#!/usr/bin/env -S v -raw-vsh-tmp-prefix tmp import os import net.http const github_job = os.getenv('GITHUB_JOB') struct JQ { tag_name string } fn main() { root := os.real_path(os.dir(os.getenv_opt('VEXE') or { @VEXE })) os.chdir(root)! // make sure that the workfolder is stable tloc := os.join_path(root, 'thirdparty') loc := os.join_path(tloc, 'binaryen') if os.exists(loc) { eprintln('thirdparty/binaryen exists, will not overwrite') eprintln('delete the folder, and execute again') exit(1) } /* // TODO: add retries here, github requests can fail jq := http.get_text('https://api.github.com/repos/WebAssembly/binaryen/releases/latest') tag := json.decode(JQ, jq)!.tag_name if github_job != '' { dump(jq) dump(tag) } */ tag := 'version_112' name := $if windows { 'x86_64-windows' } $else $if macos { $if arm64 { 'arm64-macos' } $else { 'x86_64-macos' } } $else $if linux { 'x86_64-linux' } $else { eprintln('A premade binary library is not available for your system.') eprintln('Build it from source, following the documentation here: https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen/#building') exit(1) } fname := 'binaryen-${tag}' url := 'https://github.com/WebAssembly/binaryen/releases/download/${tag}/${fname}-${name}.tar.gz' saveloc := os.join_path(tloc, '${fname}.tar.gz') if !os.exists(saveloc) { println('Downloading archive: ${saveloc}, from url: ${url} ...') http.download_file(url, saveloc)! // defer { os.rm(saveloc) or {}! } } println('Extracting `${tloc}/${fname}` to `${tloc}/binaryen` ...') cmd := 'tar -xvf ${saveloc} --directory ${tloc}' if os.system(cmd) != 0 { eprintln('`${cmd}` exited with a non zero exit code') exit(1) } println(cmd) println('Moving `${tloc}/${fname}` to `${tloc}/binaryen` ...') os.rename_dir('${tloc}/${fname}', loc)! println('Done. You can now use `v -b wasm file.v` .') }