// Copyright (c) 2019-2021 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module builtin // IError holds information about an error instance pub interface IError { msg string code int } // Error is the default implementation of IError, that is returned by e.g. `error()` pub struct Error { pub: msg string code int } pub struct Option3 { state byte err IError } [inline] fn (e IError) str() string { return e.msg } fn opt_ok3(data voidptr, mut option Option3, size int) { unsafe { *option = Option3{} // use err to get the end of Option3 and then memcpy into it C.memcpy(byteptr(&option.err) + sizeof(IError), data, size) } } pub fn (o Option3) str() string { if o.state == 0 { return 'Option{ ok }' } if o.state == 1 { return 'Option{ none }' } return 'Option{ err: "$o.err" }' } [inline] pub fn error3(message string) IError { return &Error{ msg: message } } pub fn error_with_code3(message string, code int) IError { return &Error { msg: message code: code } } //////////////////////////////////////// // these are just here temporarily to avoid breaking the compiler; they will be removed soon pub fn error(a string) Option2 { return {} } pub fn error_with_code(a string, b int) Option2 { return {} } // Option2 is the base of V's new internal optional return system. struct Option2 { state byte err Error // Data is trailing after err // and is not included in here but in the // derived Option2_xxx types } [inline] fn (e Error) str() string { // TODO: this should probably have a better str method, // but this minimizes the amount of broken code after #8924 return e.msg } // `fn foo() ?Foo { return foo }` => `fn foo() ?Foo { return opt_ok(foo); }` fn opt_ok(data voidptr, mut option Option2, size int) { unsafe { *option = Option2{} // use err to get the end of OptionBase and then memcpy into it C.memcpy(byteptr(&option.err) + sizeof(Error), data, size) } } pub fn (o Option2) str() string { if o.state == 0 { return 'Option{ ok }' } if o.state == 1 { return 'Option{ none }' } return 'Option{ error: "$o.err" }' } // error returns an optional containing the error given in `message`. // `if ouch { return error('an error occurred') }` pub fn error2(message string) Option2 { return Option2{ state: 2 err: { msg: message } } } // error_with_code returns an optional containing both error `message` and error `code`. // `if ouch { return error_with_code('an error occurred',1) }` pub fn error_with_code2(message string, code int) Option2 { return Option2{ state: 2 err: { msg: message code: code } } }