import os import time import v.ast import v.pref import v.parser import v.errors import v.scanner fn main() { files := os.args#[1..] if files.len > 0 && files[0].starts_with('@') { lst_path := files[0].all_after('@') listed_files := os.read_file(lst_path)?.split('\n') process_files(listed_files)? return } process_files(files)? } fn process_files(files []string) ? { mut table := ast.new_table() mut pref := pref.new_preferences() pref.is_fmt = true pref.skip_warnings = true pref.output_mode = .silent mut sw := time.new_stopwatch() mut total_us := i64(0) mut total_bytes := i64(0) mut total_tokens := i64(0) for f in files { if f == '' { continue } if f.ends_with('_test.v') { continue } // do not measure the scanning, but only the parsing: mut p := new_parser(f, .skip_comments, table, pref) /// sw.restart() _ := p.parse() f_us := sw.elapsed().microseconds() /// total_us += f_us total_bytes += p.scanner.text.len total_tokens += p.scanner.all_tokens.len println('${f_us:10}us ${p.scanner.all_tokens.len:10} ${p.scanner.text.len:10} ${(f64(p.scanner.text.len) / p.scanner.all_tokens.len):7.3} ${p.errors.len:4} $f') } println('${total_us:10}us ${total_tokens:10} ${total_bytes:10} ${(f64(total_tokens) / total_bytes):7.3} | speed: ${(f64(total_bytes) / total_us):2.5f} MB/s') } fn new_parser(path string, comments_mode scanner.CommentsMode, table &ast.Table, pref &pref.Preferences) &parser.Parser { mut p := &parser.Parser{ scanner: scanner.new_scanner_file(path, comments_mode, pref) or { panic(err) } comments_mode: comments_mode table: table pref: pref scope: &ast.Scope{ start_pos: 0 parent: table.global_scope } errors: []errors.Error{} warnings: []errors.Warning{} } p.set_path(path) return p }