module csrf import rand const chars = 'QWERTZUIOPASDFGHJKLYXCVBNMqwertzuiopasdfghjklyxcvbnm1234567890_-' const cookie_key = '__Host-Csrf-Token' // set_csrf_cookie - generates a CSRF-Token and sets the CSRF-Cookie. It is possible to set the HttpOnly-status of the cookie to false by adding an argument of the HttpOnly-struct like this: // `app.set_csrf_cookie(csrf.HttpOnly{false})` // If no argument is set, http_only will be set to `true`by default. pub fn (mut app App) set_csrf_cookie(h ...HttpOnly) App { mut http_only := true if h.len > 0 { http_only = h[0].http_only } cookie := create_cookie(http_only) app = App{app.Context, cookie.value} app.set_cookie(cookie) return app } // generate - generates the CSRF-Token fn generate() string { mut out := '' for _ in 0 .. 42 { i := rand.intn(csrf.chars.len_utf8()) or { panic('Error while trying to generate Csrf-Token: $err') } out = out + csrf.chars[i..i + 1] } return out } // create_cookie - creates the cookie fn create_cookie(h bool) CsrfCookie { return CsrfCookie{ name: csrf.cookie_key value: generate() path: '/' max_age: 0 secure: true http_only: h } } // get_csrf_token - returns the CSRF-Token that has been set. Make sure that you set one by using `set_csrf_cookie()`. If it's value is empty or no cookie has been generated, the function will throw an error. pub fn (mut app App) get_csrf_token() ?string { if app.csrf_cookie_value != '' { return app.csrf_cookie_value } else { return IError(CsrfError{ m: 'The CSRF-Token-Value is empty. Please check if you have setted a cookie!' }) } }