module main import os import testing import v.util import arrays const vet_known_failing = [ 'do_not_delete_this', ] const vet_known_failing_windows = [ 'do_not_delete_this', 'vlib/v/gen/js/tests/testdata/byte_is_space.v', 'vlib/v/gen/js/tests/testdata/compare_ints.v', 'vlib/v/gen/js/tests/testdata/hw.v', 'vlib/v/gen/js/tests/testdata/string_methods.v', 'vlib/v/tests/inout/vscript_using_generics_in_os.vsh', 'vlib/v/tests/project_with_modules_having_submodules/bin/main.vsh', 'vlib/v/tests/valgrind/simple_interpolation_script_mode.v', 'vlib/v/tests/valgrind/simple_interpolation_script_mode_more_scopes.v', ] const vet_folders = [ 'vlib/sqlite', 'vlib/v', 'vlib/x/json2', 'vlib/x/ttf', 'cmd/v', 'cmd/tools', 'examples/2048', 'examples/tetris', 'examples/term.ui', ] const verify_known_failing_exceptions = [ // Handcrafted meaningful formatting of code parts (mostly arrays) 'examples/sokol/02_cubes_glsl/cube_glsl.v', 'examples/sokol/03_march_tracing_glsl/rt_glsl.v', 'examples/sokol/04_multi_shader_glsl/rt_glsl.v', 'examples/sokol/05_instancing_glsl/rt_glsl.v', 'examples/sokol/06_obj_viewer/show_obj.v', 'vlib/v/checker/tests/modules/deprecated_module/main.v' /* adds deprecated_module. module prefix to imports, even though the folder has v.mod */, 'vlib/gg/m4/graphic.v', 'vlib/gg/m4/m4_test.v', 'vlib/gg/m4/matrix.v', 'vlib/builtin/int_test.v' /* special number formatting that should be tested */, // TODOs and unfixed vfmt bugs 'vlib/v/gen/js/tests/js.v', /* local `hello` fn, gets replaced with module `hello` aliased as `hl` */ 'vlib/v/tests/string_new_interpolation_test.v', /* new string interpolation */ ] const vfmt_verify_list = [ 'cmd/', 'examples/', 'tutorials/', 'vlib/', ] const vfmt_known_failing_exceptions = arrays.merge(verify_known_failing_exceptions, [ 'vlib/regex/regex_test.v' /* contains meaningfull formatting of the test case data */, 'vlib/crypto/sha512/sha512block_generic.v' /* formatting of large constant arrays wraps to too many lines */, 'vlib/crypto/aes/const.v' /* formatting of large constant arrays wraps to too many lines */, ]) const vexe = os.getenv('VEXE') const vroot = os.dir(vexe) const is_fix = '-fix' in os.args fn main() { args_string := os.args[1..].join(' ') pass_args := args_string.all_before('test-cleancode') v_test_vetting(pass_args) } fn tsession(vargs string, tool_source string, tool_cmd string, tool_args string, flist []string, slist []string) testing.TestSession { os.chdir(vroot) or {} title_message := 'running $tool_cmd over most .v files' testing.eheader(title_message) mut test_session := testing.new_test_session('$vargs $tool_args', false) test_session.files << flist test_session.skip_files << slist util.prepare_tool_when_needed(tool_source) // note that util.prepare_tool_when_needed will put its temporary files // in the VTMP from the test session too, so they will be cleaned up // at the end test_session.test() eprintln(test_session.benchmark.total_message(title_message)) return test_session } fn v_test_vetting(vargs string) { expanded_vet_list := util.find_all_v_files(vet_folders) or { return } mut vet_known_exceptions := vet_known_failing.clone() if os.user_os() == 'windows' { vet_known_exceptions << vet_known_failing_windows } vet_session := tsession(vargs, 'vvet', '${os.quoted_path(vexe)} vet', 'vet', expanded_vet_list, vet_known_exceptions) // fmt_cmd, fmt_args := if is_fix { '${os.quoted_path(vexe)} fmt -w', 'fmt -w' } else { '${os.quoted_path(vexe)} fmt -verify', 'fmt -verify' } vfmt_list := util.find_all_v_files(vfmt_verify_list) or { return } exceptions := util.find_all_v_files(vfmt_known_failing_exceptions) or { return } verify_session := tsession(vargs, 'vfmt.v', fmt_cmd, fmt_args, vfmt_list, exceptions) // if vet_session.benchmark.nfail > 0 || verify_session.benchmark.nfail > 0 { eprintln('\n') if vet_session.benchmark.nfail > 0 { eprintln('WARNING: `v vet` failed $vet_session.benchmark.nfail times.') } if verify_session.benchmark.nfail > 0 { eprintln('WARNING: `v fmt -verify` failed $verify_session.benchmark.nfail times.') } exit(1) } }