module context import rand import time // A TimerContext carries a timer and a deadline. It embeds a CancelContext to // implement done and err. It implements cancel by stopping its timer then // delegating to CancelContext.cancel pub struct TimerContext { id string mut: cancel_ctx CancelContext deadline time.Time } // with_deadline returns a copy of the parent context with the deadline adjusted // to be no later than d. If the parent's deadline is already earlier than d, // with_deadline(parent, d) is semantically equivalent to parent. The returned // context's Done channel is closed when the deadline expires, when the returned // cancel function is called, or when the parent context's Done channel is // closed, whichever happens first. // // Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should // call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete. pub fn with_deadline(parent Context, d time.Time) Context { id := rand.uuid_v4() if cur := parent.deadline() { if cur < d { // The current deadline is already sooner than the new one. return with_cancel(parent) } } cancel_ctx := new_cancel_context(parent) mut ctx := &TimerContext{ cancel_ctx: cancel_ctx deadline: d id: id } propagate_cancel(parent, mut ctx) dur := d - if dur.nanoseconds() <= 0 { ctx.cancel(true, deadline_exceeded) // deadline has already passed return Context(ctx) } if ctx.cancel_ctx.err() == '' { go fn (mut ctx TimerContext, dur time.Duration) { time.sleep(dur) ctx.cancel(true, deadline_exceeded) }(mut ctx, dur) } return Context(ctx) } // with_timeout returns with_deadline(parent, // // Canceling this context releases resources associated with it, so code should // call cancel as soon as the operations running in this Context complete pub fn with_timeout(parent Context, timeout time.Duration) Context { return with_deadline(parent, } pub fn (ctx TimerContext) deadline() ?time.Time { return ctx.deadline } pub fn (mut ctx TimerContext) done() chan int { return ctx.cancel_ctx.done() } pub fn (mut ctx TimerContext) err() string { return ctx.cancel_ctx.err() } pub fn (ctx TimerContext) value(key string) ?voidptr { return ctx.cancel_ctx.value(key) } pub fn (mut ctx TimerContext) cancel(remove_from_parent bool, err string) { ctx.cancel_ctx.cancel(false, err) if remove_from_parent { // Remove this TimerContext from its parent CancelContext's children. remove_child(ctx.cancel_ctx.context, ctx) } } pub fn (ctx TimerContext) str() string { return context_name(ctx.cancel_ctx.context) + '.with_deadline(' + ctx.deadline.str() + ' [' + ( - ctx.deadline).str() + '])' }