// Copyright (c) 2019-2020 Alexander Medvednikov. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by an MIT license // that can be found in the LICENSE file. // SDL2 port+wrapper, Twintris-like dual-game logic, // and more, by Nicolas Sauzede 2019. module main import filepath import rand import time import os import math import sdl import sdl.image as img import sdl.mixer as mix import sdl.ttf as ttf [inline] fn sdl_fill_rect(s &SDL_Surface,r &SDL_Rect,c &SDL_Color){sdl.fill_rect(s,r,c)} const ( Title = 'tVintris' BASE = filepath.dir( os.realpath( os.executable() ) ) FontName = BASE + '/fonts/RobotoMono-Regular.ttf' MusicName = BASE + '/sounds/TwintrisThosenine.mod' SndBlockName = BASE + '/sounds/block.wav' SndLineName = BASE + '/sounds/single.wav' SndDoubleName = BASE + '/sounds/triple.wav' VLogo = BASE + '/images/v-logo_30_30.png' BlockSize = 20 // pixels FieldHeight = 20 // # of blocks FieldWidth = 10 TetroSize = 4 WinWidth = BlockSize * FieldWidth * 3 WinHeight = BlockSize * FieldHeight TimerPeriod = 250 // ms TextSize = 16 AudioBufSize = 1024 P2FIRE = C.SDLK_l P2UP = C.SDLK_UP P2DOWN = C.SDLK_DOWN P2LEFT = C.SDLK_LEFT P2RIGHT = C.SDLK_RIGHT P1FIRE = C.SDLK_s P1UP = C.SDLK_w P1DOWN = C.SDLK_x P1LEFT = C.SDLK_a P1RIGHT = C.SDLK_d NJOYMAX = 2 // joystick name => enter your own device name JOYP1NAME = 'Generic X-Box pad' // following are joystick button number JBP1FIRE = 1 // following are joystick hat value JHP1UP = 1 JHP1DOWN = 4 JHP1LEFT = 8 JHP1RIGHT = 3 // joystick name => enter your own device name JOYP2NAME = 'RedOctane Guitar Hero X-plorer' // following are joystick button number JBP2FIRE = 0 // following are joystick hat value JHP2UP = 4 JHP2DOWN = 1 JHP2LEFT = 8 JHP2RIGHT = 2 ) const ( mix_version = mix.version ttf_version = ttf.version ) const ( // Tetros' 4 possible states are encoded in binaries BTetros = [ // 0000 0 // 0000 0 // 0110 6 // 0110 6 [66, 66, 66, 66], // 0000 0 // 0000 0 // 0010 2 // 0111 7 [27, 131, 72, 232], // 0000 0 // 0000 0 // 0011 3 // 0110 6 [36, 231, 36, 231], // 0000 0 // 0000 0 // 0110 6 // 0011 3 [63, 132, 63, 132], // 0000 0 // 0011 3 // 0001 1 // 0001 1 [311, 17, 223, 74], // 0000 0 // 0011 3 // 0010 2 // 0010 2 [322, 71, 113, 47], // Special case since 15 can't be used // 1111 [1111, 9, 1111, 9], ] // Each tetro has its unique color Colors = [ SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // unused ? SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0x62), byte(0xc0), byte(0)}, // quad : darkblue 0062c0 SDL_Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)}, // tricorn : lightbrown ca7d5f SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // short topright : lightblue 00c1bf SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0xc1), byte(0), byte(0)}, // short topleft : lightgreen 00c100 SDL_Color{byte(0xbf), byte(0xbe), byte(0), byte(0)}, // long topleft : yellowish bfbe00 SDL_Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0xbf), byte(0)}, // long topright : pink d100bf SDL_Color{byte(0xd1), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)}, // longest : lightred d10000 SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)}, // unused ? ] // Background color BackgroundColor = SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(0), byte(0), byte(0)} // Foreground color ForegroundColor = SDL_Color{byte(0), byte(170), byte(170), byte(0)} // Text color TextColor = SDL_Color{byte(0xca), byte(0x7d), byte(0x5f), byte(0)} ) // TODO: type Tetro [TetroSize]struct{ x, y int } struct Block { mut: x int y int } enum GameState { paused running gameover } struct AudioContext { mut: music voidptr volume int waves [3]voidptr } struct SdlContext { pub mut: // VIDEO w int h int window voidptr renderer voidptr screen &SDL_Surface texture voidptr // AUDIO actx AudioContext // JOYSTICKS jnames [2]string jids [2]int // V logo v_logo &SDL_Surface tv_logo voidptr } struct Game { mut: // Score of the current game score int // Count consecutive lines for scoring lines int // State of the current game state GameState // X offset of the game display ofs_x int // keys k_fire int k_up int k_down int k_left int k_right int // joystick ID joy_id int // joystick buttons jb_fire int // joystick hat values jh_up int jh_down int jh_left int jh_right int // game rand seed seed int seed_ini int // Position of the current tetro pos_x int pos_y int // field[y][x] contains the color of the block with (x,y) coordinates // "-1" border is to avoid bounds checking. // -1 -1 -1 -1 // -1 0 0 -1 // -1 0 0 -1 // -1 -1 -1 -1 field [][]int // TODO: tetro Tetro tetro []Block // TODO: tetros_cache []Tetro tetros_cache []Block // Index of the current tetro. Refers to its color. tetro_idx int // Index of the next tetro. Refers to its color. tetro_next int // tetro stats : buckets of drawn tetros tetro_stats []int // total number of drawn tetros tetro_total int // Index of the rotation (0-3) rotation_idx int // SDL2 context for drawing sdl SdlContext // TTF context for font drawing font voidptr } fn (sdlc mut SdlContext) set_sdl_context(w int, h int, title string) { C.SDL_Init(C.SDL_INIT_VIDEO | C.SDL_INIT_AUDIO | C.SDL_INIT_JOYSTICK) C.atexit(C.SDL_Quit) C.TTF_Init() C.atexit(C.TTF_Quit) bpp := 32 sdl.create_window_and_renderer(w, h, 0, &sdlc.window, &sdlc.renderer) // C.SDL_CreateWindowAndRenderer(w, h, 0, voidptr(&sdlc.window), voidptr(&sdlc.renderer)) C.SDL_SetWindowTitle(sdlc.window, title.str) sdlc.w = w sdlc.h = h sdlc.screen = sdl.create_rgb_surface(0, w, h, bpp, 0x00FF0000, 0x0000FF00, 0x000000FF, 0xFF000000) sdlc.texture = C.SDL_CreateTexture(sdlc.renderer, C.SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888, C.SDL_TEXTUREACCESS_STREAMING, w, h) C.Mix_Init(C.MIX_INIT_MOD) C.atexit(C.Mix_Quit) if C.Mix_OpenAudio(48000,C.MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT,2,AudioBufSize) < 0 { println('couldn\'t open audio') } println('opening music $MusicName') sdlc.actx.music = C.Mix_LoadMUS(MusicName.str) sdlc.actx.waves[0] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndBlockName.str) sdlc.actx.waves[1] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndLineName.str) sdlc.actx.waves[2] = C.Mix_LoadWAV(SndDoubleName.str) sdlc.actx.volume = C.SDL_MIX_MAXVOLUME if C.Mix_PlayMusic(sdlc.actx.music, 1) != -1 { C.Mix_VolumeMusic(sdlc.actx.volume) } njoy := C.SDL_NumJoysticks() for i := 0; i < njoy; i++ { C.SDL_JoystickOpen(i) jn := tos_clone(sdl.joystick_name_for_index(i)) println('JOY NAME $jn') for j := 0; j < NJOYMAX; j++ { if sdlc.jnames[j] == jn { println('FOUND JOYSTICK $j $jn ID=$i') sdlc.jids[j] = i } } } flags := C.IMG_INIT_PNG imgres := img.img_init(flags) if ((imgres & flags) != flags) { println('error initializing image library.') } println('opening logo $VLogo') sdlc.v_logo = img.load(VLogo) if !isnil(sdlc.v_logo) { // println('got v_logo=$sdlc.v_logo') sdlc.tv_logo = sdl.create_texture_from_surface(sdlc.renderer, sdlc.v_logo) // println('got tv_logo=$sdlc.tv_logo') } C.SDL_JoystickEventState(C.SDL_ENABLE) } fn main() { println('tVintris -- tribute to venerable Twintris') mut game := &Game{ font: 0 } game.sdl.jnames[0] = JOYP1NAME game.sdl.jnames[1] = JOYP2NAME game.sdl.jids[0] = -1 game.sdl.jids[1] = -1 game.sdl.set_sdl_context(WinWidth, WinHeight, Title) game.font = C.TTF_OpenFont(FontName.str, TextSize) seed := time.now().unix mut game2 := &Game{ font: 0 } game2.sdl = game.sdl game2.font = game.font game.joy_id = game.sdl.jids[0] // println('JOY1 id=${game.joy_id}') game2.joy_id = game.sdl.jids[1] // println('JOY2 id=${game2.joy_id}') // delay uses milliseconds so 1000 ms / 30 frames (30fps) roughly = 33.3333 ms/frame time_per_frame := 1000.0 / 30.0 game.k_fire = P1FIRE game.k_up = P1UP game.k_down = P1DOWN game.k_left = P1LEFT game.k_right = P1RIGHT game.jb_fire = JBP1FIRE game.jh_up = JHP1UP game.jh_down = JHP1DOWN game.jh_left = JHP1LEFT game.jh_right = JHP1RIGHT game.ofs_x = 0 game.seed_ini = seed game.init_game() game.state = .running go game.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread game2.k_fire = P2FIRE game2.k_up = P2UP game2.k_down = P2DOWN game2.k_left = P2LEFT game2.k_right = P2RIGHT game2.jb_fire = JBP2FIRE game2.jh_up = JHP2UP game2.jh_down = JHP2DOWN game2.jh_left = JHP2LEFT game2.jh_right = JHP2RIGHT game2.ofs_x = WinWidth * 2 / 3 game2.seed_ini = seed game2.init_game() game2.state = .running go game2.run() // Run the game loop in a new thread mut g := Game{ font: 0 } mut should_close := false mut total_frame_ticks := u64(0) mut total_frames := u32(0) for { total_frames++ start_ticks := sdl.get_perf_counter() g1 := game g2 := game2 // here we determine which game contains most recent state if g1.tetro_total > g.tetro_total { g = *g1 } if g2.tetro_total > g.tetro_total { g = *g2 } g.draw_begin() g1.draw_tetro() g1.draw_field() g2.draw_tetro() g2.draw_field() g.draw_middle() g1.draw_score() g2.draw_score() g.draw_stats() g.draw_v_logo() g.draw_end() // game.handle_events() // CRASHES if done in function ??? evt := SDL_Event{} for 0 < sdl.poll_event(&evt) { match int(evt.@type) { C.SDL_QUIT { should_close = true } C.SDL_KEYDOWN { key := evt.key.keysym.sym if key == C.SDLK_ESCAPE { should_close = true break } game.handle_key(key) game2.handle_key(key) } C.SDL_JOYBUTTONDOWN { jb := int(evt.jbutton.button) joyid := evt.jbutton.which // println('JOY BUTTON $jb $joyid') game.handle_jbutton(jb, joyid) game2.handle_jbutton(jb, joyid) } C.SDL_JOYHATMOTION { jh := int(evt.jhat.hat) jv := int(evt.jhat.value) joyid := evt.jhat.which // println('JOY HAT $jh $jv $joyid') game.handle_jhat(jh, jv, joyid) game2.handle_jhat(jh, jv, joyid) } else {} } } if should_close { break } end_ticks := sdl.get_perf_counter() total_frame_ticks += end_ticks-start_ticks elapsed_time := f64(end_ticks - start_ticks) / f64(sdl.get_perf_frequency()) // current_fps := 1.0 / elapsed_time // should limit system to (1 / time_per_frame) fps sdl.delay(u32(math.floor(time_per_frame - elapsed_time))) } if game.font != voidptr(0) { C.TTF_CloseFont(game.font) } if game.sdl.actx.music != voidptr(0) { C.Mix_FreeMusic(game.sdl.actx.music) } C.Mix_CloseAudio() if game.sdl.actx.waves[0] != voidptr(0) { C.Mix_FreeChunk(game.sdl.actx.waves[0]) } if game.sdl.actx.waves[1] != voidptr(0) { C.Mix_FreeChunk(game.sdl.actx.waves[1]) } if game.sdl.actx.waves[2] != voidptr(0) { C.Mix_FreeChunk(game.sdl.actx.waves[2]) } if !isnil(game.sdl.tv_logo) { sdl.destroy_texture(game.sdl.tv_logo) } if !isnil(game.sdl.v_logo) { sdl.free_surface(game.sdl.v_logo) } } enum Action { idle space fire } fn (game mut Game) handle_key(key int) { // global keys mut action := Action.idle match key { C.SDLK_SPACE { action = .space } game.k_fire { action = .fire } else {} } if action == .space { match game.state { .running { C.Mix_PauseMusic() game.state = .paused } .paused { C.Mix_ResumeMusic() game.state = .running } else {} } } if action == .fire { match game.state { .gameover { game.init_game() game.state = .running } else {} } } if game.state != .running { return } // keys while game is running match key { game.k_up { game.rotate_tetro() } game.k_left { game.move_right(-1) } game.k_right { game.move_right(1) } game.k_down { game.move_tetro() } // drop faster when the player presses else {} } } fn (game mut Game) handle_jbutton(jb int, joyid int) { if joyid != game.joy_id { return } // global buttons mut action := Action.idle match jb { game.jb_fire { action = .fire } else {} } if action == .fire { match game.state { .gameover { game.init_game() game.state = .running } else {} } } } fn (game mut Game) handle_jhat(jh int, jv int, joyid int) { if joyid != game.joy_id { return } if game.state != .running { return } // println('testing hat values.. joyid=$joyid jh=$jh jv=$jv') // hat values while game is running match jv { game.jh_up { game.rotate_tetro() } game.jh_left { game.move_right(-1) } game.jh_right { game.move_right(1) } game.jh_down { game.move_tetro() } // drop faster when the player presses else {} } } fn (g mut Game) init_game() { g.score = 0 g.tetro_total = 0 g.tetro_stats = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] g.parse_tetros() g.seed = g.seed_ini g.generate_tetro() g.field = [] // Generate the field, fill it with 0's, add -1's on each edge for i := 0; i < FieldHeight + 2; i++ { mut row := [0].repeat(FieldWidth + 2) row[0] = - 1 row[FieldWidth + 1] = - 1 g.field << row } mut first_row := g.field[0] mut last_row := g.field[FieldHeight + 1] for j := 0; j < FieldWidth + 2; j++ { first_row[j] = - 1 last_row[j] = - 1 } } fn (g mut Game) parse_tetros() { for b_tetros in BTetros { for b_tetro in b_tetros { for t in parse_binary_tetro(b_tetro) { g.tetros_cache << t } } } } fn (g mut Game) run() { for { if g.state == .running { g.move_tetro() n := g.delete_completed_lines() if n > 0 { g.lines += n } else { if g.lines > 0 { if g.lines > 1 { C.Mix_PlayChannel(0, g.sdl.actx.waves[2], 0) } else if g.lines == 1 { C.Mix_PlayChannel(0, g.sdl.actx.waves[1], 0) } g.score += 10 * g.lines * g.lines g.lines = 0 } } } time.sleep_ms(TimerPeriod) // medium delay between game step } } fn (game mut Game) rotate_tetro() { // Rotate the tetro old_rotation_idx := game.rotation_idx game.rotation_idx++ if game.rotation_idx == TetroSize { game.rotation_idx = 0 } game.get_tetro() if !game.move_right(0) { game.rotation_idx = old_rotation_idx game.get_tetro() } if game.pos_x < 0 { game.pos_x = 1 } } fn (g mut Game) move_tetro() { // Check each block in current tetro for block in g.tetro { y := block.y + g.pos_y + 1 x := block.x + g.pos_x // Reached the bottom of the screen or another block? // TODO: if g.field[y][x] != 0 //if g.field[y][x] != 0 { row := g.field[y] if row[x] != 0 { // The new tetro has no space to drop => end of the game if g.pos_y < 2 { g.state = .gameover g.tetro_total = 0 return } // Drop it and generate a new one g.drop_tetro() g.generate_tetro() C.Mix_PlayChannel(0, g.sdl.actx.waves[0], 0) return } } g.pos_y++ } fn (g mut Game) move_right(dx int) bool { // Reached left/right edge or another tetro? for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ { tetro := g.tetro[i] y := tetro.y + g.pos_y x := tetro.x + g.pos_x + dx row := g.field[y] if row[x] != 0 { // Do not move return false } } g.pos_x += dx return true } fn (g &Game) delete_completed_lines() int { mut n := 0 for y := FieldHeight; y >= 1; y-- { n += g.delete_completed_line(y) } return n } fn (g &Game) delete_completed_line(y int) int { for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ { f := g.field[y] if f[x] == 0 { return 0 } } // Move everything down by 1 position for yy := y - 1; yy >= 1; yy-- { for x := 1; x <= FieldWidth; x++ { mut a := g.field[yy + 1] b := g.field[yy] a[x] = b[x] } } return 1 } // Draw a rand tetro index fn (g mut Game) rand_tetro() int { cur := g.tetro_next g.tetro_next = rand.rand_r(&g.seed) g.tetro_next = g.tetro_next % BTetros.len return cur } // Place a new tetro on top fn (g mut Game) generate_tetro() { g.pos_y = 0 g.pos_x = FieldWidth / 2 - TetroSize / 2 g.tetro_idx = g.rand_tetro() // println('idx=${g.tetro_idx}') g.tetro_stats[g.tetro_idx]+= 2 -1 g.tetro_total++ g.rotation_idx = 0 g.get_tetro() } // Get the right tetro from cache fn (g mut Game) get_tetro() { idx := g.tetro_idx * TetroSize * TetroSize + g.rotation_idx * TetroSize g.tetro = g.tetros_cache[idx .. idx + TetroSize] } fn (g &Game) drop_tetro() { for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ { tetro := g.tetro[i] x := tetro.x + g.pos_x y := tetro.y + g.pos_y // Remember the color of each block // TODO: g.field[y][x] = g.tetro_idx + 1 mut row := g.field[y] row[x] = g.tetro_idx + 1 } } fn (g &Game) draw_tetro() { for i := 0; i < TetroSize; i++ { tetro := g.tetro[i] g.draw_block(g.pos_y + tetro.y, g.pos_x + tetro.x, g.tetro_idx + 1) } } fn (g &Game) draw_block(i, j, color_idx int) { rect := SDL_Rect {g.ofs_x + (j - 1) * BlockSize, (i - 1) * BlockSize, BlockSize - 1, BlockSize - 1} col := Colors[color_idx] sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, &col) } fn (g &Game) draw_field() { for i := 1; i < FieldHeight + 1; i++ { for j := 1; j < FieldWidth + 1; j++ { f := g.field[i] if f[j] > 0 { g.draw_block(i, j, f[j]) } } } } fn (g &Game) draw_v_logo() { if isnil(g.sdl.tv_logo) { return } texw := 0 texh := 0 C.SDL_QueryTexture(g.sdl.tv_logo, 0, 0, &texw, &texh) dstrect := SDL_Rect { (WinWidth / 2) - (texw / 2), 20, texw, texh } // Currently we can't seem to use sdl.render_copy when we need to pass a nil pointer (eg: srcrect to be NULL) // sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, tv_logo, 0, &dstrect) C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.tv_logo, voidptr(0), voidptr(&dstrect)) } fn (g &Game) draw_text(x int, y int, text string, tcol SDL_Color) { _tcol := C.SDL_Color{tcol.r, tcol.g, tcol.b, tcol.a} tsurf := C.TTF_RenderText_Solid(g.font, text.str, _tcol) ttext := C.SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(g.sdl.renderer, tsurf) texw := 0 texh := 0 C.SDL_QueryTexture(ttext, 0, 0, &texw, &texh) dstrect := SDL_Rect { x, y, texw, texh } // sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, 0, &dstrect) C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, ttext, voidptr(0), voidptr(&dstrect)) C.SDL_DestroyTexture(ttext) sdl.free_surface(tsurf) } [inline] fn (g &Game) draw_ptext(x int, y int, text string, tcol SDL_Color) { g.draw_text(g.ofs_x + x, y, text, tcol) } [live] fn (g &Game) draw_begin() { // println('about to clear') C.SDL_RenderClear(g.sdl.renderer) mut rect := SDL_Rect {0,0,g.sdl.w,g.sdl.h} col := SDL_Color{byte(00), byte(00), byte(0), byte(0)} // sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, BackgroundColor) sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, col) rect = SDL_Rect {BlockSize * FieldWidth + 2,0,2,g.sdl.h} sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, ForegroundColor) rect = SDL_Rect {WinWidth - BlockSize * FieldWidth - 4,0,2,g.sdl.h} sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, ForegroundColor) mut idx := 0 for st in g.tetro_stats { mut s := 10 if g.tetro_total > 0 { s += 90 * st / g.tetro_total } w := BlockSize h := s * 4 * w / 100 rect = SDL_Rect {(WinWidth - 7 * (w + 1)) / 2 + idx * (w + 1), WinHeight * 3 / 4 - h, w, h} sdl_fill_rect(g.sdl.screen, &rect, Colors[idx + 1]) idx++ } } fn (g &Game) draw_middle() { C.SDL_UpdateTexture(g.sdl.texture, 0, g.sdl.screen.pixels, g.sdl.screen.pitch) // sdl.render_copy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0)) C.SDL_RenderCopy(g.sdl.renderer, g.sdl.texture, voidptr(0), voidptr(0)) } fn (g &Game) draw_score() { if g.font != voidptr(0) { g.draw_ptext(1, 2, 'score: ' + g.score.str() + ' nxt=' + g.tetro_next.str(), TextColor) if g.state == .gameover { g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 0 * TextSize, 'Game Over', TextColor) g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 2 * TextSize, 'FIRE to restart', TextColor) } else if g.state == .paused { g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 0 * TextSize, 'Game Paused', TextColor) g.draw_ptext(1, WinHeight / 2 + 2 * TextSize, 'SPACE to resume', TextColor) } } } fn (g &Game) draw_stats() { if g.font != voidptr(0) { g.draw_text(WinWidth / 3 + 10, WinHeight * 3 / 4 + 0 * TextSize, 'stats: ' + g.tetro_total.str() + ' tetros', TextColor) mut stats := '' for st in g.tetro_stats { mut s := 0 if g.tetro_total > 0 { s = 100 * st / g.tetro_total } stats += ' ' stats += s.str() } g.draw_text(WinWidth / 3 - 8, WinHeight * 3 / 4 + 2 * TextSize, stats, TextColor) } } fn (g &Game) draw_end() { C.SDL_RenderPresent(g.sdl.renderer) } fn parse_binary_tetro(t_ int) []Block { mut t := t_ res := [Block{}].repeat(4) mut cnt := 0 horizontal := t == 9// special case for the horizontal line for i := 0; i <= 3; i++ { // Get ith digit of t p := int(math.pow(10, 3 - i)) mut digit := t / p t %= p // Convert the digit to binary for j := 3; j >= 0; j-- { bin := digit % 2 digit /= 2 if bin == 1 || (horizontal && i == TetroSize - 1) { // TODO: res[cnt].x = j // res[cnt].y = i mut point := &res[cnt] point.x = j point.y = i cnt++ } } } return res }