// Copyright (c) 2019 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. module compiler import ( strings ) // Returns typ if used as expression fn (p mut Parser) match_statement(is_expr bool) string { p.check(.key_match) p.cgen.start_tmp() typ := p.bool_expression() if typ.starts_with('array_') { p.error('arrays cannot be compared') } expr := p.cgen.end_tmp() // is it safe to use p.cgen.insert_before ??? tmp_var := p.get_tmp() p.cgen.insert_before('$typ $tmp_var = $expr;') p.check(.lcbr) mut i := 0 mut all_cases_return := true // stores typ of resulting variable mut res_typ := '' defer { p.check(.rcbr) } for p.tok != .rcbr { if p.tok == .key_else { p.check(.key_else) if p.tok == .arrow { p.warn(warn_match_arrow) p.check(.arrow) } // unwrap match if there is only else if i == 0 { if is_expr { // statements are dissallowed (if match is expression) so user cant declare variables there and so on // allow braces is else got_brace := p.tok == .lcbr if got_brace { p.check(.lcbr) } p.gen('( ') res_typ = p.bool_expression() p.gen(' )') // allow braces in else if got_brace { p.check(.rcbr) } return res_typ } else { p.returns = false p.check(.lcbr) p.genln('{ ') p.statements() p.returns = all_cases_return && p.returns return '' } } if is_expr { // statements are dissallowed (if match is expression) so user cant declare variables there and so on p.gen(':(') // allow braces is else got_brace := p.tok == .lcbr if got_brace { p.check(.lcbr) } p.check_types(p.bool_expression(), res_typ) // allow braces in else if got_brace { p.check(.rcbr) } p.gen(strings.repeat(`)`, i+1)) return res_typ } else { p.returns = false p.genln('else // default:') p.check(.lcbr) p.genln('{ ') p.statements() p.returns = all_cases_return && p.returns return '' } } if i > 0 { if is_expr { p.gen(': (') } else { p.gen('else ') } } else if is_expr { p.gen('(') } if is_expr { p.gen('(') } else { p.gen('if (') } ph := p.cgen.add_placeholder() // Multiple checks separated by comma mut got_comma := false for { if got_comma { p.gen(') || (') } mut got_string := false if typ == 'string' { got_string = true p.gen('string_eq($tmp_var, ') } else { p.gen('$tmp_var == ') } p.expected_type = typ p.check_types(p.bool_expression(), typ) p.expected_type = '' if got_string { p.gen(')') } if p.tok != .comma { if got_comma { p.gen(') ') p.cgen.set_placeholder(ph, '(') } break } p.check(.comma) got_comma = true } p.gen(')') if p.tok == .arrow { p.warn(warn_match_arrow) p.check(.arrow) } // statements are dissallowed (if match is expression) so user cant declare variables there and so on if is_expr { p.gen('? (') // braces are required for now p.check(.lcbr) if i == 0 { // on the first iteration we set value of res_typ res_typ = p.bool_expression() } else { // later on we check that the value is of res_typ type p.check_types(p.bool_expression(), res_typ) } // braces are required for now p.check(.rcbr) p.gen(')') } else { p.returns = false p.check(.lcbr) p.genln('{ ') p.statements() all_cases_return = all_cases_return && p.returns // p.gen(')') } i++ } if is_expr { // we get here if no else found, ternary requires "else" branch p.error('Match expression requires "else"') } p.returns = false // only get here when no default, so return is not guaranteed return '' } fn (p mut Parser) switch_statement() { p.error('`switch` statement has been removed, use `match` instead:\n' + 'https://vlang.io/docs#match') }