum values cannot contain uppercase letters, use snake_case instead (`$field`)') } fields << field name := '${mod_gen_name(p.mod)}__${enum_name}_$field' if p.tok == .assign { p.fspace() mut enum_assign_tidx := p.cur_tok_index() next := p.peek() if next in [.number, .minus] { p.next() p.fspace() is_neg := p.tok == .minus if is_neg { p.next() } val = p.lit.int() if is_neg { val = -val } p.next() } else { p.next() enum_assign_tidx = p.cur_tok_index() p.error_with_token_index('only numbers are allowed in enum initializations', enum_assign_tidx) } } // `BoolExpr(bool)` else if p.tok == .lpar { if !field[0].is_capital() { p.error('sum types must be capitalized') } p.check(.lpar) tuple_variants << p.get_type() p.check(.rpar) if p.pass == .main { p.cgen.consts << '#define ${field}_type $val // LOL' } } if p.pass == .main { p.cgen.consts << '#define $name $val' } if p.tok == .comma { p.next() p.fremove_last() } p.fgen_nl() val++ } is_flag := p.attr == 'flag' if is_flag && fields.len > 32 { p.error('when an enum is used as bit field, it must have a max of 32 fields') } mut T := Type{ name: enum_name mod: p.mod parent: 'int' cat: .enum_ enum_vals: fields.clone() is_public: is_pub is_flag: is_flag } p.table.tuple_variants[enum_name] = tuple_variants if is_flag && !p.first_pass() { p.gen_enum_flag_methods(mut T) } if p.pass == .decl || is_flag { p.table.register_type(T) } // Register `Expression` enum if tuple_variants.len > 0 && p.pass == .main { p.cgen.typedefs << 'typedef struct { void* obj; int typ; } $enum_name; ' } // Skip nameless enums else if !no_name && !p.first_pass() { p.cgen.typedefs << 'typedef int $enum_name;' } p.check(.rcbr) p.fgen_nl() p.fgen_nl() if !no_name && fields.len == 0 { p.error('Empty enums are not allowed.') } } fn (p mut Parser) check_enum_member_access() { if p.expected_type.starts_with('Option_') { p.expected_type = p.expected_type[7..] } T := p.find_type(p.expected_type) if T.cat == .enum_ { p.check(.dot) val := p.check_name() // Make sure this enum value exists if !T.has_enum_val(val) { p.error('enum `$T.name` does not have value `$val`') } p.gen(mod_gen_name(T.mod) + '__' + p.expected_type + '_' + val) } else { p.error('`$T.name` is not an enum') } } /* enum Expression { Boolean(bool), Integer(i32), } fn main() { let expr = Expression::Integer(10); let mut val = Expression::Boolean(true); val = expr; match val { Expression::Integer(n) => println!("INT {}", n), Expression::Boolean(b) => println!("BOOL {}", b), } //println!("HELLO {}", val); } */